DUST - Traducción al español - bab.la lcp

¿Cuál es la traducción de "dust" en Español?

Infinitivo de dusted: dust
dust = es

"dust" en español


dusting {sustantivo}


dust {sustantivo}


dust [dusted|dusted] {verbo}

repasar [repasando|repasado] {v.t.} [AmL.] (adornos, muebles)
sacudir [sacudiendo|sacudido] {v.t.} [Cono S.] (limpiar)
sacudir los muebles
sacudir los muebles
dust (también: spray)
fumigar {v.t.} (campo, cultivo)

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "dust" en Español

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Let us get the whole matter done and dusted in double quick time!
A ver si conseguimos solucionar todo el asunto lo antes posible.
All the bad means from the past were dusted down, this time to break any opposition to progress.
Se eliminaron todos los medios malos del pasado, el tiempo para romper con las oposiciones al progreso.
Mr President, Commissioner, as you have explained, the issue of Chernobyl is by no means done and dusted.
Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, como nos ha explicado, Chernóbil está lejos de ser un asunto concluido.
All done and dusted then?
All done and dusted then?
We need to rekindle the Delors spirit of 1992 and ensure by the end of the century that a true single market is done and dusted.
Necesitamos reavivar el espíritu de Delors de 1992 y garantizar que antes de que finalice el siglo tendremos realmente un mercado único listo y funcionando.
Now, debate and reflection have been announced, but a debate aimed only at having the same Constitution dusted off later is meaningless.
Ahora se anuncia un debate y una reflexión, pero un debate destinado únicamente a desempolvar más tarde la misma Constitución carece de todo sentido.
Now you tell me that you have been informed, but not assured I hope, that it will be all done and dusted in 2003, with a few extras 'tacked on ' in 2005.
Ahora me dice que tiene la información -espero que ya no la certeza- de que todo habrá terminado en 2003, excepto algunos flecos que quedarán para 2005.
I dusted my 1999 speech down, Mr Schulz left the Chamber after his speech, various other things remain just the same as they were seven years ago.
He desempolvado mi discurso de 1999, el señor Schulz ha abandonado la Cámara después de su discurso, varias cosas más siguen exactamente igual que hace siete años.
Take the trickery employed by the 'European elite' who presented nothing more than the dusted and amended EU draft Constitution for ratification!
Tómese como ejemplo las triquiñuelas empleadas por la "elite europea" que presentó un borrador de la Constitución de la UE desempolvado y enmendado para que se ratificara.
My question is this: you originally told me - I have all the information here and I do not suppose that you will question it - that it would be all done and dusted in 2001.
Mi pregunta es la siguiente: me había dicho usted -y tengo aquí todos los datos, no creo que lo ponga en duda- que todo estaría terminado en 2001.
It is only natural that new issues will arise from experience, which call for changes, innovations, and sometimes a questioning of matters that were believed to be done and dusted.
No hay nada más normal que ver surgir, de la experiencia de la vida, nuevos asuntos que requieren adaptaciones, innovaciones y a veces cuestionamientos de aquello que creíamos conseguido.
As I have said in this House before, it would be a terrible mistake if we were to think that the problems in the Balkans, or in Afghanistan for that matter, were done and dusted.
Como ya he dicho antes en esta Cámara, sería un error terrible si pensáramos que los problemas de los Balcanes, o los de Afganistán, por poner otro ejemplo, estuvieran ya resueltos definitivamente.

English Cómo usar "dust" en una frase

Additionally, when the dust settles in the city, sand builds up and desertification looms.
We have evidence of high tech explosives found in all of the dust, we have evidence of thermite found in the molten iron samples.
In environments with high ambient dust levels, it is beneficial to utilize a filter system that has double filtration.
For untroubled operation of the optical components also stronger soiling/impurification (dust and deposition of weld fume particles) should be avoided, if possible.
The dust can be detected because it absorbs ordinary starlight and re-emits it as infrared radiation.

English Cómo usar "dusting" en una frase

A few dustings of snow are forecasted for this week.
And a dusting off of musical instruments that haven't been seen since school.
It's a dusting nightmare, but everything seems to belong.
It's annoying that they get a mini-holiday every time there's a dusting.
As of now, only a dusting is in the forecast for parts of the area.

Sinónimos (inglés) para "dust":
