10 smart psychological tricks to make people instantly like you

Tina Fey by Tina Fey | May 22, 2024, 2:04 pm

Have you ever met one of those people who everyone seems to like, instantly? You’ve probably found yourself wishing you could be one of them. 

Well, today you’re going to learn how.

Because you don’t need a secret magic formula — just a few simple, smart psychological tricks that make a big difference. 

Now, it goes without saying that these habits only work if you have the right intentions. The point is not to trick or manipulate people — which they can sense from a mile away — but to be a great person and form meaningful connections. 

If that’s what you’re looking to do, then let’s dive into the 10 smart psychological tricks you can use to make people instantly like you!

1) Smile at them

Let’s start from the very basics: as you surely already know, a smile can go a long way.

Just picture the difference between being introduced to someone who flashes you a broad grin that makes you feel welcome in their presence, versus meeting someone who’s a total grouch.

No matter how much empathy and understanding you have that they might be having a bad day, you probably won’t feel very drawn to option B!

Research backs this up too, showing that people who smile are seen as more competent and attractive — and therefore, likable

But there’s a catch — your smile must be genuine

So whenever you’re meeting someone you want to make a good impression on, think of the possibility of this person becoming a wonderful friend, and let that thought bring out your warmest, most authentic smile.

2) Have open body language

This one’s for the single-and-ready-to-mingle folks — but it could help make a positive impression in a platonic way too. 

A study found that having open body language, when we allow our bodies to comfortably take up space without shrinking down, makes us look the most attractive. 

Even if you’re not in a romantic context, it’s certainly better to meet someone with relaxed posture rather than looking as if you’re trying to hold your body together — or digging for change in your pockets. 

It helps you look more relaxed, confident, and approachable, all of which are very helpful when meeting new people. 

3) Be in a good mood

This psychological trick can be a little hard to follow, because we cannot help but be in a bad mood sometimes — and we deserve the freedom to experience our full range of emotions.

But it’s a very powerful concept to keep in mind.

Science shows there is something called “emotional contagion”, which essentially means that the way we feel influences how people around us feel too.

In other words, if you are happy and fun to be around, others around you will feel great too. Unfortunately, this also counts for bad moods — in fact, they are even more contagious than positive ones. 

This doesn’t mean you have to put on a fake smile and bottle up your feelings. But if you’re not feeling great in a social setting, be aware that this will have an impact on others.

If it’s very important for you to make a good impression, you might want to take some time to yourself to cheer up a bit before you socialize. 

4) Brief physical contact

Do you need to pass something to another person, such as a piece of paper, their jacket, or some change?

You can use this opportunity to use this next psychological trick, and let your hands briefly touch.

A study found that brief physical contact of this kind increased tips received by servers, showing that customers liked them more. 

The effect seems to be particularly strong when it is between people of the opposite gender. 

Just make sure you don’t overdo it — just a very quick touch is enough. 

A good strategy: you don’t need to try to orchestrate an opportunity to touch them. Just don’t actively avoid your hands touching when a natural opportunity comes up.

5) Show them you like them

I know it can feel nerve-wracking to take the first step and show someone you like them — even in a non-romantic sense. 

You might feel more comfortable holding back, waiting for signs if they like you, before you show them your feelings in return. 

But research gives us a compelling reason to be the one to make the first step: if you show someone you like them, they will naturally like you more too. 

How exactly do you show someone you like them?

Make sure it’s natural to you — you don’t need to do anything in particular. Just allow your positive emotions to come out fully and in a way that’s authentic to you. 

6) Give them a compliment

What’s something you like about the person you’re talking to? Maybe they have a great smile, a compelling communication style, or a thoughtful way of listening to others. 

Go ahead and tell them!

Some people are nervous giving compliments, especially with people they don’t know very well yet. 

But this has double potential to make them instantly like you more.

First of all, it helps you express that you like them — which was the point I mentioned above.

And second, because of something psychologists call “spontaneous trait transference”. This basically means that when you compliment someone for a trait they have, they will start to see that same positive trait in you.

It’s the same as when you Google “Bali resorts” and suddenly your Instagram feed is filled with reels of people sipping on coconuts — but much better!

7) Highlight your similarities

There’s a reason they say “birds of a feather flock together”. Psychology shows that we tend to like people who are similar to us. 

In fact, researchers explain that this is especially powerful when it comes to strangers:

“Picture two strangers striking up a conversation on a plane, or a couple on a blind date. From the very first moments of awkward banter, how similar the two people are is immediately and powerfully playing a role in future interactions. Will they connect? Or walk away? Those early recognitions of similarity are really consequential in that decision.”

So if you catch wind of something you have in common, be sure to let them know too!

8) Let out your sense of humor

Another great tip is particularly well expressed by a song from Singing in the Rain: make ‘em laugh, make ‘em laugh, make ‘em laugh!

Psychology shows that humor is a great tool to build connections with people. That explains why contestants on reality shows like The Circle seem to be in a perpetual stand-up competition!

This doesn’t mean you have to memorize “1000 dad jokes” (in fact, please don’t). Just relax and be your authentic self

The best humor comes about naturally and spontaneously, and ideas will come fit for the exact situation you’re in.

And if not? No worries – there are 9 other science-backed tips in this guide you can use. 

9) Encourage them to talk about themselves

Racking your brain for what to talk about? This psychological trick gives you an easy rule of thumb — ask them something about themselves.

Studies show that people find it very rewarding to talk about themselves — both in person and on social media. 

In fact, people were even willing to forgo money to do it!

And if talking to you allows them to do this, they will associate the happiness they get from it with your conversation. 

The key to using this trick is to let your natural curiosity lead the way. 

Did they mention that they like to read? Ask them who their favorite authors are. Have they just come back from a ski trip? Ask them how it was. 

Do they have a peculiar love for growing sasquatches? Ask them what kind of gardening techniques are most effective. (Hey, you can always learn something!)

10) Don’t try to be perfect

If you’re feeling a lot of pressure to make a good impression or someone, this last psychological trick should help you relax.

Because to make someone like you, you don’t need to do everything perfect — in fact, psychology shows that’s actually counterproductive. 

An experiment found that a clumsy mistake makes a smart and competent person more likable. 

Researchers think this is because someone who seems smart and perfect can be viewed as “superhuman”, and therefore unapproachable and distant. 

On the other hand, if they make a blunder, they become more human in our eyes, and therefore more attractive

Be your most likable self

Now you know 10 smart psychological tricks to make people instantly like you

As you begin exploring these, remember one crucial foundational rule: always stay authentic. 

You can use these tips to make yourself more likable to others, but never force yourself to do something that feels totally out of character for you.

If you come from a place of good intention and wanting to form meaningful connections with people, your intuition will tell you the best thing to say or do in the situation. 

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