20 Darija Words And Phrases To Know When Travelling To Morocco

20 Darija Words and Phrases to Know When Travelling to Morocco

Picture of Morocco
Picture of Morocco | © Chante17/Wikimedia Commons
Sarah Williams

The name given to the main language spoken in Morocco is Darija; though a form of Arabic, there are many variations between Darija and standard Arabic. While words like شكرا—pronounced shoukran (thank you)—and مرحبا —pronounced marhabaan (hello/welcome)—are useful Arabic words when travelling in Morocco, the following words are all used in Moroccan Darija, and won’t be found in their same form in standard Arabic.

Standard Arabic is generally used in an official capacity, while Darija is the language on the street. In addition to pronunciation differences and alternate grammar forms, there are also many words that are different in Darija. Some are loan words—or corruptions of loan words—often from Amazigh, French, and Spanish, while others were created in Morocco.


Pronounce it like this: Khi-zu


Pronounce it like this: Biz-ev


Pronounce it like this: Twang


Pronounce it like this: For-sheet-a


Pronounce it like this: Breek-ah


Pronounce it like this: Kid-ay-er


Pronounce it like this: Brree-tee


Pronounce it like this: A-tay


Pronounce it like this: Deb-bah


Pronounce it like this: Mack-lah


Pronounce it like this: Lim-oun-ah

زوين/ زوينة

Pronounce it like this: Zou-in (masculine) or Zou-in-ah (feminine)


Pronounce it like this: Cwis-een-ah


Pronounce it like this: Mersh


Pronounce it like this: Disk


Pronounce it like this: Wack-ah

قاع الدار

Pronounce it like this: Kaa-Dar


Pronounce it like this: Shant-ee


Pronounce it like this: Tak-sheet-ah


Pronounce it like this: Feen

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