Microsoft Office con Inteligencia Artificial de OpenAI: cambios en Word, Outlook y PowerPoint
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Microsoft Office con Inteligencia Artificial de OpenAI: cambios en Word, Outlook y PowerPoint

Microsoft seems to be increasingly interested in OpenAI and in that advanced Artificial Intelligence that we have seen is truly driving all the most important technological realities of all time crazy. The incredible potential with which it can easily answer any question with ease, a sense of reality but also naturalness has even taken aback Google, which we know has always been the leader in voice assistants and natural languages on artificial intelligences. In fact, however, the interest in OpenAI seems to be really strong for Microsoft, which could integrate some OpenAI features into its Bing search engine or, as news from a few hours ago, even into its Office suite from Microsoft Word to PowerPoint and even Outlook. What would all this mean?

Microsoft Office with OpenAI artificial intelligence?

Let’s start with the fact that the integration of OpenAI into Microsoft Office is clearly still in a research phase by the Redmond giant. According to the most informed, in fact, Satya Nadella and his engineers have set in motion a project in great secrecy through which they would have integrated OpenAI into a first real »Alpha» version of Word, especially regarding the sentence autocompletion functions. Not only because the integration of Artificial Intelligence could go far beyond and not only for Word but also for the other apps in the Office suite as well as for Microsoft’s email client.

Especially with Outlook, there is talk of integrating OpenAI to make user searches even more efficient and results so that the user can find emails and specific attachments simply by a keyword but in a faster and more precise way than today. Not only because it could even go as far as tracking down an email message simply with a general description of the content of the email even without keywords or other more specific information. Integration of OpenAI also in PowerPoint where Artificial Intelligence could delve into creating charts and images to be inserted into various presentations. Think about the possibility of creating photos or images with Dall-E, OpenAI’s Artificial Intelligence capable of creating images from a written description.

And for those wondering how an Artificial Intelligence like OpenAI could work on Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook while still preserving privacy and everything related to users’ personal and private data. From this point of view, it seems that the most informed know that Microsoft immediately set to work to solve the problem before others, knowing the importance of such limitation. And on this front, it seems that the engineers have already managed to train the Artificial Intelligence in a way that safeguards users and all the data present in the Office apps.

There are no official timelines, announcements, or statements on when we will actually see OpenAI or Dall-E on Office but we know that Microsoft is already working aggressively to integrate the new Artificial Intelligence and just during the recently concluded CES 2023 in Las Vegas, Panos Panay, the head of Microsoft Windows and Surface, openly declared how »Artificial Intelligence will reinvent the way you do everything in Windows». In short, it seems that Microsoft is determined to revolutionize its products thanks to OpenAI.

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