杰克说药 | 诺贝尔奖得主David Baltimore曾卷入一场轰动全美的风波_病毒

杰克说药 | 诺贝尔奖得主David Baltimore曾卷入一场轰动全美的风波



杰克说药是著名药史专家Jie Jack Li(李杰)教授专为同写意打造的药林外史精品专栏,将讲述一个个药物发现背后的故事。李杰教授现为上海睿智的副总裁,先后出版了30本有机和药物化学方面的书籍以及药物发现史,其中10本与诺奖得主E. J. Corey合作完成。其《Blockbuster Drugs》一书获 2015 Alpha Sigma Nu Science Book 奖,并被翻译成中文出版,深受欢迎。




David Baltimore(大卫·巴尔的摩)




在那里,他遇到了斯沃斯莫尔学院的大四学生Howard Termin,对他广博的知识和对科学的坚定承诺表示钦佩。正如命运安排的那样,巴尔的摩和Termin因发现逆转录酶,共享了1975年的诺贝尔奖。








但Howard Termin对这一中心法则表示怀疑。Termin在加州理工学院的Dulbecco小组进行研究生研究时,怀疑劳氏肉瘤病毒的RNA可以直接将遗传信息提供给细胞,使其成为肿瘤细胞。














获得诺贝尔奖后,巴尔的摩于1981年用Jack Whitehead捐赠的1.35亿美元在麻省理工学院建立Whitehead生物医学研究所。

图注:Imanishi-Kari and Baltimore

1984年,巴尔的摩开始与免疫学家Thereza Imanishi-Kari合作。Imanishi-Kari于1981年加入麻省理工学院癌症研究中心,担任助理教授。1986年4月,他们共同发表了一篇题为《在含重排MU重链基因的转基因小鼠中内源免疫球蛋白基因表达模式的改变》的论文,他们不知道,该论文将成为"世界上调查最多的科学论文"。

Imanishi-Kari实验室的爱尔兰博士后Margot O'Toole被要求扩展《细胞》论文的结果。虽然她最初成功了,但她很快就很难重复自己和另一位科学家的成果。O’Toole感到沮丧和尴尬,她抱怨结果肯定是错的,因为她无法复制。她特别抱怨说,Bet-1试剂并不像《细胞》杂志上的论文声称的那样有选择性,这实际上是一个合理的观点。





但对于诺贝尔奖得主巴尔的摩来说,作为《细胞》杂志论文的合著者,风险是很高的。两名来自美国国立卫生研究院的普通科学家,自封为“欺诈终结者”的Ned Feder和Walter Stewart,也加入了这场争论。Feder和Stewart都不是免疫学家。巴尔的摩说,他们“绝对没有资格评价这篇论文的科学性”,并抱怨说他们从事“……一场诋毁我和我的工作的运动,并获取证据来支持他们错误的结论。”


政客们最喜欢的一件事就是宣传。来自密歇根州的国会议员、众议院能源和商务小组委员会主席John Dingell认为,这是一个机会,可以让他被视为打击科学欺诈的典型。这是他被视为打击科学欺诈的一个机会。











1997年,Tufts大学终身教职委员会一致推荐她为终身教职副教授。她今天仍在那里教书。令我惊讶的是,O’Toole有很多支持者。她曾在波士顿的生物技术公司遗传学研究所(Genetics Institute)有一份工作,现已退休。






David Baltimore: Scientist Extraordinaire——The Nobel laureate was once embroiled ina sensational national controversy over a Cell paper

The Lasker Awards are known as the American “Nobel Prize”. On September 24, 2021, David Baltimore was bestowed its 2021 Lasker–Koshland Special Achievement Award in Medical Science. Baltimore, who won the Nobel Prize in 1975, is of course among the most well-known biologists in the world. But for me, his recent Lasker Award has reminded me that Prof. Baltimore was unfairly dragged into a notorious controversy known as the “Baltimore case” more than thirty years ago……..

It was one the most disgraceful chapters of American science.

1.The making of a scientist (钢铁是怎样炼成的?)

Born in 1938 in New York City, David Baltimore’s father was an orthodox Jew in the garment business and his liberal mother was a college professor of experimental psychology. In 1954, upon his mother’s encouragement, Baltimore spent a summer at the Jackson Laboratories in Bar Harbor, Maine in a science program for gifted high-school students. There, he met Howard Termin, a senior at the Swarthmore College and venerated him for his wide knowledge and deep commitment to science. As fate would have it, Baltimore would share the 1975 Nobel Prize with Termin for their discovery of reverse tranase.

In 1956, when it was time to choose a college between Harvard and Swarthmore, Baltimore picked Swarthmore, a small liberal arts school founded by Quakers near Philadelphia. Among many factors, it was partially because he felt Harvard was not serious enough with academics! Swarthmore was the most liberal colleges in America and Baltimore’s Mother had many friends there on faculty. Later on in his senior year, Baltimore learned so much Molecular Biology on his own that taught the class himself.

In 1960, Baltimore went to graduate school at MIT, but he transferred to Rockefeller one year later and began studying a mouse virus called mengovirus, a small RNA virus and a close relative of poliovirus. He discovered the first RNA replicase in mengovirus-infected L-cells. For a young graduate student, that was a unique and impressive finding. Remarkably, Baltimore published ten papers during his 18-month stay at Rockefeller. More remarkably, he was the lead author on all but one of them!

After completing his doctorate around 1963, Baltimore did postdoctoral research on poliovirus at MIT and the Albert Einstein Institute. He then moved to the newly founded Salk Institute in La Jolla, California in 1965 to establish his independent laboratory. At Salk Institute, Baltimore continue his research of poliovirus, another RNA virus, along with the famous Renato Dulbecco. Alice Huang, a Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins University, joined his group as a postdoctoral fellow. Born in Nanchang, Jiangxi, China, Huang would become his future wife. She eventually rose to be Dean of New York University later on.

Baltimore returned to MIT as an associate with Huang in 1968, where he began to study vesicular stomatitis virus, another RNA virus.

2.Discovery of reverse tranase

The Central Dogma of the molecular biology, established in the late 1950s by Francis Crick, states that the genetic information flows from DAN to RNA via tranion and then from RNA to proteins via translation.

But Howard Termin had doubts of the central dogma. Termin, while doing graduate work in Dulbecco’s group at Caltech, suspected that the RNA in Rous sarcoma virus could contribute genetic information directly to the cell to enable it to become tumorous.

After he became a professor at the University of Wisconsin in 1959, Termin proposed the “provirus hypothesis”. He argued that the single-stranded RNA of RNA tumor viruses was converted into double-stranded DNA after a virus particle entered a cell. This was contrary to the central dogma. He then carried out many experiments to prove his provirus hypothesis. But his initial results were not compelling enough to convince many scientists. Even among students in his own research group, only half of them was convinced that Termin was on the right track.

In the summer of 1969, Termin presented one of his experiments at a Gordon Research Conference. He offerred the most compelling evidence at the time that viral genetic information was copied into DNA from RNA. One person in the audience who found the result compelling was Baltimore.

At MIT, Baltimore was described as brilliant, arrogant, brash, and single-minded. He expanded his research interests to vesicular stomatitis virus, which was the focus of Alice Huang’s graduate work.

Vesicular stomatitis virus is a negative-strand RNA virus thus cannot associate in a functional way with cellular ribosome in order to initiate protein synthesis. Baltimore speculated that the virus MUST carried along an enzyme that could convert its negative RNA strand to its positive version to serve as the messenger RNA. In early 1970, Baltimore, along with Huang and a graduate student, discovered a replicase with little difficulty in the virions of vesicular stomatitis virus.

The logical next step was to look for an enzyme in an RNA tumor virus. A friend of Baltimore’s at the National Cancer Institute provided a supply of Rauscher mouse leukemia virus to him. Once he knew what he was looking for, the experiments were easy to carry out, which only required a detergent, some buffer solutions and some radiolabeled deoxynucleotide triphosphates. He also realized that the enzyme would only appear after the virions entered the host cells. Once Baltimore conceived the idea, he carried out the experiment himself with his own hands. He succeeded in detecting the enzyme that converted RNA to DNA: an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase, soon changed to reverse tranase. The enzyme that could copy the RNA genome of an RNA tumor virus into DNA, not in cells, but in the tumor virus itself! It was there all along in the virus particles, waiting to be found. The experiment was extremely trivial to do if you knew where to look. It would only take hours to complete the experiment.

With positive results in hands, Baltimore called Termin immediately because Termin was the one who conceived the idea more than a decade ago. Interesting enough, Termin replied that he also found the enzyme that already existed in the virions of Rous sarcoma virus. Real life events are often more dramatic than fiction. Baltimore′s manu arrived at the prestigious British journal Nature on June 2, 1970, Temin′s on June 15. The journal published their papers back to back on the June 27th issue. The speed with which their papers was published spoke volume of the importance of their discovery.

Temin and Baltimore won the Nobel Prize in 1975, a short five years after their discovery. Baltimore was only 37-years old! He was one of the youngest Nobel laureates in Physiology and Medicine.

The discovery of reverse tranase was stunning, among the most dramatic events in the history of modern biology. It clarified the meaning of the Central Dogma. With the discovery of reverse tranase, the “reverse” flow of genetic information, from RNA to DNA, was now clearly possible and seemed likely to happen when RNA tumor viruses infected cells. Therefore, RNA tumor viruses began to be called “retroviruses”.

Their discovery revolutionized molecular biology and laid the foundations for retrovirology and cancer biology. Reverse tranase played a decisive role in the discovery of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in 1982. This is also a good example where basic scientific research could have a profound impact on real life.

It remarkable that so many Jewish scientists have won the Nobel Prizes considering Jewish population is so small. I think it is largely because so many Jewish people are working in the science field, by choice or by historical reasons. Now with so many Chinese scientists working on cutting-edge sciences, the day will come when many Chinese scientists begin to win Nobel Prizes.

3.The world’s most extensively investigated scientific paper

After receiving the Nobel Prize, Baltimore went on to found the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in 1981 at MIT with $135 million donated by Jack Whitehead.

In 1984, Baltimore began a collaboration with immunologist Thereza Imanishi-Kari who joined the Center for Cancer Research at MIT as an assistant professor in 1981. In April 1986, they published a paper together titled “Altered Repertoire of Endogenous Immunoglobulin Gene Expression in Transgenic Mice Containing a Rearranged Mu Heavy Chain Gene”. Little did they know, that paper would go on to become “The world’s most extensively investigated scientific paper”.

Margot O’Toole, an Irish postdoc in Imanishi-Kari’s lab was asked to extend the results of the Cell paper. Although she initially succeeded, she soon was having difficulty repeating her own and another scientist’s results. Frustrated and embarrassed, O’Toole complained that results must be wrong because she could not replicate them. She especially complained that a reagent called Bet-1 was not as specific as the Cell paper claimed, which was actually a legitimate point. O’Toole found an ally in a former disgruntled graduate student who had epically clashed with Imanishi-Kari and vowed to revenge. They fueled each other’s hostility toward Imanishi-Kari and their grievance against her escalated as time went on.

In response to O’Toole’s complaint, MIT and Tufts assembled a team of three immunology professors including O’Toole’s Ph.D. supervisor at Tufts to investigate. They agreed with O’Toole that there was an error in the paper with regard to Bet-1, but not a flagrant one. In science, an error was not a fraud. It did not even warrant a letter of correction because only one sentence was not completely correct and the entire paper was clear and impressive.

The severe personality conflict and animosity between the two women escalated. One thing led to another, Imanishi-Kari yelled at O’Toole because she was not spending enough time in the lab. Then O’Toole became a “whistleblower” and began to accuse Imanishi-Kari of “deliberate misrepresentation of data”, which amounted to a scientific fraud.

Normally such disputes are readily resolved because science is self-correcting, that is the beauty and power of science: validation by the scientific process including replication and extension done by other scientists. If there is a fraud, then other scientists cannot repeat them thus discredit it. But with Baltimore, a Nobel Laureate, as a co-author of the Cell paper, the stakes were high. Two self-appointed “fraud busters,” Ned Feder and Walter Stewart, two mediocre scientists from the NIH, invited themselves into the fray. Neither Feder nor Stewart were immunologist. They were “absolutely unqualified to evaluate the science of this paper” according to Baltimore, who complained that they waged “... a campaign to discredit me, my work and to obtain evidence to support their faulty conclusions.”

One thing that all politicians love more than anything else is publicity. John Dingell, Congressman from Michigan and Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee, saw this as a chance for him to be seen as cracking down of scientific fraud.

Of course, Dingell did not know any immunology and made it clear that he had no intention to learn. The congressional hearing became a theater of gigantic showdown between a powerful congressman and an arrogant Nobel laureate. One reason why Baltimore fought so hard publicly was for the sake of science because he did not believe that the government should be policing science. Baltimore was strongly against intrusion of government in the conduct of scientific research. The Dingell subcommittee’s attack on ImanishiKari, a foreigner who lacked the connections and the fluency in English to defend herself effectively, offended Baltimore deeply.

With seemingly unlimited resources, Dingell asked the Secret Service to examine Imanishi-Kari’s lab notebook. The Secret Service erroneously concluded that she falsified data and claimed her guilty of “serious scientific misconduct” in 1991 because the Secret Service did not know how science worked. The “scientific fraud” exploded and became a sensational national news, soon dubbed as “the “Baltimore case”, a scientific Watergate. The “Baltimore case” seemed to have divided the country. Many compared Dingell’s inquiry to the Galileo prosecution including his hometown newspaper Detroit News, some likened it to scientific McCarthyism, while some derived some satisfaction to see a Nobel laureate humbled. Indeed, at one point in 1992, Baltimore had to resign his presidency of the Rockefeller Institute only eighteen months on the job because public opinions were not at his favor. Dingell’s witch hunt threatened not just Baltimore, but also science itself.

But that was not the end of the story. An expert resoundingly proved in 1992 the Secret Service was incorrect. At the end of the day, the affair became a tragicomedy of accusations, failed procedures, and outright stubbornness by everyone involved. There was a time when O’Toole made 18 counts of allegation against Imanishi-Kari! Most ironically, some so-called “fraudulent data” disapproved the Cell paper’s conclusions. Several Harvard biology professors made it their mission to attack and discredit Baltimore. James Watson, the discoverer of the DNA double helix, viciously attacked Baltimore, even declaring that Baltimore’s Nobel prize should be revoked. Alas, Watson has been such a racist, sexist, homophobic, and antisemitic, today many think that Watson’s Nobel prize should be revoked.

Despite the turmoil, Baltimore continued to be one of the most cited scientists of the time.

In 1993, Imanishi-Kari’s data in the 1986 Cell paper results were reproduced by herself and confirmed by two immunology groups at Stanford and Columbia, respectively.

In 1994, the Office of Research Integrity at NIH found Imanishi-Kari guilty of 19 counts of scientific fraud and recommended she be barred from receiving research grants for 10 years.

But in science, the truth will eventually triumph. After Imanishi-Kari’s appeal, the US government got involved. The Department of Health and Human Services hired an appeal panel of experts in immunology to get the bottom of the affair. After several years of exhaustive investigations and with helps of legal counsels, Imanishi-Kari was finally exonerated in 1996 of ALL charges leveled against her. In 1997, the Tenure Committee at Tufts University unanimously recommended for her promotion to associate professor with tenure. She still teaches there today. To my surprise, O’Toole had many fans and supporters. She was gainfully employed by the Genetics Institute, a biotech company in Boston, and has now retired.

The Baltimore case was probably the sorriest chapter in American science and a lot of people owed Baltimore a serious apology. Baltimore went on to serve the president of Caltech from 1997 to 2005. His research on the protein nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) and recombination-activating gene (RAG) recombinase proteins are ground-breaking.

Baltimore has been probably the most prominent biomedical scientist of the time. He has had a lasting impact on virtually every realm of modern biology. It is most fitting that now this year that he was bestowed the Lasker–Koshland Special Achievement Award in Medical Science.

True gold fears no fire!


1. Baltimore, D. Viral RNA-dependent DNA Polymerase: RNA-dependent DNA Polymerase in Virions of RNA Tumour Viruses. Nature 1970, 226, 1209–1211.

2. Temin, H. M.; Mizutani, S. RNA-dependent DNA Polymerase in Virions of Rous Sarcoma Virus. Nature 1970, 226, 1211–1213.

3. Weaver, D.; Reis, M. H.; Albanese, C.; Constantini, F.; Baltimore, D.; Imanishi-Kari, T. Altered repertoire of endogenous immunoglobulin gene expression in transgenic mice containing a rearranged mu heavy chain gene. Cell 1986, 45, 247–259.

4. Kevles, D. J. The Baltimore Case: A Trial of Politics, Science, and Character. W. W. Norton: New York: NY, 1998.

5. Crotty, S. Ahead of the Curve: David Baltimore’s Life in Science. University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, 2001.


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