Taj Mahal Quartzite – Should It Be Your Next Kitchen Countertop?

[Cover image – Roundhouse]

If you’ve been tuning into my YouTube videos lately, you’ve probably heard me mentioning Taj Mahal quartzite.

I’m a big fan of this stunning countertop material, and for good reason!

But what exactly is Taj Mahal quartzite, and is it the right choice for your next kitchen renovation?

In this post, I’ll explain what Taj Mahal is, its pros and cons and answer some popular questions about the material.

Let’s get into it!

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What Is Taj Mahal Quartzite?

Taj Mahal quartzite is a distinctive natural stone popular for its aesthetic appeal and durability.

Originating primarily from Brazil, this quartzite is named after the iconic Taj Mahal due to its majestic and elegant appearance.

Quartzite, the material of Taj Mahal, is a metamorphic rock formed from sandstone. Through high heating and pressurization, sandstone is transformed into quartzite, resulting in a very hard and dense material.

In kitchen design, Taj Mahal is highly prized for countertops. Its resilience to scratching, staining, and heat, combined with its unique beauty, makes it an ideal material for kitchen surfaces.

The stone’s natural patterns offer an organic, one-of-a-kind element to kitchen aesthetics, marrying functionality with luxury.

I’m certainly a big fan! 😃

Taj Mahal Quartzite Kitchen Countertop - Roundhouse
Image – Roundhouse

What Colour Is Taj Mahal Quartzite?

Taj Mahal is renowned for its warm colour palette, predominantly featuring a soft, creamy base colour.

The creamy background is beautifully complemented by subtle veining, typically in shades of gold, beige, and occasionally soft grey, adding depth and visual interest to the stone.

The unique aspect of Taj Mahal (or any natural stone) is the variation in its appearance, which can range from slab to slab.

While the primary colour remains a consistent creamy tone, the intensity and pattern of the veining can vary significantly.

Some slabs may exhibit pronounced golden or beige veins, creating a striking contrast, while others might have more subdued veining for a softer, more uniform look.

Taj Mahal Quartzite Kitchen Countertop Slab
Taj Mahal Quartzite Kitchen Countertop Colour

What Finishes does Taj Mahal come in?

Taj Mahal is available in various finishes, each offering a unique aesthetic and practical characteristics.

The most common finishes for this quartzite are polished, honed, and leathered.

  • Polished Finish: A polished finish is achieved by buffing the stone until it achieves a high gloss surface. This finish highlights the stone’s natural colours and veining, making the patterns more vivid and pronounced.

    Polished finishes are vibrant and easy to clean but can show scratches.

  • Honed Finish: This finish is created by stopping the polishing process before a high shine is achieved, resulting in a matte or satin surface. Honed Taj Mahal has a softer, more muted appearance, with less emphasis on the veining and more on the stone’s overall tone.

    Honed finishes offer a contemporary look and hide scratches better but may need more care to prevent staining.

  • Leathered Finish: A leathered finish involves brushing the surface of the stone with diamond-tipped brushes, creating a textured appearance. This finish gives it a more rustic and natural look, with a tactile surface that highlights the stone’s organic qualities.

    Leathered finishes provide a distinctive touch and hide imperfections well but might require more thorough cleaning due to their textured surface.

Leathered Taj Mahal Quartzite Kitchen Countertop - Roundhouse
Leathered Finish Taj Mahal
Image – Roundhouse

how much does Taj Mahal quartzite cost?

The cost of Taj Mahal can vary based on several factors, including geographic location, slab size, thickness, and the finish chosen.

Taj Mahal typically ranges from £400 to £600 per sq m ($60 to $100 per square ft) in its raw form.

For an average-sized kitchen, which might require around 6 to 8 linear metres of countertops, the total cost could range from approximately £4,000 to £10,000 ($5,000 to $13,000).

It’s also worth noting that if your kitchen requires more than a standard slab size, or if it includes features like a large island, complex cuts, or detailed edging the cost may be higher.

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Pros Of A Taj Mahal Countertop

  • Aesthetically Pleasing: Taj Mahal is known for its luxurious and elegant appearance, adding a touch of sophistication to any kitchen.

  • Durability: Quartzite is one of the hardest countertop materials, making Taj Mahal highly resistant to scratches and chips.

  • Heat Resistance: This natural stone withstands heat well, making it ideal for kitchens where hot pots and pans are common.

  • Low Porosity: Compared to other natural stones, quartzite has low porosity, which means it’s less likely to stain and absorb liquids.

  • Longevity: Due to its hardness and resistance to wear, it can last for decades, maintaining its beauty over time.

  • Unique Patterns: Each slab is unique, ensuring that no two countertops are exactly alike, offering a one-of-a-kind aesthetic.

Cons Of A Taj Mahal Countertop

  • Cost: It’s on the higher end of the price spectrum for countertop materials, making it a significant investment.

  • Sealing Required: To maintain its low porosity and stain resistance, periodic sealing is necessary, adding to its maintenance requirements.

  • Weight: Quartzite is a heavy material, which may require additional support structures in your cabinetry, potentially adding to the installation cost.

  • Limited Color Range: While its neutral tones are versatile, the colour options are limited compared to materials like granite or engineered stone.

  • Variability in Slabs: Since it is a natural stone, there can be significant variability between slabs, which might make matching difficult if you need more than one slab or replacement in the future.

  • Scratches Possible: While resistant to scratches, it is not entirely scratch-proof, especially under heavy use or with sharp objects.

  • Availability: Depending on your location, it might not be readily available, which could lead to higher costs and longer wait times.

Is Taj Mahal Quartzite Outdated?

I don’t think so! 😃

Contrary to being outdated, Taj Mahal quartzite is currently experiencing a surge in popularity. In fact, quartzite, and Taj Mahal in particular, is having quite a moment in kitchen design.

Taj Mahal is admired for its elegant, subtle, and warm appearance. Its versatility allows it to blend seamlessly with a wide range of kitchen styles, from ultra-modern to traditional.

Along with this, quartzite is favoured for its durability and unique look as well as its durability and longevity contributing to its growing appeal.

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what backsplash goes with Taj Mahal quartzite?

To complement Taj Mahal countertops, consider using another slab of the same quartzite for a cohesive look.

Alternatively, warm, off-white tiles can provide a simple yet elegant backsplash that enhances the stone’s natural beauty.

what colour cabinets go with Taj Mahal quartzite?

Taj Mahal pairs really well with various cabinet colours. Wood finishes bring out its natural charm, while clean white or warm off-white cabinets create a harmonious balance.

Since it has a predominantly creamy undertone, it works well with warm and natural-coloured elements in cabinetry.

Does Taj Mahal quartzite need to be sealed?

Yes, like most natural stones, it is porous and requires sealing. Regular sealing will help protect the stone from staining and maintain its pristine condition.

This preventive measure is essential to preserve the longevity and appearance of the quartzite in a kitchen setting.



Michael from

Michael is a kitchen designer from the UK. He's been designing and project managing new kitchen installations for over 10 years. Before that, he was an electrician and part of a team that fitted kitchens. He created Kitchinsider in early 2019 to help give people advice when it comes to getting a new kitchen.