Andrew Stevens Biography (1955-)

Andrew Stevens Biography (1955-)

Born June 10, 1955, in Memphis, TN; son of Noble Herman and Stella (an actress) Stevens; married Kate Jackson (an actress), 1979 (divorced, 1980); marriedRobyn; children: (second marriage) one son. Education: Attended Immaculate Heart College (Los Angeles, CA), 1973-74; attended West Los Angeles College and Los Angeles Valley College, 1974-75; Antioch University, B.A., psychology, 1987; studied acting with Lee Strasberg, David Craig, Vincent Chase, and Robert Easton. Politics: Democrat. Career: Actor, director,writer, unit production manager, and producer. King Cod Productions, Los Angeles, CA, owner and executive producer; Royal Oaks Entertainment InternationalFilm Distributors, chief executive officer and president, c. 1990s--; Franchise Pictures and Franchise Classics, president and chief operating officer (with Elie Samaha); Butterbean Electric Company, Memphis, TN, owner (with others). Member: Actors' Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, Studio Transportation Drivers-Teamster's Union, local 399 (honorary member), American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers. Awards, Honors: Los Angeles Drama Circle Critics Award, for Bouncers; Golden Globe Award nomination, best motion picture acting debut--male, 1979, for The Boys in Company C..

Actor, director, writer, unit production manager, producer
Birth Details
June 10, 1955
Memphis, Tennessee, United States

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