The Last Unicorn: The Lost Version by Peter S. Beagle | Goodreads
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The Last Unicorn

The Last Unicorn: The Lost Version

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Peter S. Beagle's The Last Unicorn has sold at least six million copies around the world since it was published in 1968, and tens of millions of viewers have delighted in the animated film version (for which Peter also wrote the screenplay). But none of the fans of this amazing work have ever known the full story of how The Last Unicorn came to be.

In 1962, the 23 year-old Beagle was at a career crossroads. His fantasy novel A Fine and Private Place had been released to great critical acclaim in 1960, but his mainstream second book had been flatly rejected by his publisher. What Peter wrote next was an 80-page fragment about a unicorn, the last of her kind, lost in the modern world of superhighways and Kodak cameras, with only a banished demon from Hell for a traveling companion.

This first take on the beloved classic—so much the same, so very different—is now available to readers for the first time, with an introduction and commentary by the author.

92 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2007

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About the author

Peter S. Beagle

226 books3,232 followers
Peter Soyer Beagle (born April 20, 1939) is an American fantasist and author of novels, nonfiction, and screenplays. He is also a talented guitarist and folk singer. He wrote his first novel, A Fine and Private Place , when he was only 19 years old. Today he is best known as the author of The Last Unicorn, which routinely polls as one of the top ten fantasy novels of all time, and at least two of his other books (A Fine and Private Place and I See By My Outfit) are considered modern classics.

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Profile Image for Danna.
575 reviews5 followers
October 22, 2009
What a treat! I had to request this through interlibrary loan, and the copy I received is a pristine First Edition, number 87 of 1000 signed by the author, with beautifully embossed end papers. I have to admit the thought crossed my mind to "lose" it and pay the library for it, but of course I won't do that! I'm so glad the Abilene Public Library had what Austin did not, and I'll happily keep the good karma going to ensure as many copies of this treasure can be enjoyed by as many people as possible.

I loved reading his introduction and afterword; it provides a beautifully rich context for both this first iteration and the Last Unicorn book/movie fans know and love. I've been reading a lot of Oscar Wilde lately, and though Beagle doesn't reference him as being an influence, and in fact is quite the opposite of WIlde in his attitude regarding the worth of fairy tales, the writing is strikingly similar and I think Wilde would have appreciated both versions of The Unicorn. As with Wilde's own work, Sorrow is practically personified and recognized as making Joy that much sweeter and more meaningful than a simple pleasure who has no recognition or acknowledgement of pain. Melancholy, yes, but not at all hopeless or dreary. I also love his use of language. The words flow like water down a mountain and over the plains to the sea: sometimes calm and smooth as glass, sometimes bouncing and burbling over stones and roots, always ringing of truth, honesty, and sincerity. Obviously, I'm smitten!
Profile Image for Jeremy Jackson.
121 reviews23 followers
November 18, 2019
A delightful glimpse into the early childhood of one of fantasy's masterpieces. At once reminiscent of, and very different from, our final, cherished version, this is a unique treat for lovers of Beagle's classic (and for writers in general): a chance to plumb the origins of a beloved tale, and to gauge the distance the book had to travel to become what it is now.

Easily read in a couple of hours, and well worth the time.
Profile Image for M—.
652 reviews110 followers
August 15, 2010
Wow, I am glad that Beagle rewrote The Last Unicorn. This original unpublished version is missing all the heart. Every so often, as I was reading it, a familiar line will appear that I remember from the published version and it was like seeing a spark of magic in the mud. On its own merit, the parts of this fit together oddly, disjointedly, an ill-mesh of classic and very modern language tones. The juxtaposition of descriptive images worked better than the language tones, but even that was not... satisfactory. There are better stories out there that bring unicorns into the modern world; Sonya Taaffe's "Unicorn's Touch" (Realms of Fantasy, June 2004) and Von Jocks' "Yes, Virginia, There Is a Unicorn" (Creature Fantastic) off the top of my head.

As happy as I am that Beagle brought this lost version into the light of day, for it is fascinating to see how the two versions compare, I will never love it. I'd recommend it only to people who are huge fans of the published novel and only for the sake of curiosity. It's not a complete tale on its own right, but it's worth tracking down for Beagle's preface and afterword.

God, I love the Subterranean Press cover artwork and publication quality, though.

Related Reviews:
The Last Unicorn: The Graphic Novel adapted by Peter Gillis from the original text by Peter S. Beagle, art by Renae De Liz and Ray Dillon

Two Hearts: The Last Unicorn Coda by Peter S. Beagle
Profile Image for Lacey Louwagie.
Author 7 books63 followers
April 27, 2014
It was a real treat to be able to read this, especially after I learned from a friend that there were only 1,000 ever printed, each one signed and numbered (I read copy #263). It is a "rough draft" of what later became The Last Unicorn, and although it bears very little resemblance to the final version we know and love, there are a few haunting fragments -- such as the opening sequence -- that were lifted almost verbatim into the finished book.

In this story, the unicorn journeys with a two-headed demon exiled from Hell through a modern-day landscape. It's not hard to see why this was scrapped, as it has the feel of a story that is not quite sure where it is going, full of long conversations and chance meetings on the road, as if each encounter is begging for something to give shape to the story. I was also surprised (and disappointed) that typos, grammatical errors, etc., remained in this draft; it seems some basic "clean-up" for the reader's sake would have been appropriate without interfering with the sense of this being an unpolished work. Despite that, Beagle's beautiful prose still makes an appearance here, especially in the provocative conversations about hell, earth, humanity, and the nature of life between the demons and the unicorn. The unicorn also retains her other-worldly feel, which infuses this story with the same aching beauty found in the final product.

It ends abruptly and thus is really only a worthwhile investment for someone who wants to read it as an addendum to "The Last Unicorn"; read as a standalone, it would be nothing but frustrating -- and if it led people to the final version in hopes of finding out what happened to the characters in this one, they would find themselves disappointed that there never will be any true resolution.
Profile Image for Danielle.
31 reviews8 followers
January 20, 2017
I have been hunting down a copy of this for YEARS. As an avid fan of The Last Unicorn that everyone knows and loves, once I found out there was a darker, unfinished original out there I had to know what it evolved from.

Two warnings: If you're expecting a finished, neatly tied up story - this isn't it. It's incomplete as Peter S. Beagle dropped it and completely restarted to create the Last Unicorn the world is so familiar with. Other warning: If you're not okay with picturing our beloved Unicorn taking a trip to the dark side, this probably isn't for you.

I loved the dark tone of this story, and the fact that a few of the characters made it from this original draft to the finished product. It's VERY different, but I'm so glad I read it. If you're a fan of the rewritten edition, you'll have to compartmentalize and view this separately - but I'm glad that I got to read it, and the dark and twisty part of my mind loved it just as much as I loved what it became in The Last Unicorn.
Profile Image for Spencer Hixon.
6 reviews3 followers
September 30, 2017
It was interesting to see the creative process at work for a novel I grew up with and had, at one point, memorized. As a writer, I appreciate seeing just how much the final draft changed, and seeing what happened to the other characters that never made it to the final version of the story.

However, this is definitely a rough draft - and as such it rambles, seems to lose its goal/plot, and could use a hefty dose of editing. Knowing this going into the book is invaluable. Read the Forward. Read the final version of The Last Unicorn. I am now checking out more of Peter S. Beagle's books as a result.
Profile Image for Monique.
180 reviews5 followers
December 18, 2015
Here is the original fragment that became one of our finest fantasy gems. In this initial draft, there is no Red Bull driving the unicorns to the ends of the earth. They, along with other magical creatures, are being blotted out of existence by the modern world evolving around them. It's a world where the word "unicorn" is no longer spoken in any language. The fundamental ideas are here, but the most memorable secondary characters are not. Instead of a haphazard magician, the unicorn encounters a demon exiled from Hell. And even though at one point the unicorn thinks about living life as a human, we never witness her morph into Lady Amalthea. I cannot imagine this story without the unforgettable Schmendrick, the sullen Molly Grue, or love-struck Lear. This work is just one piece of the literary puzzle - the spark of imagination that created a legend.
Profile Image for Phaedra.
96 reviews4 followers
December 15, 2015
I am a huge fan of the Last Unicorn, somehow I managed to read it mere days before watching the animated feature when I was a young girl. I wasn't expecting much from this 'lost' version, I think I had the idea that it would either to closely mirror the final published version or be so different that it would be too unrecognizable. So I've been putting off reading it, thinking 'I'll get to it... someday.'

But then I saw something on tumblr about how Molly wasn't in this version and how the author didn't think he could have imagined her when he first wrote it, how he's not sure how he created her when he did. And Molly has been a fascination for me, as a young girl I didn't understand her or her place in the book. As I've grown up and grown older, I see the depth of Molly. I see how her bitterness and longing are both intensified and transformed by the unicorn entering Molly's life when she did. When Molly Grue cries out how dare the unicorn come to her now, there is a kinship that I think all dreamers can relate to. How dare it happen now, when I'm old, when I'm used up, when I can't even dream anymore. How dare you, mythical creature of pure magic, come to us when we're too lost to appreciate you? How dare you? Instead of putting me off the Lost version, it made me even more interested. Who or what could possible take Molly's place as a traveling companion?

There are, undeniably, similarities. Whole scenes move from this book to the 'original' edition. Characters traverse from one book to the other, minor beings that may not mean anything to anyone while the majors are undreamt of yet. The butterfly remains, but there is a difference to him in the lost version that I prefer. There is a dragon lost in the wood, it slinks away and settles in and while I see why it was cut, it offers insight into the unicorn that I can enjoy now. I doubt I would have as a child. There is no Mommy Fortunate, no Harpy, no Schmendrick. And while I don't feel the lack of the magician, I see an echo of him in another character. There is no Red Bull or Haggard or Lír. Which seems almost sacrilegious, but I mean that in the best way.

There is, however, Azazel. And Webster. I wish they had their own tale or that the unicorn's story (in the lost version) would get subsumed into his/theirs. I want see what they do with the last coal of hell. I want to see what becomes of broken Azazel in the city where you can't tell men from demons. I want to know if he ever rides the unicorn. Will hell ever find them, is it even looking? Is Azazel a demon who has lost their magic, its ability to change shape? I find Azazel and Webster fascinating, their story that is never fully told and how there is something about the character that makes the unicorn unable to leave him, to let him die. I can see a bit of Schmendrick in the demon, in its self pity, in how he wants to be something grander. Even though Schmendrick came later, I almost feel as if he's a precursor for Azazel.

There is lightheartedness hidden deep in this version but most of it seems to get buried by the melancholy, by the slow slide of the world into something sad and just a touch pathetic. There are bits of this version that captivate me. I very much enjoyed the idea of Satan and God being old and sitting together, silent and staring at each other. The young female demon who sings Mommy Fortuna's song, how the song changes from the loss everyone knows into a vaguely threat to Azazel. The madness of the butterfly that comes off as something darker, almost as if something rides the butterfly and forces it toward self-destruction.

The broken poetry that is this version that makes it so different and equally as good as the changed shadow that came from it. The unicorn in this is unknown by man, her magic gone or waning, her horn disappearing. In the published version she learns to be human by being a human, in having a human heart, by learning to love and regret. In this she learns that she'd make a good demon by being surrounded by humans. In this world, you can't tell demons and humans apart and hell is home, full of love and acceptance. Which makes one think how can we tell ourselves apart now? In this world, demons and humans are so changed that the unicorn can't tell what is true evil anymore. Although Azazel recognizes it, of course a demon would.

This is short and it ends in the middle but is well worth reading, in my opinion. I think, like Molly Grue, it's something you can appreciate on multiple levels and will get better as we age. Which should be the case with ageless unicorns. Because how else would we track change? Not by something immortal, that's for sure.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for FAE.
31 reviews8 followers
February 11, 2016
I'd probably only recommend reading this if you already have a deep appreciation for The Last Unicorn. I found it fascinating to read about the writing process that Beagle went through and it's almost a little bizarre to read how different this original version is from how the final story ended up. I have the ebook version of the Subterranean Press publication.

It's necessary to note that because this was only a first draft, that this isn't a complete story. There's no beginning-middle-end structure; because it was an initial draft, it just leaves off. If this is something that would bother you, I'd avoid it. It's meandering (which the author himself admits) and still has some typos. However, the writing itself is still often very beautiful and the first few paragraphs of this version ended up in the final version nearly verbatim.

Some spoilers:

I think this is a great supplement for fans of the original work, though it's not required reading in order to enjoy the original. I honestly have no idea how much someone would enjoy this if they're not already familiar with the original story, but who knows! I personally found a lot of value in it because of how much I love the original and how fascinating I find it to hear about other people's writing process.
Profile Image for Brandy.
51 reviews2 followers
November 21, 2012
I read some of the reviews for this book, and while I agree that the version that was ultimately published is what this story was really meant to be, I can't help but want to treat this version as its own separate work. Every great story starts somewhere. And I did enjoy a lot of the elements, not just the familiar sections. I enjoyed the dialogue between Azazel and Webster, their dynamic, as well as the modern setting. I think it brought a little more of the unicorn's feelings of loss and being a relic of a time past to the forefront, made her fear a more primary emotional undercurrent where in the published story there was more sorrow. Admittedly, I may not have enjoyed this book as much if I'd never read the other more familiar version, which remains one of my favorites. I love the perspective that Beagle brings to this, giving some background to the story and how he was influenced to even write about a unicorn to begin with, and the circumstances of his life at the time. I always appreciate that peek into a writer's process and how their ideas start then progress.
Profile Image for David Merrill.
132 reviews20 followers
August 14, 2014
I haven't yet read the book this became, the Last Unicorn. I liked this first effort by Beagle. It made me want to read the classic.

After I saw this book on for $2000 and $3000, I decided to test the market on Ebay. I suspected these prices were inflated because there didn't seem to be much of a sales history, any in fact. I ran two auctions with a reserve of $1000. One got up to $140, the other to $180. During the course of the auctions, I was offered $500 by two bidders. When it went up for a third auction, I decided to add a buy it now price of $550 on it. It sold immediately to a collector of Last Unicorn who has loved the book for many years. It definitely went to the right home. After my auction the $3000 copy was reduced to $2000. What is this book really worth? I have no idea. I suspect these prices will come down in the coming years because I doubt anyone interested in the book will pay this amount, given the results of my auctions. Only time will tell.
Profile Image for Christine Ricci.
224 reviews14 followers
February 2, 2012
I don't think I can rate this book. It just wouldn't be fair. However, I would like to comment that I enjoyed the peak into the Beagle's brain about how he wrote The Last Unicorn. This perspective in how a novel came to be was truly an incredible insight. There were more differences than I thought, and Beagle was definitely more satiric in his youth. With age, I think he softened a bit -- or perhaps he merely hides it better beneath polite snips.

I would definitely recommend this book to any fan of The Last Unicorn, book or movie.
Profile Image for Meredith.
173 reviews1 follower
December 31, 2007
(The review below is for the "Lost Version" of this book. The original is one of my all time favorites, and one of the greatest fantasy novels ever written.)

I liked seeing one of my favorite novels in its infancy, though I must say that the final version is much better. The two-headed devil wasn't quite funny enough, or frightening enough, to be a compelling character, and the 20th century as a setting didn't really work for me.
Profile Image for Yolo Yearwood.
Author 2 books31 followers
June 20, 2015
I really need to read the completed version. That would make this version make so much more sense! I would call this the first rough draft of the story, which has its glittery moments but far more loose ends. I was LOST at the end, just "Huh?!" The characters, especially the butterfly, were hot to trot, but the plot was like a bowl full of cereal, crunchy and chow worthy at first followed by soggy reminiscent you prefer to pour down the drain.
Profile Image for Kaethe.
6,488 reviews504 followers
Shelved as 'abandoned'
July 16, 2014
Twenty or more years ago I might well have loved this but it's just a little too precious to suit now.

Library copy.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
10.7k reviews454 followers
Shelved as 'library-priority'
August 29, 2019
The Lost Version, not the original or the 'final' revision.
Profile Image for Shazza Maddog.
1,172 reviews3 followers
May 13, 2018
I only found out this book existed about a month ago, and thought the other day, "What do I read?" I happened to search Beagle's name on the library webpage and this book popped up. I was excited.

I was even more excited it was a signed and numbered copy, with embossed end pages and author's notes and...


This is a beautiful book in looks alone. The cover is gorgeous and the end pages and the signature...sigh.


Having read The Last Unicorn every year for many years, I was excited to read this 'origin story', as it were. There are very few of the novel's characters - the unicorn, of course, and the butterfly appear, but the other main character is the demon Azazel, who has a second head named Webster. Azazel (and Webster) were kicked out of Hell (well, Webster was, and Azazel, being 'attached' to the head, had to go with). Azazel is being hunted by other demons due to the theft (by Webster who can sometimes control Azazel's body) of a coal from Hell, which the pair of them are going to use to start a new Hell somewhere (if they don't get caught first).

The story takes place in modern times rather than as a fairy tale. There is a dragon whom I liked, even though it cried an awful lot. The old man and woman who mistake the unicorn for a white mare appear and another man and woman who also spy the unicorn but have no idea what she is.

I am not sure I would've liked this story as much as I adore the published version but it does have some interesting ideas - and oh, the imagery of the city and the unicorn's dream of it are all but horrifying.
Profile Image for AquaMoon.
1,552 reviews58 followers
October 18, 2021
If ever you were curious about how much a story can evolve from Initial Idea to Finished Product, look no further than this early conceptual version of the beloved classic story.

For someone who watched the movie so much growing up they can quote whole passages (I particularly love Molly's "Damn You" speech) and who, in their early 20s, discovered it was actually a book first...and then proceeded to locate, obtain, and wear out a copy of said book...

Well...this was weird. Surreal. Reading it, I felt, for brief moments, I'd stepped into an alternate universe where this truly was the actual story. And maybe, in some parallel world where cats are dogs and sharks walk on two legs, it IS the real version. But as interesting as this was to read (and as fun as it is to imagine a world where bipedal sharks exist), I still prefer the mainstream/this world version of the story. And I'm very glad I live in this universe. Because bipedal sharks also sound quite freaky and I don't think I'd want to encounter one...because I imagine they're quite speedy.
Profile Image for Livian Grey.
Author 16 books2 followers
November 25, 2018
I stumble across so many things related to the original I'm always late to the party. This is an interesting story but you can see why it would be harder to end than the tale we know now. What I recommend more to writers is to pick this up and really read the foreword and afterword explaining Beagle's process in more detail for the backstory of this novel and how difficult it was to finish, and how many stresses he had bringing it to life as his second novel. I'm waiting for the paperback now but I did have fun reading about the unicorn in a different context, she's probably a bit less sympathetic as we don't get to see her or know her in any other form. And the setting seems to be more rooted in the recent rather than the medieval. Definitely for fans but has a lot of good advice and lessons for authors.
Profile Image for Lisa.
867 reviews3 followers
June 26, 2020
I love the animated movie (Beagle wrote the script) and I loved the final draft of the book. It was really interesting to read this short and sweet number and see what was cut and what he kept. Beagle acknowledges that his final draft was better, especially because Molly's character added so much depth, but the demon character Azazel/W****** are also a lot of fun. The unicorn herself is both a less innocent and more lost version of herself as well. In other words, she felt like a completely different character we know. It is, however, possible that it has just been a long time since I read the other book.
Profile Image for Jazz Kovacs.
4 reviews1 follower
September 3, 2023
There aren't enough stars in the world to rate this one.

My librarian friend tracked down a copy of this rare book at The Lillian H. Smith Branch of the Toronto Public Library, home of the Merril Collection of Science Fiction, Speculation, and Fantasy. As a life-long fan of The Last Unicorn and Peter S. Beagle, I can't describe how much it meant to me to read the original pages, from which my favourite novel was born. What a special treat, to be invited to experience Peter’s writing process. The characters are charming, hilarious, and larger-than-life. It was such a beautiful experience. Bucket-List item fulfilled!
Profile Image for Cosmos.
35 reviews37 followers
March 19, 2018
I never thought in a million years I'd get my hands on this book, as rare as it is, but I was fortunate that I was able to borrow a copy, as much as I didn't want to give it back.

As much as I'm glad that the official Last Unicorn is what it is, I really wanted to read this original writing of it, even if it was incomplete. After reading it, I found myself adoring Azazel and Webster, and I hope that if he has the time, that Mr. Beagle does write some more about them someday. If not, I'm at least happy that I met them.
Profile Image for ♠ TABI⁷ ♠.
Author 15 books507 followers
June 24, 2017
I've known of this story for years now and, today, have finally decided to read it. And since I am one with a tendency towards the chronological, I discovered that my library had #111 of the only 1,000 copies (signed!) of this first-draft start to The Last Unicorn.

I liked the unicorn, loved the butterfly, was confused by the demons, but completely in love with the story. On to the final draft!
280 reviews
October 26, 2023
I haven't read the "official" version of The Last Unicorn. This is the author's first attempt, abandoned after 80 pages. Definitely whimsical. In the Afterword, the author talks about looking at this version, 40 years later, and seeing what worked, what didn't, what was transformed in the later book. I'm curious what the "official" version is like...maybe it's time to take a look.
148 reviews
April 1, 2019
This book came as a recommendation but it wasn't described to me the way I ended up reading it. It wasn't a smooth read and in parts confusing as well. It didn't read as I expected not end as I thought it would.
Profile Image for Evan Dragic.
333 reviews3 followers
June 10, 2019
I was surprised the first draft featured such an extensive set of travels with a demon; but delighted to see the wonderful scenes that existed from the start. Glad it was rewritten with Molly Grue et. al, but also happy to have read this and Peter S. Beagle’s reflections on drafting it.
Profile Image for Kim Zarins.
Author 3 books69 followers
September 23, 2020
I loved reading this original version. The writing is already so enchanting! I'm in awe.

The copy I read has a red cover, but I think this is the same tale. I did hear there was also a magazine version of this tale, but I haven't tracked it down yet. If you do, let me know!
Profile Image for Michelle Fletcher.
78 reviews1 follower
March 17, 2023
I have to be honest I had never heard of this book until I saw it in the shop and was intrigued by “the lost classic restored!”. An enchanting read - my dad always said behind every myth and legend there is an element of truth. So I declare I do believe in Unicorns!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 56 reviews

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