[FREE] ⚙ Innovative Items - Create Custom Items and Abilities ⚙ [1.16-1.20] | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft

[FREE] ⚙ Innovative Items - Create Custom Items and Abilities ⚙ [1.16-1.20] 8.4

A customizable plugin that allow people with zero java experience to make custom items and abilities

  1. BoBoBalloon
    Native Minecraft Version:
    Tested Minecraft Versions:
    • 1.16
    • 1.17
    • 1.18
    • 1.19
    • 1.20
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]



    Innovative Items is a custom item plugin that allows those with no Java experience to make custom items and create custom abilities with the plugin's powerful scripting system.

    This plugin depends on NBTAPI, this is to make sure that all custom item data is stored safely and is cross-compatible.

    This is the free version of the plugin and has limitations in place, those limitations include:

    • A maximum of fifteen custom abilities (not including the ones generated by the default configuration files)
    • Unable to use the anonymous ability feature
    • Inability to use hex color codes in both items and abilities
    • Unable to use the custom crafting recipe feature
    To get full access to the plugin and all of its features, you can purchase it here.


    All commands have one single permission to use, and that is "innovativeitems.command".
    • innovativeitems get <item> <amount> - get a custom item
    • innovativeitems give <player> <item> <amount> - give a custom item
    • innovativeitems debug <level> - set the debug level
    • innovativeitems reload - reload the plugin
    • innovativeitems execute <ability> <player> - executes an abilitu
    • innovativeitems clean <player> - clean the inventory of a single player
    • innovativeitems create <item name> - opens the item creation user interface

    Code (YAML):
    : '&4&lBlood Blade'
    : 'lifesteal' #will not work if you do not have an ability by the name of "lifesteal"
    : 987
    : true
        - ''
        - '&7&oA blade made of the blood of the &4&ogod of war&7&o...'
        - '&7&oLegend says that it was from a paper cut'
    : 150
        - 'HIDE_ENCHANTS'
    : 20
    : 500
    : 50

    Code (YAML):
    : 'timer:40'
       - 'particle(?player, FLAME, 20, 0, 0, 0)'
       - 'effect(?player, JUMP, 60, 2)'
    Before you leave a review, please keep in mind that reviews are not for me as a developer, but the rest of the community. Because of that, reviews are not the place to report bugs. If you find a bug, please join the support discord linked at the top of the page and report it there. I will do my best to respond promptly and fix the issue as fast as possible.
    ccorp2002, code303 and Hector_Romero like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Charizor234
    Version: 8.4
    Hey, this is actually an awesome tool. Doubt anyone would see it, but do you know how I could make the custom items craftable?

    Thanks for the awesome plugin!
    1. BoBoBalloon
      Author's Response
      Hi, thanks for the kind review! The easiest way to make craftable custom items is to purchase the premium version of the plugin as it is a premium built-in feature. If that option is not viable to you, you can also use a 3rd party plugin, but you would have to disable item updating via the garbage collector by using the update-item field.
  2. NUUAjav
    Version: 8.4
    Loving the Plugin! One suggestion: I'd love to see Placeholders work in the Item-Displayname or Item-Lore. Would be awesome for ItemsAdder to add Customtextures! But so far so good. Very good.
  3. AugustWerner
    Version: 8.3
    thank you this is what I have been looking for for a long time (false/true) :)<>_<>
  4. Lodgical
    Version: 7.3
    All of it seems really great but are you able to add custom model data if not are you able to add it in the future
    1. BoBoBalloon
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the kind words. Custom model data is already supported in the plugin. But you are required to host your own resource pack. If when you are referring to custom model data you are asking if the plugin will compile its own resource pack, that feature is not planned at the moment.
  5. 12893
    Version: 5.10.5
    Good easy to use plugin I would suggest this as it's easy to use and to understand but I have to point out something the check for whether it's premium is really bad like anyone in recaf or any bytecode editor could just go to the InnovativeItems.isPluginPremium() with an assembler and set the value to true and get all the paid features for completely free. Short story: I wouldn't put all the premium features in the free version of the jar with just 1 different value.
    1. BoBoBalloon
      Author's Response
      I understand where you are coming from and I appreciate the input. My stance is that the vast majority of customers are unfamiliar with Java and that is perfectly fine. That being the case, if they are willing to go as far as to familiarize themselves with Java to understand bytecode just to save $7. Then they can have the plugin for free.
  6. None00021239123
    Version: 5.10
    Very good plugin I suggest you use this plugin for custom items it's really easy to use this plugin
  7. TrufaSuprema
    Version: 4.0
    The plugin **deletes** all users inventories when they join.
    It also deletes items from furnaces and chests.

    It's basically a SCAM PLUGIN. DO NOT install.
    1. BoBoBalloon
      Author's Response
      I apologize for the problems my plugin has caused. This was due to a minor error I made when I refactored the garbage collection system that led to it deleting all items that weren't custom items instead of custom items that no longer were in the cache. This bug has been fixed
  8. KisekiCandle
    Version: 3.7
    I really like this plugin, it has a good future and is perfectly understandable configuration, I just wish it was for version 1.8.
  9. LaurinVL
    Version: 3.1
    Very good Plugin. Well made, continue and you'll become big one day!

    80 letters: ....
    1. BoBoBalloon
      Author's Response
      Thank you for the kind words, it means a lot!