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50 years of Ringwood Waldorf School

1974 - 2024

This year, we celebrate 50 years of Ringwood Waldorf School.

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Education is

Looking for the best option in alternative education?

Welcome to Ringwood Waldorf School!

We are a leading provider of Waldorf education in the south of England

Starting in May

New Baby Group

We are excited to announce that a new baby group for families with babies from birth to walking will begin at RWS in May.

Ash Tree Parent and Child Group provides a warm and homely environment for families with young children from birth to four years old. We offer eight weekly sessions led by a Waldorf trained Parent and Child Group leader. We aim to nurture healthy infant and child development through opportunities for free movement, gentle sensory exploration, imaginative child-led play, and secure connections.

The new group will run on Tuesdays 1:30pm - 3pm during RWS term time. 

If you would like to book a free taster session, please get in touch, and we would be delighted to welcome you into the community.

Child Protection and Safeguarding

All staff and trustees are committed to the safeguarding and wellbeing of our pupils and have all received training in child protection and are aware of the policies and  procedure for passing on welfare concerns within the school.

Wednesday Club

The club runs from 3.30 to 5.00 pm and is open to children from class 1 upwards - games/sport and art/crafts programme

School Lunches

School lunches are offered by classes aiming to support their class trips

Holiday Clubs

Ringwood Waldorf School holiday clubs run for six to twelve-year-olds on our school site. We provide a wide range of activities, mostly out of doors, with lots of time for guided and free play and social interaction.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

Ringwood Waldorf School does not discriminate based on "race", gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or national origin in its employment policies, educational policies, admissions policies and other school policies.

Waldorf Modern Teacher Education

Waldorf Modern Teacher Education Teacher Training

Is it your time to become a Steiner-Waldorf teacher? Start the journey today - teacher training course hosted at Ringwood Waldorf School.


Major projects the school is planning and seeking donations for are

  • School Extension Building
  • Fourth Kindergarten
  • Outdoor Blacksmithing/Craft Area

You may state on the donation form which area you'd prefer to donate towards.

New Minibus Donation

New bus routes planned | Less congestion in the car park & more spaces | Available for easier transfer on class trips

The Waldorf 100 Films

A series of short films created for the centenary of Waldorf Education (2019) under the direction of the award-winning Californian documentary filmmaker Paul Zehrer.

The Waldorf 100 Films

A series of short films created for the centenary of Waldorf Education (2019) under the direction of the award-winning Californian documentary filmmaker Paul Zehrer.

Upper School

The adolescent has reached a stage of development in which the individual sense of self is emerging in relation to a growing intellect and search for truth. As teenagers mature inwardly, they also grow socially. The teenage years are a time when adolescents hone their powers of judgment and seek to align their inner ideals with truths they experience in nature and culture.


The school aspires to a non-selective admissions policy and does not discriminate between applicants on grounds of academic ability, gender, disability, race or religion or any other protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. Children will be considered for admission in accordance with the school’s Admissions Policy.

International Students

Visiting Students Programme - Living and studying overseas at a young age is a very rich and rewarding experience both for you and for your British classmates. You will be fully integrated into our own classes of native English speaking children and together you will follow the Waldorf curriculum used worldwide.

Early Years

In our Early Years programme we work with children in the first phase of human development, which is primarily focused on building the physical body and strong healthy senses as a foundation for future learning. It is a time when the child learns best through imitation and play rather than instruction. In the first seven years of life, children are one with their surroundings.

Ash Tree Parent and Child Group

Ash Tree Parent and Child Group provides a warm and homely environment where families with young children, from around six months to four years old, spend time together in a session led by a Parent and Child Group leader. We aim to nurture healthy child development through opportunities for free movement, imaginative child-led play, gentle sensory exploration and secure connections. Our two hour sessions run Monday to Friday during term time, and we would be delighted to welcome you!


The Kindergartens at Ringwood Waldorf School provide a secure, inspiring and nurturing learning environment for children aged three to six years. Our educational principles, policy and practice are based on and informed by the Waldorf Early Years curriculum and framework. Each of the three Kindergartens usually has around 15 children of mixed ages and is led by a specially trained Kindergarten teacher and at least one trained assistant.

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