The Meaning Behind The Song: Cassie by Flyleaf - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Cassie by Flyleaf

Cassie: A Song of Remorse, Hope, and Empowerment by Flyleaf

The 2006 hit song “Cassie” by Flyleaf is a powerful and emotional tribute to a young girl named Casandra “Cassie” Bernall who was among the victims of the Columbine High School massacre in 1999. The song’s message is one of pain, regret, and ultimately, hope.

The Tragic Background of “Cassie”

Cassie Bernall was just 17 years old when she was shot and killed by Eric Harris, one of the two gunmen who carried out the infamous mass shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. She was one of 12 students and a teacher who lost their lives in the attack.

Cassie was a devout Christian and was known for her unwavering faith and strong moral values. According to witnesses, when the gunmen asked her if she believed in God, she replied “Yes” before being fatally shot.

The Inspiration Behind “Cassie”

Flyleaf, a Christian rock band from Texas, was deeply moved by Cassie’s story and the way she stood up for her beliefs, even in the face of death. The band wrote “Cassie” as a tribute to her bravery and a message of hope for young people struggling with their own faith and identity.

In an interview with Songfacts, Flyleaf’s lead singer Lacey Sturm said, “We wrote ‘Cassie’ because we wanted people to be able to hear her story and have some hope in their own lives, in whatever they’re going through. Even though we don’t know the exact words she said, I believe she stood up for what she believed in and it cost her her life, and that makes a powerful story.”

The Lyrics of “Cassie”

The lyrics of “Cassie” are deeply emotional and reflect the pain, regret, and hope that are at the heart of the song. Here are some of the most powerful lines from the song:

– “Oh, Cassie, I know you would want all of us to pray for your enemies”

– “Your love moved me to tears, again”

– “I hope when you’re free, you’ll forgive me”

– “You’re so much braver than I gave you credit for”

– “You surrendered everything, you gave up”

– “You’ll never be forgotten by me”

The Message of “Cassie”

At its core, the message of “Cassie” is about standing up for what you believe in, even in the face of adversity. Despite the tragedy of her death, Cassie’s story reminds us that hope and strength can still be found in the darkest of circumstances.

In the words of Lacey Sturm, “I think that’s what Cassie’s message is. She believed in something so strongly that it was worth her life, and I pray that everybody finds something they believe in that much and that it moves them to such a place of conviction that they can change their world.”

The Legacy of “Cassie”

Since its release in 2006, “Cassie” has become a staple of Flyleaf’s live performances and remains one of their most popular songs. The band has dedicated the song to Cassie and all of the victims of school shootings, as well as to young people struggling with faith and identity.

In a 2013 interview with Loudwire, Lacey Sturm reflected on the impact of “Cassie” and the legacy of Cassie Bernall, saying, “She became not just a person, but a symbol of hope and courage. If Cassie can stand up for her faith, maybe we can, too.”

The Meaning Behind “Cassie”

Ultimately, the meaning behind “Cassie” is one of remorse, hope, and empowerment. The song recognizes the tragedy of Cassie’s death and the pain of those who knew her, but it also celebrates her bravery and faith.

By honoring Cassie’s memory and sharing her story, Flyleaf reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a better future. As Lacey Sturm said, “We wrote ‘Cassie’ to be a song of hope. A song for the hopeless, really. We hope that it moves people to a place where they can find some light in the darkness.”


The story of Cassie Bernall and the song that bears her name continue to inspire and move people around the world. “Cassie” is a powerful tribute to a young girl who sacrificed everything for her beliefs, and a message of hope and courage for those facing their own struggles.

As we remember Cassie and all of the victims of school shootings, may we be moved to stand up for what we believe in, and to be a light of hope in the darkness.

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