How to Fix Common Smartphone Problems - The Plug - HelloTech

How to Fix Common Smartphone Problems

fix common smartphone problems
fix common smartphone problems

Smartphones are some of the best inventions of this digital age. They use modern technology to perform basic functions to increase efficiency and convenience. But what happens when your smartphone is constantly breaking down? Sadly, this is a common occurrence with issues and bugs constantly plaguing even new smartphone releases. Do not despair as there are ways to fix them.

Below are some of the most common smartphone problems faced by users and suggestions on how to fix them.

Widespread Bugs

Bugs are pretty common with new smartphones and new releases. If the bugs hit more than one app on your phone, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause behind it. If a couple of apps are causing your phone to act crazy, turn your phone off and on again. This should refresh your phone’s short-term memory and get rid of anything causing it to go haywire.

 If this doesn’t work, use a special hardware reset combination unique to your phone. Be careful when doing this step as it could reset your phone’s entire memory. If you are not sure what to do, check the phone’s manual. If the problem persists, it could be a bug. Take it to your phone manufacturer’s service center. Also, check their website to see if there’s an update to your phone that will fix the bug.

Faulty Apps

One of the best things to happen to smartphones is apps. They offer a wide range of functionality and entertainment for your smartphone. Some apps are designed to track fitness activity. Others are designed to help organize tasks. However, there are instances when apps do not work in the way they are supposed to, known as faulty apps.

For faulty apps, clear the app data from the App Manager (the name for this will vary according to the smartphone used). Clearing the cache will remove any unnecessary data or those not in use. In some cases, faulty apps are caused by bugs from the app itself. The best way to fix it is to uninstall the app, then re-download it.

Bluetooth Connectivity Issues

Image Source: Phandroid

Bluetooth is one of the connectivity features available to smartphones and mobile devices. It works by pairing devices that enable you to conveniently share files from one device to another. Bluetooth issues constantly plague modern smartphones. These problems usually arise due to pairing errors and interference. The interference can be due to satellite signals, radio waves, the presence of other wireless devices, and more. The excess of cached data on the recipient device could also be the reason why Bluetooth connectivity issues exist.

Fixing this issue is simpler than it appears. The first thing you need to try is to turn the Bluetooth off and then switch it on again. If this step does not fix the problem, delete your Bluetooth cache. Access this via your app settings on the smartphone. You can also check if your device is visible to other devices. If you do not manually activate this feature, it will be hidden from nearby Bluetooth signals.

If none of these steps fix the Bluetooth issue, look for any possible source of interference. Once you have identified the source of interference, deactivate it. If that is not possible, go to a location far from the source of interference.

Incompatible MicroSD

Image Source: BGR

There are several brands and types of microSD cards in the market. However, not all of them are designed to fit universally. It is important to know exactly what type of microSD is suited for your smartphone so you can buy the correct one. If you choose the wrong card, there is not much you can do about it.

The two common types of microSD cards for smartphones are SDHC and SDXC. In addition to the format of the microSD card, you need to identify the speed classes for each. There are three classes to choose from for most smartphones: 1) Class 10, 2) UHS-1 Class 1, and 3) UHS-1 Class 3. It is important to take note of these factors when shopping for microSD cards to ensure that whatever you buy is compatible with your smartphone. The best way to find the right match is to bring your phone when you buy a microSD card.

Syncing Error

A syncing error is one of the most common problems faced by smartphone users. Don’t fret when you experience this problem on your phone. One of the first things you need to do is to check if you are connected to the Internet. This will enable you to sync seamlessly with the service in question. If you cannot sync even when you are connected online, check if the service is down. It is also a good idea to double check your login credentials. When you have checked everything, try syncing again until you are successful.

If none of the above recommendations work, remove the account from the service and then reconnect it. Unless the service is down, you should be able to sync successfully.

Unresponsive Screen

Image Source: All Tech Buzz

An unresponsive screen can also be common when using smartphones. You are browsing with your phone and, all of a sudden, the screen freezes. You try to press the back button but it is not responding. This can be highly frustrating, but do not panic. All you have to do is to restart your phone.

Turn your phone off. Wait a minute or two before you start it again. Once the phone has launched again, you should be able to use it without a glitch.

Battery Problems

Battery issues commonly plague smartphones. There are several types of problems affecting smartphone batteries. These problems include battery drain and slow charging. Fixing battery problems on smartphones are actually one of the easiest to fix. The first thing you need to do is stop ‘system-hogging’ apps. These are the ones that eat up a lot of battery life.

It also pays to take a few basic but critical steps to address battery problems on smartphones. For example, clear the cache on your phone regularly. Reduce the brightness of your smartphone screen or shorten the screen timeout.

While there are plenty of resources out there that claim to offer solutions to these problems, it is best to have a professional such as HelloTech into them. You can make the problem worse by trying to fix it with limited knowledge. Protect your investment and take it to a professional for serious problems. Otherwise, you could risk causing more damage.

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