Media From the Heart by Ruth Hill | Interview With Actor/Director Peter Benson, “Aurora Teagarden”

Interview With Actor/Director Peter Benson, “Aurora Teagarden”

By Ruth on May 22, 2020 in Interview, movie, television

I have no doubt that Hallmark fans worldwide are quite familiar with Peter Benson due to the innumerable amount of Hallmark projects with which he has been involved over the years. He has portrayed practically everything from the dodgy rapscallion in a murder mystery to the jovial groom of a blushing bride. Many Hallmark fans may not be aware of Peter’s talents behind the camera, however, and the most recent Aurora Teagarden mystery that aired on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries this past Sunday (May 17th) was his first time to direct a Hallmark project. Recently, Peter and I spoke at length about his work over the past year with a special focus on his directorial debut with the network. 

Photo by kyle4reel

RH: Peter, it’s so great to chat with you again!

PB: Thank you, Ruth, it’s always nice to chat with you as well.

I am so glad that Aurora Teagarden was able to premiere on Hallmark this past Sunday. I know that was up in the air for a while. And I know there’s one that didn’t get finished filming as well because I think you were in the midst of filming the next one when you got shut down.

with Candace Cameron Bure
Photo Credit: Kevin Speckmaier

Yes, we were filming Aurora Teagarden number fourteen. We had been filming it on Vancouver Island. We were gonna spend a week on the island and then come back to Vancouver to shoot for the rest of the days of the filming. It was such a weird experience. On Monday, we all knew about COVID-19 and the things that were happening, but it still felt so far away from us. By the hour, we were getting updates. I think it was the Wednesday of that week, we heard that the NBA had shut down, and the next day, the NHL had shut down. We were all thinking that it was pretty serious if these huge businesses were calling it a year. Then sure enough, Friday morning, they told us that would be our last day of shooting. So we finished that day, and I think we were hoping to come back in a couple of weeks…maybe a month. And that was early March. But I was glad we did get to finish the previous one that just premiered.

Yes, I had heard Candace in an interview where she seemed to think it was going forward, but they weren’t sure about the ADR and getting all the necessary equipment for that. Then Hallmark yanked it, so we figured it wasn’t going to be able to air for a while. But then I remember reading an update from someone that said they got the equipment they needed and the ADR was getting taken care of remotely. 

with Candace (Photo Credit: Kevin Speckmaier)

Yeah, I think they were initially supposed to air it April 12th or something like that, and it was getting down to the wire with the post-production sound. It wasn’t looking good, but then our producers and the whole team put in a lot of work and were able to do some of that stuff from home and it still sounded great. So I was very pleased that we were able to finish it properly and it looks great and sounds great. I’m so glad Hallmark was able to show it.

I think it will be the last new mystery for a little while. I understand there’s supposed to be a different mystery coming in August that was finished right before the pandemic. But Hallmark isn’t having much new content. Well, really no one has much new content right now. But I’ve been glad to see Hallmark acquiring movies. I think that’s smart. 

Yes, so there’s something new to show.

I’ve been following what’s happening with the film industry, and I’m hopeful that productions like Hallmark will have the upper hand because they are smaller productions as opposed to major network shows. From what I’ve heard, it’s the smaller productions that are going to have an advantage as we come out of this. 

I do hope that’s the case. I don’t have any real inside scoop, but I did talk to one of our producers. I know that everybody is putting their heads together and trying to come up with a plan to make it work. I think we’re all hoping we can start filming stuff again soon.

Aurora Teagarden 11

Since we last talked, you’ve done quite a few Hallmark things in addition to the Aurora Teagarden movies that came out last year. All the Aurora Teagarden movies do play pretty regularly here. And we’re all glad that your character, Arthur, has his wife back. I know Miranda was gone for a couple of episodes due to maternity leave. I know people missed Lynn. They really like you two together because you play off each other so well. 

It’s funny too. Miranda and I have been friends for so long that we have a good friendship and chemistry. We love acting together. And there has been talk of seeing a little more of our characters away from work, which we would obviously both love. I just like the dynamic of seeing our characters with Niall {Matter} and Candace. We’ve all known each other for so long, and there’s a chemistry there already. Those are always some of the most fun scenes. And Marilu {Henner} is in there as well. Those are always fun scenes to shoot, and I think the audience likes them as well.

With Miranda {Frigon} and Candace

Hallmark was very smart in casting Niall in this series. When I originally heard that announcement, I actually thought it was the smartest thing Hallmark could do because the fans were so upset when Martin left the series. But I didn’t notice the fans being quite as upset once Niall appeared in the series. 

You know what? I’ve got to give Niall a lot of credit. Fans really loved the Martin character and having Yannick {Bisson} in that role. He did such a good job, and we loved him too. In any situation like that when a beloved character has moved on and you’re the new guy, it can be a really tricky spot to come in. And Niall did such a phenomenal job, I think. He came in kind of slow, and they wrote it that way too. He didn’t try to steal Roe right away. He’s just so charming and likable. The audience and Roe grew to love him at the same time. And of course, he was already familiar to the Hallmark audience anyway. He’s such a mainstay. It was great casting, and I also think he brought so much to the character. He’s someone else I’ve known a long time, and I think he instantly fit in with the whole cast. I’m thrilled to have him on board, and I know everybody else is too.

Speaking of last year’s Hallmark movies, we saw you in Love and Sunshine which is still a huge fan favorite. I loved the movie, but some people talk about that movie being their favorite Hallmark movie. And, of course, you didn’t get the girl. 

with Danica Love and Sunshine

I did not get the girl in that one, but it was such a fun movie to do. Initially, I was up to play the role of Mark’s {Deklin} brother, who’s a very likable character. Then something happened, and I got a call to see if I would play this character. I’ve always loved Danica {McKellar}, and so I realized that all my scenes would be with her. So I was very excited about that. But I was laughing because I had gone from one of the most likable characters to someone that the audience might not love. I always try to make those guys fun to watch, but he was definitely a selfish character. He didn’t like dogs. He didn’t put the girl first. I knew he wasn’t gonna have a lot of luck going up against the handsome war vet that loved dogs and was a good person. But it was a great cast and a lot of fun.

We shot that on Vancouver Island, and I love shooting over there. Working with Danica was great. She’s so detail-oriented, and we did a lot of improv off-camera about our relationship. We did a proposal and our break-up…all off-camera so we could work out the nuances of our characters. And I just loved it. She was so prepared and so professional. It was really fun to work with her.  I remember one day she even called me–it was the second or third day of filming–because our characters were supposed to have a scene where they were talking on the phone. Usually, you just fake that and talk to somebody on set who reads the lines off-camera. But she called me to see if she could be there for my off-camera lines so we could practice the phone call together. And I was like, “Oh, wow, she’s a real pro.”

Love and Sunshine

You know, that probably explains why there’s something special about that film. Of course, you know I love Hallmark, but there was something special about this film and the way everything worked together so well. Everything and everyone was so believable. And your character was not that likable, but there were those times where I thought, “He’s not a bad person. He’s just not the right person for her.” 

Exactly! And I think he genuinely really liked her. He wasn’t trying to do anything against her. They just weren’t the right fit. But no, he wasn’t an out-and-out bad guy. Just not the right guy for her.

We also saw you in a couple of Christmas movies this past season. One of them was one of my favorites from last season, Holiday Date. I loved that movie, and I loved your character. 

Brittany Bristow, Ava Grace Cooper, Matt Cohen, Peter Benson, Anna Van Hooft Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Allister Foster

Yes, so that one was the opposite. I got to play a really fun character. Not that the Love and Sunshine character wasn’t fun, but I was a likable character in Holiday Date. That was honestly one of my favorite Hallmark experiences. A lot to do with our director, Jeff Beesley. He’s a great guy, but he really encouraged the comedy and improv. Personally, I’m an improv kind of actor. I love being able to throw out little lines here and there. Often, you’re told not to. But Jeff loved it. And then he would encourage us to do something else and give us a weird prop to play with as well. So he started putting me in scenes that I wasn’t even supposed to be in. He’d have me doing something clumsy in the background or have some silly expression. And then I figured he probably wouldn’t even use any of that footage, but sure enough, they used tons of it. That’s the kind of movie that I think would work well in this new era–like doing films on a smaller scale. It really was about the group of us in that small house. We didn’t even really need to leave the house too much. It was just this interplay between this group of characters and the relationships. And finding comedy and romance and charm in there. It was a blast.

It was honestly one of the funniest Hallmark movies I’ve seen. Sometimes Hallmark movies are not overly comedic. But I was pleasantly surprised by the comedy that was in it. I had so much fun watching it. And the actress who played your wife…

Matt Cohen, Brittany Bristow, Ava Grace Cooper, Teryl Rothery, Bruce Boxleitner, Anna Van Hooft, Peter Benson Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Allister Foster

Yes, Anna Van Hooft.

I thought you two were paired up perfectly. 

Yes, and then Bruce Boxleitner played the father-in-law. I was trying to win his approval. Then Brittany Bristow and Matt Cohen were the leads. And I agree with you. What was really fun and fresh about it was they allowed the comedy in there. I don’t think it overwhelmed the film. I think it added to it. We still got a beautiful connection between the two leads. They were pitch-perfect. They played the comedy, but they also played the romance of the connection. And the supporting characters were allowed to lighten every scene. You never know what that fans will think, but the audience reaction I saw was very positive. Personally, I hope we get to do more like that. As long as the comedic charm doesn’t overwhelm the film but supports it.

Right. And Teryl Rothery played the mom. 

Yes, Teryl who I also love.

Bruce Boxleitner, Peter Benson, Matt Cohen Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Allister Foster

It was wonderful to have the Hanukkah connection as well because sometimes that is overlooked. In America, we tend to focus on Christmas.

Yes, I know our producer on that one, Joey Plager, brought so many nuances to the Hanukkah traditions. So that was fun to have that in there. And I thought it was cute that we find out this character is not who we thought he was. But then everyone is so curious about Hanukkah and they want to celebrate it. And that was a really charming way to go about it. Having them want to embrace it. Teryl is running in with all the food and their various traditions. And they’re making the traditions. I thought it was very charming.

Then we also saw you in It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas with Eric Mabius and Tricia Helfer. 

Peter Benson, Nolan Hupp Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

Yeah, that was another fun one. Eric was one of the producers on it. Along with Jim Head, our Aurora Teagarden producer, who is a good friend of mine. I had never met Tricia before, but she was fun to work with it. It was a lucky run there for me where I tried to play all different characters. So on that one, because I was goofy in Holiday Date, I didn’t want to be goofy in this one. So I played a character who was straight ahead.

Peter Benson, Nolan Hupp Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

I thought the portrayal on that one was fun because we played a couple that was divorced but getting along. It felt very progressive. They were putting their kids before them instead of having animosity towards one another when it didn’t work out. They were trying their best to be good parents to this kid. That was a nice scene we don’t always see in these movies. It was a really fun relationship to play.

Now, stepping away from Hallmark for a moment, while I’ve not finished the entire first season, I have been enjoying The Healing Powers of Dude on Netflix! Your character…{laughs} I absolutely love your character!

The Healing Powers of Dude

Thank you so much. I think that’s the most fun I had all last year. That was a really fun one because during the audition process, I was actually filming Love and Sunshine on the island when they were having the final callbacks for The Healing Powers of Dude. So I wasn’t able to make those in person. I felt really good about the first audition, but in that situation, you really want to be in the room with the producers because you feel like they’re gonna cast somebody in the room. So I decided to make up a weird video of my character trying to do an interview with the producers. So I sent this really weird video of the principal nervously applying for this job from my hotel room. It was nothing to do with the script. It was just improv. My agent was like, “This will either get you the job or they’ll never want to see you again.” But I got it. And the first thing they said to me when I came for the cast reading was, “Oh, that tape! We loved it!” I don’t usually take big, weird chances like that. Then when I got to set, I quickly realized that not everybody else was playing such a big character. The kids were playing it pretty straight, so I was the wacky one in the group. Again, the producers on that one were awesome. They gave me all these weird details and cool bow ties and weird glasses. They really let me have fun with this character. I’m glad to know that you liked it. I’m not sure if a lot of people have seen it, but it’s definitely one I’m proud of.

behind-the-scenes with the kids of The Healing Powers of Dude

I wanted to highlight this one especially because if people watch and enjoy Hallmark, this is going to be something they can watch. It’s not gonna be offensive, and it’s so clever. I hadn’t even heard about it, and then I started seeing tweets about it, and I looked it up and realized a lot of my friends were in it. I sat down to watch it for the first time rather skeptically. I realized I wasn’t the target audience for this, but I had so much fun watching it that I didn’t care. You don’t have to be in middle school to enjoy it. You can enjoy it as an adult. It is easily something that parents can watch with their kids. 

I was super proud to be a part of it. It’s cute and charming, but it also has a great message behind it. And I think what they did in a clever way was they made characters for the adults as well as the kids. There’s little jokes there that are for the parents, but the kids are also very hip and cool. I think it’s a refreshing show that just about everyone can watch.

behind-the-scenes with Jill Morrison The Healing Powers of Dude

Well, it’s nice that they feature students with special needs. I personally wish more shows would do that. I’m sure it’s probably a challenge to put that together, but I love it when a show does that really well. I think there still is this stigma that a child with special needs or a disability is something we don’t talk about and we don’t always feature on a show. But I always think, “Why not?” There are so many kids out there with all sorts of needs. Some diagnosed and some undiagnosed. 

I agree with you. It’s refreshing to see characters like that. Obviously, the lead character has social anxiety, but they also cast Sophie Kim, who played Amara. She’s in her wheelchair, and she’s open and brash, and she has a lot going on for her. We haven’t seen a lot of kids like that on shows, and she was fantastic. I remember watching her day one and thinking, “This girl is such a good actor, and I’m so glad she’s here crushing it!” She’s funny and charming, and I hope this is the beginning of a lot of shows for someone like her. I want to see more of that on TV.

A Million Little Things

She’s incredible. She quickly became a favorite. And the storylines are never too deep, but they always have a message that helps you think about things a little differently. And sometimes watching a show like this, I can see what kids today are facing. I sometimes forget all the things they’re going through. Things were so different when we were growing up. 

I absolutely agree. Just seeing the kids and the difficulties they go through. And seeing Noah go through all that he does getting to his own classroom without having a panic attack. It’s really interesting to see that on TV. And to give the producers everyone credit, I think that they were able to deal with these issues in a way that affected you emotionally and brought to it a real sense of humanity as well. I thought they balanced everything well. I was always laughing when I was on that set because my character has big glasses, pushed-back weird hair, and these weird bow ties. I think I’m almost unrecognizable as my character. But the kids, that’s how they always saw me. Every now and then, they’d be shooting out of sequence, and I’d chill out one day with my beard and t-shirt and spiky hair, and they’d look at me and be like, “Oh my gosh, is that you? You look so weird!” But I’d explain, “No, this is how I look. I look weird when I’m playing that character.” And they’d be like, “No, you’re that guy.” It was pretty funny.

And I also have to mention another show because it has become my favorite show. I know your role was small, but I noticed you did show up on A Million Little Things

You know, that was an interesting one. When I auditioned for it, that part was quite a bit bigger. I got the part, and they rewrote it, and I noticed it shrunk down a bit. But for me, it is such a great show, and just being asked to be there and then bringing me back for another episode was wonderful. It’s a great show. I think I would have preferred if the role had been like I initially thought it was because you want to make an impact on a show like that, but on the flip side, it’s an honor to be included in something like that. I feel like that show is a powerful show. As an actor, those are the kinds of things you want to be associated with. Even though it wasn’t a massive part, just to be a small piece of the puzzle was pretty cool.

Well, your character’s not dead, so they can always bring you back. 

No, he’s not dead, so that’s true. Maybe we’ll see him again. I feel like that show could go a long time. So well-written and executed. Everyone connected with the show is so kind and gracious. I was honored just to be there.

Leo Award for Mech-X4

I’ve become so invested in that show over this last season. Oh, and another show I wanted to highlight of yours that I still haven’t seen is Mech X-4

Oh yes, Mech X-4 was a really great show. We did two seasons on Disney XD. And just today {May 22nd}, both seasons of this show dropped on Disney Plus.

That’s great to know. I know it was a massive show, but I never had the opportunity to watch it.

If you get a chance to watch it, it’s a really fun show. It’s for a younger demographic, but it’s one where I’m surprised that it wasn’t more popular. They did such a good job with it. The kids are phenomenal. And there’s a cast of robots and dinosaurs. The kids control the robots, and they have their inner friendship problems and the girls that they like or whatever. It’s a well-written, well-executed show that I hope finds a new audience on Disney Plus. I play a fun character on there. Kind of Tony Stark type. The richest guy in the world controls all this technology. There’s a lot of layers to it, and it’s interesting to see where it goes.

I think I might look it up. I’ve been finding shows I missed during this time of quarantine. So I’ll be watching for it.

Mech X-4

I think what’s kind of cool is that shows that never found an audience are being pushed on different platforms that need new content.

I am always looking for something I haven’t seen or might have missed, but I’m also thinking of Hallmark fans who might need something new to watch because there’s not as much new content on the network right now. So I’m definitely putting it on my list.

Mech X-4

Awesome. I’d love to hear your thoughts. And you know who else has a fun role on it? Ali Liebert. She’s done quite a few Hallmark films.

Oh, yeah, she’s great. Well, that’s all good to know. Now, let’s move onto the newest Aurora Teagarden. I remember I was so excited when it was announced last year that you would be directing the next one. I think it was Marilu that tweeted that. I was so thrilled because I know that’s something in the past that you’ve done. We’ve talked about your directing in other interviews, but this one is your Hallmark directorial debut. I was greatly anticipating this one when it went into production. So I’m curious. How did this opportunity come about for you?

Aurora Teagarden (Photo Credit: Kevin Speckmaier)

First of all, thank you for being excited about it. That’s very cool to hear, and it means a lot. I think Marilu might have been the first one to mention it. I didn’t even know when it was gonna happen. It’s been a long time coming. My wife and I have been doing stuff behind the camera for over ten years as writers and producers. We shot a pilot, and we got a deal down in the States that lasted for a year and then fell through. We produced two or three independent films. I directed two of them. And we’ve sold a couple of other scripts. So this is not a totally new thing, but it can be hard to break in with a network.

I talked with Jim Head, our Aurora Teagarden producer. I think it was on Aurora seven that I asked if it was okay if I shadowed one of the directors, who happened to be Mark Wood, who I think is one of the best directors in Canada or even North America. So I got to spend six weeks shadowing him. When you do this, you volunteer and you’re there all day. I was trying to learn the Hallmark formula. I knew the semantics of directing, but I needed to learn what works with the network. To be honest, I never asked for anything or pushed for anything. I never even mentioned directing after that. I thanked him and tried to take the knowledge. A year or two later, he reached out to me saying that he would love for me to direct one of these. He knew it was an interest of mine, and Candace would love it too. The network wanted me to shadow two more times. Really, I was just as surprised as anyone. Candace and Jim went out of their way to do something nice for me and help me out. They knew I’d worked hard behind the scenes for years.

Aurora Teagarden (Photo Credit: Kevin Speckmaier)

I jumped at the chance, and I shadowed two more times. I shadowed Martin again. Then I shadowed Michael Robison. He usually does the Hailey Dean mysteries, and he did an Aurora. I was then set to direct the next one, and this was back in April of last year. There were a lot of potential scheduling possibilities. This was either gonna happen right away or not till the following January. But Jim called me up and said that we were a go for January, and that’s how it all came to fruition.

I so appreciate you telling me all that, Peter. I think that sometimes, as fans, it’s easy to think this opportunity may have just dropped in your lap. Most don’t realize how much work went into this. All too often, the general public doesn’t realize how much work it takes to be an actor, a director, a producer. They just think it’s fun and games all day. But I know–and many others now too–do know it takes a lot of hard work. 

Aurora Teagarden (Photo Credit: Kevin Speckmaier)

I’m glad to hear you say that because I think sometimes when people hear that an actor directed, they roll their eyes and think, “Did they really?” I can’t speak to anyone else’s experience. I need to give a huge shoutout to my wife and everyone who’s helped me. When we were producing our indie films, I think there were six years where we didn’t do much of anything except work, pitch, and invest our own money. You pour thousands of dollars into these things which you may or may not see again. You really try to move forward and learn the craft and grow. And so much of it is very not glamorous. I had so much fun directing this film. It was the best experience I’ve had. Jim and Candace were huge supports. And any time I had a question, I would go to Jim, who knows the show so well, and he was always helpful. We have a great relationship. He could tell when I needed help, and he knew when to tell me to trust my instinct or do what I thought was right. It was fun, exciting, and challenging.

with Lexa Doig
Aurora Teagarden
(Photo Credit: Kevin Speckmaier)

And as you’ve said, you have a really great group to work with. I’m thinking it already could have been potentially challenging when you’ve been acting in a series and now you step into the role of being a director and having a position of leadership. If you had people who weren’t really wonderful and supportive, it might have been more of a challenge. They could have been giving you a hard time and saying, “Who do you think you are? You’re telling us what to do? We don’t have to listen to you.” 

Oh, absolutely. When you’re acting together in twelve movies and all of a sudden your fellow scene partner is saying, ” I think we should do this,” and “Don’t come in till this line,” you could have the response of, “And who are you? We’re gonna do it my way.” But I honestly couldn’t have been luckier. Starting from Candace and Niall and Marilu and everybody else…I was lucky to be in an environment where everybody wanted me to succeed, and I could feel that. Often on these kinds of shows, your number one lead actor sets the tone. Candace came in day one smiling and saying, “How can I help? What do you need from me?” Any thought or suggestion I had was met with, “Right. Let’s do it.” We’re all professionals too. If we had a question or disagreed with something, we could work it out. I love them all, and they were right there for me.

You know what else was great too? The guest cast is so good in this one. These guys brought it. I knew some of them, but not all of them. They were all fun to play with.

behind-the-scenes with Miranda
Aurora Teagarden
(Photo Credit: Kevin Speckmaier)

I would expect to hear that, but it’s good to hear that. This has become one of Hallmark’s strongest mysteries, and because Garage Sale Mystery is no longer, this is now Hallmark’s longest-running mystery series that is still on the air. It’s great to see that they continue to raise the bar each time. I’ll watch one and think it’s my favorite until I see the next one. Then it becomes my new favorite. Each one gets progressively better. You’re not resting on your laurels, which would be an easy thing to do. 

It’s awesome to hear you say that because honestly that’s the talk every time. “The last one was great, but how do we push this one even further?” We all also have so much fun working together. It’s one of the special experiences in my career where we all love getting together. I miss them. I can’t wait to get back to it with everybody. There’s always a family feeling when we go back to shooting these.

Aurora Teagarden
(Photo Credit: Kevin Speckmaier)

Is there anything you can tease about this one without spoiling it for those who haven’t seen it yet?

All I can say is that in this particular one, we have three different things going on that I really love. We have a great mystery. We have Niall’s character, Nick, hoping to pop the question, but he keeps getting thwarted so we don’t know if it’s ever gonna happen. And there’s also quite a bit of action that happens at the end. There’s a lot of different elements going on in this one. There’s mystery, romance, and some cool action sequences.

The other thing about this is that are great red herrings involved. I think there’s three or four actors and any of them could be it. I think everyone will be excited to try to figure this one out.

with Candace

Before the film premiered, a big part of the trailer was Nick trying to pop the question. And one of the big concerns a lot of fans have with the mystery series in general is that once the leads get engaged or married, the series ends. Now, we are not one hundred percent sure what the future holds, but do you believe the series will remain viable if and when Niall and Roe get engaged or married?

It’s a good question. I believe that if they get engaged or married, my assumption would be that nothing would happen too quickly. I know what you’re talking about, and I think the writers on this and the producers are so smart and clever that they know the traps you could fall into. I think they will continue to find obstacles for them in every story that will make it interesting and charming. I think it will keep on rolling, and we’ll go to the next level.

I also think, it isn’t a weekly series. Twenty-four episodes of something in one season and the characters get together…maybe that gets old fast. But because we do three, four, or five a year, I think it’s still exciting every time you see them, and the writers will be clever enough to put exciting adventures in there for them.

with Jim Head

I agree with you. I think that what the viewers don’t realize is that while it may seem like a Hallmark mystery series was canceled because the lead couple got engaged, there are so many more things that go into whether a series is canceled or continues. The factors behind-the-scenes are what really goes into the continuation or not of a series. 

I totally agree with you. And I think in our storylines, romance is always secondary. The mystery is so intriguing, and what is so great about Aurora is that the fans just love her character. Once that mystery bug is planted in her, she can’t stop till she solves it. So I don’t think that will go away, and I think that will keep everyone excited about what’s happening in the show. Whatever is happening with her and Nick will feed into whatever mystery they are trying to solve.

part of the behind-the-camera team

Thank you for sharing your perspective. I know that that the series could be canceled for a variety of reasons, but I agree with you. The furthering of a relationship between Roe and Nick is not going to be what cancels the series. I know this is just your opinion and my opinion and neither of us really knows anything for sure, but it’s just nice to hear your thoughts. So we just saw this movie, Aurora Teagarden: Heist and Seek this past Sunday. I’m not sure when it will air in Canada. 

I’m not sure either.

And of course, we’ll look forward to finishing the next one as soon as it’s safe for you to go back and film. That’s got to be difficult when you have had all these weeks away and then you have to go back and pick up right where you left off. I think that would present its own challenges. 

Peter Benson Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

Oh yeah. We all were laughing and saying, “Now, nobody gain too much weight.” If you gain twenty pounds during this time, you’ll go from one scene walking around the corner to then looking suddenly very different. I had a beard when we were filming. But I would think that everybody would have at least a month’s notice. So if anything happens, we can make sure that we all look the same. I know we don’t have the answer about when we go back, but I think we’re all hoping for the summer.

So do you have anything else coming up that you can mention? It seems like there’s a non-Hallmark movie.

Miranda Frigon, Peter Benson Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

Yes, Woman On the Edge. At least, that’s the title now.

Didn’t Jason Bourque direct that?

No, Jason was a producer on it.

Oh, okay! I was confused. 

When I went in to audition for it, I saw his name on it. I’ve known Jason for years. He’s a great guy and a great director. I love working with him. Then there’s a guy named Troy Scott, who’s often been a first assistant director. I thought that they must have the wrong name or the name was in the wrong spot because Troy is usually the AD, but it was his first time getting to direct. He was phenomenal. Then Jason was there as a producer to help him out. I had worked with Troy on Love Under the Rainbow where he was an assistant director. He got a shot to direct this one and nailed it. I don’t know release dates or if it’s got a deal with a network.

Mech X-4

It doesn’t look like it does, but we’ll keep watching. I’m thinking it sounds like a Lifetime movie or maybe even Netflix. I know a lot of acquisitions are happening, so that may mean this movie makes it to a network sooner than later. So is there anything else upcoming that you can mention?

I think we covered it all. The one I have been most excited about was this most recent Aurora Teagarden since I haven’t done as much directing.

Hopefully that will lead to more directing for you. 

I would love that. It’s definitely a passion of mine. Julia {Benson} and I also have a script in with Hallmark that I’ve been working on with them. So I’ve been super fortunate that they’ve been supportive and that they seem to build a lot of their talent from within. I’m just thrilled that I got to be included in that.

Well, thank you so much for your time, Peter. It was a wonderful installment of Aurora, and I hope that many people will watch it when it airs again if they haven’t already.

Thank you, Ruth. It’s always a pleasure chatting with you, and thanks for all your support and the support from the fans too.

with his wife, Julia

If you have been following Peter’s career over the past few years, you will be rather familiar with his Hallmark career as well as some of his other work outside of Hallmark. No matter what role he plays, Peter is one who consistently embodies every ounce of his character and then some. Even though I tend to recognize him the moment he appears on the screen, it does not detract from the indisputable fact that he is a consummate, dynamic actor. In my humble opinion, Peter has this uncanny knack for authentically transforming into whatever persona he is requested to adopt while still maintaining his inherent and intrinsic features, mannerisms, and temperaments that correspond to that character. He is a master storyteller further evidenced by how he always rises to the occasion and exquisitely and meticulously performs whatever is asked of him to accomplish his goals and purpose within this industry.

Nothing illustrated his professional prowess more than this most recent Aurora Teagarden film in which he made his directorial debut with the network. While some may assume that any actor can arrive on set and direct with efficiency, this supposition could not be further from the truth. While the actors are the ones that the viewers tend to regard when it comes to these movies, without proper leadership, these talented artists would not illuminate the screen in the skillful fashion they do. I have interviewed many directors in my time, and without exception, I can assert that without a competent director, a movie or a show will flounder. It’s not a walk in the park nor happy hour when one chooses the path of director. Essentially, you are the captain of the ship, and if that ship sinks, guess who is held responsible–the captain! While every single part of the puzzle is crucial to the overall reception and success of any given film, the director is that indispensable piece of the puzzle that could cause the entire project to collapse if not placed precisely and executed well. While Peter is far too modest to ever herald his own success as a director, I unequivocally state that this directorial debut of Peter’s was so vibrantly and proficiently achieved that if this is indicative of his talents as a director, it boggles the imagination to even visualize how phenomenal his future projects as director will be! This most recent Aurora Teagarden was as strong if not stronger than any of the previous films in the series, and I can only hope and pray that Hallmark recognizes Peter’s gifts in all areas and appropriates them wisely in the weeks, months, and years to come.

If you did not have the opportunity to watch Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Heist and Seek, I hope that you make a concerted effort to watch it on its next showing on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries {May 24} while paying careful attention to not only Peter’s character in the series but the overall feel and mood of the entire film. While you are enjoying this most recent mystery film, I suggest that you take a moment to visit Peter’s links below and follow him where applicable. (Be sure to congratulate him on his success as well! He definitely is deserving of all the laurels his co-stars and friends have been bestowing upon him.) While this is the first movie Hallmark has hired Peter to direct, I do not believe we have seen the last of his abilities in this area. Furthermore, I anticipate the day when Hallmark chooses both Peter and Julia to star in their own Hallmark romance, and I know that all of the Hallmarkies will be right there with me to uproariously applaud their achievements!





Peter Benson, Nolan Hupp Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman


Interview With Actor Peter Benson, “Love Under the Rainbow” & “Aurora Teagarden”

Interview With Actor Peter Benson, “Falling For Vermont”

Matt Cohen Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Allister Foster

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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.

1 Comment

  1. denise May 24, 2020 Reply

    wonderful interview! I ‘ve enjoyed watching his character roles over the years, so nice he’s also directing, and possibly more in the future.

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