Jerry Kramer documentary looks at Packers, Pro Football Hall of Famer

New documentary on Packers and Pro Football Hall of Famer Jerry Kramer to make Milwaukee premiere

Richard Ryman
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Pro Football Hall of Famer Jerry Kramer's life has been chronicled aplenty since he joined the Green Bay Packers in 1958. Now he's getting the full documentary treatment.

"You Can if You Will: The Jerry Kramer Story," has been playing around the state and will now premiere in Milwaukee on Saturday, Nov. 13, at the Wilson Theater at Vogel Hall in the Marcus Performing Arts Center. Screenings will take place at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.

Director Glenn Aveni and supervising producer Bob Fox are both Milwaukee natives, and the production was completed in Milwaukee. The Green Bay Packers are selling the DVD/Blu-Ray of the film at the Packers Pro Shop. 

Certainly there's plenty to talk about: Kramer's success as an offensive lineman with the Lombardi-era Packers, including his key block in The Ice Bowl, accidents and injuries that bedeviled him throughout his early life and playing career, and his 50-year wait to be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame, among other chapters in his life. But the film goes beyond just football and personal history.

"Jerry Kramer's life is not only about winning football championships ... it's about helping people around him reach their full potential," said Mark Mayfield of Mayfield Sports, Kramer's business agent and an executive producer of the film. "Jerry throughout his life and to this day exemplifies qualities we all aspire to: character, integrity, excellence and doing things the right way all of the time."

Green Bay coach Vince Lombardi is carried off the field after the Packers beat Oakland 33-14 in Super Bowl II on Jan. 14, 1968. Packers guard Jerry Kramer is at right.

Filming began 2½ years ago.

"The biggest thing we hope the film will do is inspire people about why Jerry was so successful in his life," Aveni said. "Jerry's approach wasn't do it right some of the time, it was do it right all of the time. If you are not a football fan, you could watch this film and be inspired."

Among the long list of interviewees the film includes former Kramer teammates, such as Paul Hornung, Dave Robinson and Boyd Dowler; former opponents, such as Franco Harris and Tom Mack; more recent Packers, including Brett Favre and Aaron Rodgers, and media members and family.

Aveni, who began his career in 1993, was a producer, director and writer of the "Bid America!" television show, which aired in 2012-13, and was involved in documentaries on musicians John Entwistle of The Who, guitarist Les Paul, and The Clash, among others. His production company is headquartered in Milwaukee.

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The project began when a friend introduced Kramer to Aveni just two weeks after Kramer finally learned he'd been elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. They later met at 1919 Kitchen & Tap at Lambeau Field to finalize the deal. Aveni said he had a moment of buyer's remorse, wondering if Kramer would be well-enough remembered to get people to watch, but when they got up to walk out, diners recognized Kramer and gave him a long standing ovation.

"The place was packed," Aveni said. "It wasn't just older generations, it was young kids coming up for autographs."

Support for the project came from the Packers, Kohler Co. and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in Wisconsin, among others.

The film covers Kramer's beginnings in Montana and Idaho, where he graduated from high school and won a football scholarship to the University of Idaho. He was drafted by the Packers in the fourth round, the 39th player chosen in the 1958 draft. Lombardi joined the Packers in 1959, which changed the team and everybody who played for him, especially Kramer.

In addition to the many interviews, the film is "chock full" of NFL game footage, Aveni said. 

A life-long Packers fan, Aveni said he constantly learned new things about Kramer and his career.

"I had no idea that he and Bart had a little talk about running the wedge play before Bart went to the sideline and talked to Lombardi," after which he scored the winning touchdown in the 1967 NFL championship game, also known as The Ice Bowl.

Jerry Kramer's Super Bowl I ring was auctioned for $125,475 in 2016.

Aveni talked to Kramer about doing a tour of Wisconsin to show the film. It's a different experience watching it on a large movie screen, and Kramer loves being around fans, he said.

"We'd like to get to the fans that don't get films coming to their town too often," Aveni said.

Kramer is 85 years old, and the legs that powered those iconic Packers sweeps aren't as steady as they once were, but he remains an engaging storyteller. And he has a lot of stories to tell. 

It was Kramer who suggested the film's opening, which has him at his home in Idaho, looking into the camera and reciting the poem "Invictus." It's last stanza is, "It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul."

Kramer says of his career in the film, "It was all I had dreamed it would be and more."