Victoria Silvstedt: My Perfect Life | TV Time
Victoria Silvstedt: My Perfect Life
Victoria Silvstedt: My Perfect Life
1 stagione2008Conclusa
International superstar Victoria Silvstedt is jet set, fabulously wealthy and living la dolce vita. But at 34, she's ready to switch gears. Victoria aspires to have a family, become an A-list actress and a world-class humanitarian just like her idol, Angelina Jolie. Will she be able to realize her dreams while living life in the spotlight? One thing is certain: It'll be fun to watch her try! Join the international actress, model, pop diva and blonde bombshell as she visits the world's most beautiful cities from one A-list party to the next.
International superstar Victoria Silvstedt is jet set, fabulously wealthy and living la dolce vita. But at 34, she's ready to switch gears. Victoria aspires to have a family, become an A-list actress and a world-class humanitarian just like her idol, Angelina Jolie. Will she be able to realize her dreams while living life in the spotlight? One thing is certain: It'll be fun to watch her try! Join the international actress, model, pop diva and blonde bombshell as she visits the world's most beautiful cities from one A-list party to the next.
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