Miles to Kilometers Converter

Use this converter to easily convert between Miles and Kilometers (miles to km).

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    Quick navigation:
  1. How many Kilometers equal one Mile?
  2. Difference between Miles and Kilometers
  3. How to convert Miles to Kilometers
  4. miles to km conversion table

    How many Kilometers equal one Mile?

Exactly 1.609344 kilometers equal one mile, and this follows from the definition of a mile as 5280 feet, of a feet as 0.3044 meters, and of a kilometer as 1,000 meters and making the necessary mathematical operations. These are internationally agreed upon unit definitions established by treaty in 1959. The internationally recognized symbol for mile is "mi", and "km" for kilometer.

    Difference between Miles and Kilometers

The mile and the kilometer are both units used for measuring distances of comparable magnitude, e.g. distances one would travel by car, truck, train, or plane. The difference is that the mile is a part of the imperial system while the kilometer is a part of the modern metric system. The kilometer is used in most countries in the world, while miles are only used in several countries like the US and the UK, and their territories.

Miles have a long history, for example we know of the Roman mile back in the days of the Roman Empire. At different times and in different places there were different definitions of the mile and it equaled different distances, e.g. Italian mile, English mile, Scot mile, Irish mile.

    How to convert Miles to Kilometers

To convert miles to kilometers, you need to simply multiply by 1.609344. This mathematical operation is usually hard to do, so calculators are employed when one needs to do a conversion. The conversion of distance in miles to a distance in kilometers is easier with our online converter above, which also have a quick copy function.

Miles to km conversion example

Sample task: convert 3 miles to kilometers. Solution:

miles * 1.609344 = km
3 miles * 1.6093 = 4.828032 km
End result:
3 miles is equal to 4.828032 km

    miles to km conversion table

miles to km conversion table
miles km
1 miles 1.609344 km
2 miles 3.218688 km
3 miles 4.828032 km
4 miles 6.437376 km
5 miles 8.046720 km
6 miles 9.656064 km
7 miles 11.265408 km
8 miles 12.874752 km
9 miles 14.484096 km
10 miles 16.093440 km
20 miles 32.186880 km
30 miles 48.280320 km
40 miles 64.373760 km
50 miles 80.467200 km
60 miles 96.560640 km
70 miles 112.654080 km
80 miles 128.747520 km
90 miles 144.840960 km
100 miles 160.934400 km
200 miles 321.868800 km
300 miles 482.803200 km
400 miles 643.737600 km
500 miles 804.672000 km
600 miles 965.606400 km
700 miles 1,126.540800 km
800 miles 1,287.475200 km
900 miles 1,448.409600 km
1,000 miles 1,609.344000 km


1 NIST Special Publication 330 (2008) - "The International System of Units (SI)", edited by Barry N.Taylor and Ambler Thompson

2 International Organization for Standardization (1993). ISO Standards Handbook: Quantities and units (3rd edition). Geneva: ISO. ISBN 92-67-10185-4.

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Georgiev G.Z., "Miles to Km Converter", [online] Available at: URL [Accessed Date: 10 Jun, 2024].