Beatlemania: 60 Years Since Ed Sullivan Show | Newsweek
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Beatlemania: 60 Years Since Ed Sullivan Show

3 min czytania
Twist and Shout. Beatlemania in the U.S. exploded following the quartet’s appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show and in Newsweek.

George Harrison, John Lennon and drummer Ringo Starr are all smiles as they chat with show host Ed Sullivan after making their television debut in America 60 years ago. (Poziom B1)

On February 9, 1964, the Fab Four drew a record-breaking viewership of over 73 million people on The Ed Sullivan Show—more than 60 percent of all TVs on in America at the time, according to Nielsen.

Every seat in the New York City studio was spoken for too, with an audience of over 700 including then-former Vice President Richard Nixon’s teenage daughters, Tricia and Julie.

Źródło: Newsweek Learning English 2/2024
Newsweek Learning English

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