student noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced American Dictionary at

Definition of student noun from the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary



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  1. 1a person who is studying at a university or college a medical/science, etc. student a graduate/postgraduate/research student a student teacher/nurse a student grant/loan (= money that is given/lent to students to pay for their studies) student fees (= to pay for the cost of teaching) She's a student at Indiana University. a dramatic increase in student numbers He's a third-year graduate student at the School of Social Work. I did some acting in my student days.
  2. 2a person who is studying at a school, especially a secondary school a 15-year-old high school student compare pupil see A student
  3. 3student of something a person who is very interested in a particular subject a keen student of human nature
More Aboutstudents
  • A student is a person who is studying at a school, college, university, etc.
  • An undergraduate is a student who is studying for their first degree at a university or college.
  • Graduate is usually used with another noun and can describe a person who has completed a first degree at a university or college, or a person who has finished high school:a college graduate a high school graduate
  • A graduate student is a person who has finished a first degree and is doing advanced study or research.
See student in the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary