Friedrich Wilhelm I, King of Prussia

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Friedrich Wilhelm I, King of Prussia Gender: M
born on 4 August 1688 Jul.Cal. (14 Aug 1688 greg.) at 14:30 (= 2:30 PM )
Place Berlin, Germany, 52n29, 13e21
Timezone LMT m13e21 (is local mean time)
Data source
Quoted BC/BR
Rodden Rating AA
Collector: Taeger
Astrology data s_su.18.gif s_leocol.18.gif 22°28' s_mo.18.gif s_aricol.18.gif 01°38 Asc.s_sagcol.18.gif 03°33'

King of Prussia Friedrich Wilhelm I


Prussian monarch and Elector of Brandenburg (as Frederick William II) from 1713 until his death. He was in personal union the sovereign prince of the Principality of Neuchâtel.

The King acquired a reputation for his fondness for military display, leading to his special efforts to hire the tallest men he could find in all of Europe for a special regiment nicknamed the Potsdam Giants. He was known as the Soldier-king (Soldatenkönig).

He died on 31 May 1740, at about 15:30 LAT, in Berlin, aged 51.

Link to Wikipedia biography



  • Death, Cause unspecified 31 May 1740 at 3:30 PM in Berlin (Age 51, 15:30 = LAT)
    chart Placidus Equal_H.

Source Notes

Taeger has 15 August 1688, quoting Lescaut quoting L'Astrologue Nr. 68, B.C.

However, Sy Scholfield notes that various books and biographies give 14 August. For example, "Forschungen zur Geschichte Mannheims und der Pfalz" (Researches on the history of Mannheim and the Palatinate) (Bibliographisches Institut, 1963), p. 265, states "GHA Bericht Spees (0) vom 16. August 1688. Im Bericht vom 15. August 1688 teilt Spee mit, daß am 14. August mittags 3 Uhr die Kurfürstin von Brandenburg einen Sohn geboren habe" (In his report of 15 August 1688, Spee states that the Electress of Brandenburg had given birth to a son on 14 August at three o'clock midday).

Scholfield also quotes from The Present State of the Universe, Or an Account of I. The Rise, Birth ... of All the Present Chief Princes of the World (Randall Taylor, 1694), p. 25: "Frederick-William, born at two of the clock in the Afternoon, Aug. 4. 1688."

The dates of 4 and 14 August are the same, as the first is Julian and the second Gregorian. On 15 August 2018 the date was changed from 15 to 14 August [NS]; Taeger's reference possibly contains a typo. As two times are given, 2pm and 3pm, 2:30pm is used.

Death data: (biography)(annot.mik).(via W.Nelson:"die Hohenzollern").


  • Family : Parenting : Kids more than 3 (Fourteen)
  • Notable : Famous : Royal family (House of Hohenzollern, Prussia)