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Welcome to r/MinecraftClients! Here we can discuss everything related to Minecraft Hacked Clients and Ghost Clients. Please be sure to read the rules. Dont forget to join our Discord! discord.gg/invite/PjeWqr75jk You can also talk about badlion/lunar but you will probably be made fun of

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FAQ - Minecraft Utility Mods/Hacked Clients


Since the mods won't do it and I'm tired of seeing the same recycled posts here every day I guess I'l just get it over with.

Best client for 1.16.2/latest version anarchy?

I personally like Meteor Client, it has pretty bad ElytraFly but lots of useful modules and will probably be more than enough for most 1.16 anarchy servers (which usually have a small playerbase due to the technical limitations of later Minecraft versions). Uses Fabric (not Forge).

Inertia Client (was called WWE before it had to change its name for legal reasons) is also very good imo, it also comes with Baritone.

Best client for 1.12.2 anarchy?

This is the big one, the majority of anarchy clients are on 1.12.2 (basically all big anarchy servers are stuck on that version).

Impact is the most common/popular 1.12.2 client, mainly because it is easy to install, comes with Baritone and is promoted by Fit (who doesn't seem to know much about clients, ignore what he says).I don't personally like the client much, it has barely any PvP modules and feels slightly bloated with some completely unnecessary features.

Salhack is one of the best free clients available (no longer in development however), it has all the essential PvP modules, fast AutoCrystal as well as Schematica support and tons of extra features (AutoSign, AutoBuild, etc.). It occasionally causes crashes and is incompatible with some clients, if you can't start the game at all delete the SalHack folder from the .minecraft folder.

Kami Blue is extremely popular, it has 150 modules and (apart from 2b2t) very good ElytraFly. I would recommend it over Impact and Salhack if you only want to have one client at once.

Osiris+ (discord invite) has some nice features for PvP, not really viable as a standalone client but worth checking out.

Best client for Hypixel?

"The best client for hypixel currently is astolfo, due to it having a full disabler, But it is 40$ and that is a little more then what people would like to be paying.

Novoline is currently the 2nd best option, as it has a very fast fly, and most of the other modules astolfo has except you cant teleport, novoline is 25$

I wouldnt reccomend zeroday for hypixel until b 20.5 comes out, but zeroday is usually in the top few.

I also wouldnt recommend sigma due to both it being a really shitty option (for paid) and the accusations of it being malware of some kind.

I would say that currently exhibition is the 3rd best option, this is due to it having a astolfo price without the cool astolfo shit, it does have a really nice menu though.

if you are willing to risk the dev just quitting randomly cause he cant deal with haters, then you should get aurora / deepwater horizon / crystalware reloaded as it truly is an amazing client, the dev is just really fucking depressed and never officially releases shit.

As free clients go for Hypixel theres not much you can do.

If you are willing to risk sigma then sigma is most likely your best option for hypixel free, even though you will definitely be getting banned.

If you would like to do ghost for free you could use the flux crack or the crypt crack. The crypt crack is in the javaclients discord and so is the flux one.https://discord.gg/rHFcnt3, also i seriously do NOT recommend downloading cracks from anyone whom you do not trust, if you do not trust me, then dont download cracks from me. Also i said flux and crypt instead of say koid because crypt is by far the best option among cracked / free ghost cheats, no need for anything else (assuming you arent getting screenshared.)

If you would like to do paid ghost on hypixel you have a few options too,

Crypt (no site right now and im banned from their discord) - considered to be one of the best ghost clients - is 80$ - its considered to be one of the best ghost clients because of its bypasses on mmc, and because it has a really nice aimassist

Entropy - crypt but with a less nice aimassist - 30$ - aimassist still works just fine (and this is the main cheat i use) but it has al the other features crypt has except aimassist, and is less then half the price.

Whiteout - i personally have never used but if someone in comments of this wants to give a quick review of it since i dont know much that would help.

drip - drip X and drip no one ever uses, but drip lite (even though its 200$) is pretty nice.

Swaghack / wolfieclicker - the cheat to go with if you are using lunar client - wolfieclicker is 85 and swaghack is 500.

Yukio - web based, has a version for lunar - very very cheap - 15$ for normal web - 12.5$ for their lunar ac on clicker.

Credit to u/FangLeone2526

Where to get alts?

The Altening works well, MCAccounts is "apparently" good, can't personally confirm. (cant link because of rules).

Bedrock Clients?

Horion is the only one I have seen being talked about much, will need someone else to review it.

Paid anarchy clients?

Pyro is made by the former Salhack devs, one of the most popular paid clients.

Future Client is probably the most popular paid client (again, mainly due to Fit), the 20$ price tag isn't justified in my opinion since it is essentially a slightly better Impact, but a decent standalone client if you don't PvP much.

Raion is updated frequently and probably worth the money.

Diamond autominer/pathfinding bot?

I see this pop up all the time, afaik nothing like this exists on Bedrock (possibly on Horion, correct me if I'm wrong) but Java has Baritone (standalone Forge mod, also integrated in clients like Impact, Kami Blue and Inertia).

Some basic commands are #goto x y z, .b mine diamond_ore (on Impact), and #schematica. Type #help in chat for a full list.

I probably forgot tons of stuff, comment whatever I missed/things I should add, I'm not the most qualified person for this but no one else seemed to be willing to do it and it might stop people from spamming the same few posts every day.

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u/FakeTimTom avatar

Holy shit the madlad did it


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u/FangLeone2526 avatar

has been done

u/Samtastic33 avatar

Definitely the best post I’ve seen on this sub, not even close.

This basically goes over everything we have to explain in like every thread. This is an almost perfect and complete summary, nice job.


Gamesense is a pretty good free 1.12.2 client


Thank you

You’re goddamn right


Add Rusher hack to paid 1.12.2 clients and Bleach hack to 1.16



u/LordHamster42 avatar

I've never used those clients, can you give me some info on them?

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You should edit this and add something about baritone


How do I get invited to the Osiris+ discord ?

u/LordHamster42 avatar


this should work


Yooo thank you very much!!

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u/LordHamster42 you forgot liquidbounce

u/LordHamster42 avatar

i'll try it out and add something

cool, dont forget to write about how its free and has script api

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pyro is made by giantnuker and ionar not just ionar.

I only know about flare, horion, and chronclient for bedrock

pretty sure horion and flare are both patched and chron and octoclient is the only working ones left


link to swaghack?


is SalHack working with cracked minecrafts ? (like T-Launcher)


is any of those working with non original minecraft?

u/LordHamster42 avatar

do you really have to make two comments in 2 minutes on a 3 month old post? Also you cant play on proper servers on a cracked account so you should just buy the fucking game

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u/Vikarious_ avatar

imagine playing on a 1.16 anarchy. smh 1.12.2 anarchy on top

u/bubbanak907 avatar

I play on a 1.16.3 server it was 1.15.2 for a grip until fully tested by the admin and we moved over. I love having the new blocks. Plus respawn anchors are sick af. Now we can base out to 30 mil in nether if we want. Plus they are fun as hell to pvp with. Not many people expect anchor pvp. Meteor has anchor aura, its not great, but you get what you pay for and then some with meteor. And elytra works great with right settings. On my server it is comparable to salhack, and we have a lot of converts.

u/LordHamster42 avatar

1.12.2 servers aren't stuck on that version because they think it has better gameplay, it's because later versions have worse performance and can't sustain playable TPS with large playerbases.

Not necessarily true, builders and wasp pvpers prefer 1.13+

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Not as much of a well known backdoor dummy as your mama

I am a bot. Downvote to remove. PM me if there's anything for me to know!

Holy shit you fucking killed him

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the horoin link for discord isnt wokring welp

pls send link again