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Piczo Wiki

Piczo, is an online photo website builder and community, which is for generation of free advertising-supported websites.

Piczo, was founded in 2003 and launched to the public in 2004, allows users to add images, text, guestbooks, message boxes, videos, and other content to their site using plain text and HTML. Partners include YouTube, VideoEgg, Photobucket, and Flock.

In addition to the website development aspect of the site, Piczo has a User Generated Content repository, the Piczo Zone, where users can browse, post, and consume content that they or others have used on their site.

Another feature is "The Board" where Piczo informs users about HTML and Internet safety.

In August 2008 Piczo announced "Piczo Plus," a feature that allows you to buy an "ad-free" site.


Piczo sees around 12 million unique visitors a month. While primarily offering services in English and German, Piczo is also available in French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese and Korean BETA versions.

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Smallwikipedialogo.png This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Piczo. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Piczo Wiki, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU Free Documentation License.
