Bryanston School - School fees
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School fees

Schedule of fees

  • Q School fees  


    What are the fees for boarding?

    Fees for the 2023/24 academic year are £15,534 per term. The fees are reviewed by the Governors on an annual basis and any changes announced in the second half of the Summer term. Bryanston School Incorporated is a company limited by guarantee and is a registered charity.

    What are the fees for day (with bed)?

    Fees for the 2023/24 academic year are £12,738 per term. Day pupils at Bryanston are fully integrated into boarding life. Our unique approach means our day pupils are part of a boarding house and even have their own bed should they decide to flexi-board or transition to becoming a full-boarder. Should a day pupil (with bed) stay overnight there is a charge of £58.63 per night. 

    For day pupils the school day finishes at 6pm, provided they have met all their commitments (school buses depart at 6.30pm). Pupils are welcome to stay in school later to enjoy the rich variety of activities on offer, spend time with their friends or to honour an evening commitment.  Day pupils with a bed are, of course, welcome to stay overnight, we just ask for clear communication with the pupil’s Hsm. 

    What are the fees for day only (no bed)?

    Fees for the 2023/24 academic year for day students without a bed are £10,350 per term.

    What do the fees cover?

    Fees cover tuition costs for the standard curriculum, food and accommodation, laundry, the facilities and travel for most sports and games and personal accident insurance.

    The fees will be reviewed by the Governors during the course of your child’s education and they may increase in accordance with our terms and conditions.

    Terms and conditions

    Please note that when you pay the school fees you are agreeing to abide by our terms and conditions and our rules and regulations (PDF).

    Your fees explained

    Please see additional information about fees in Your Fees Explained (PDF).

  • Q Bank account details  


    Notification of changes to bank account details will only be communicated by the school’s Finance Director. The most up-to-date bank details will always be shown below.

    For UK-based fee payers and new applicants, the bank account details are:

    • Bryanston School
    • Sort code: 40-12-18
    • A/C no: 61218093
    • Ref: Parent code or pupil number as found on bill (or child's name)

    For overseas payments you will need the following:

    • IBAN: GB50HBUK40121861218093
    • HSBC, 165-167 High Street, Poole, BH15 1AU

    Please ensure that any bank charges are taken into account when arranging payment so that Bryanston receives the full amount due.

  • Q Junior registration fee and deposit  


    What is the registration fee?

    The non-refundable registration fee for junior entry is £250.

    When should I register my child?

    We recommend you register your child two to three years before entry.

    When is the deposit required?

    When a place is accepted, a deposit of £2000 is payable. Of this deposit, £1000 is credited to the pupil's first term's fees and £1000 is credited to the final bill. Should the pupil be withdrawn, these deposits will not be refunded.

    For non-UK resident parents, an additional deposit of a full term’s fees is payable at point of acceptance. 

  • Q Sixth form application fee and deposit  


    Is there an application fee?

    An administration fee of £250 is payable when applying to join Bryanston in the sixth form. This fee is non-refundable.

    When do I apply?

    Applications are made between September and October in the year before entry.

    Are we required to pay a deposit?

    A deposit of £2000 is payable on acceptance of the offer of a place in the sixth form.

    For non-UK resident parents, an additional deposit of a full term’s fees is payable at point of acceptance. 

  • Q Fees in advance scheme  


    The School Governors wish to draw your attention to our fees in advance scheme that exists to make payment of all, or part, of the School fees by way of a lump sum payment in advance.