News facts

A Putinian madness is urgently required

by Mike Whitney. Putin made a brief but worrying statement about NATO's plans to target targets in Russia with long-range weapons. He made it clear that Russia would respond to these attacks.

Early dissolution of the British Parliament on May 30, 2024

The conservatives are clearly the losers. Barring major unforeseen events, it will be a comeback for Labor with a change of policy and a scathing disavowal for the team in place.

2024 Olympics and the 2024 BRICS Games

by Dominique Delawarde. Despite the threats made by the IOC authorities, controlled by Western NATO, around a hundred states representing the enormous majority of the world's population have announced their participation.

Lessons from the Covid-19 crisis and risks for tomorrow with Louis Fouché

“During the entire crisis, we abandoned the notion of a person, a sick person, an individual who would not be well and replaced it with an indicator which is a number of positive tests in the population. This is completely crazy".

Zelensky invited to the 80th anniversary, not Russia, why? There were indeed Ukrainians in Normandy in June 44 but on which side?

by Patrice Gibertie. The choice not to invite Russia is a shame. And that of celebrating Zelensky and Ukraine? Ukrainians fought against the Nazis, others unfortunately were Nazis like Bandera.

Russo-NATO & Israel/Palestine conflict. Claude Janvier receives Alain Juillet

This is a dangerous escalation because we are playing with fire, we must be clear. [...] When we start to say, we are going to send troops there, you have to know that troops there make you a co-belligerent.

Revelations about Israel's 'secret war' against the International Criminal Court

The rogue Zionist entity is nothing more than a group of thugs, bandits and criminals who have gathered in a small Palestinian territory to commit the worst crimes known to humanity

Panama: Angry students expel Israeli ambassador from their university, Itai Bardov forced to flee by car

The Media in 4-4-2. This demonstration is part of a broader context of solidarity with Palestine and international condemnation of Israel for its human rights violations

The left is war, Françoise Thom, what to do with Ukraine?

by Xavier Moreau. what to do with Ukraine? - Meeting Seoul, Tokyo, Beijing - Taliban: normalization - kyiv: mass hostage taking - Anglo-Saxon media vs dictatorship of reality - Macron's dirty war.

It's inexorable, Macron sends us to war without the slightest opposition

France could soon send military trainers to Ukraine despite concerns from some allies and criticism from Russia, and could announce its decision next week during a visit by Zelensky.

Ukraine: The playground of American neo-conservatives

Neo-conservatives are people who have never understood the notion of going backwards. The more they fail, the more they persevere in their mistakes. These people are therefore anything but rational, which makes them extremely dangerous.

How Ukraine is becoming an extermination camp for its own people

Cries of distress from Ukraine: men are torn from their cars, brutally forced to go to the front, mistreated in recruitment centers. Tens of thousands of people are trying to flee.

Major war maneuvers in Europe under US command

The Ukrainian army is in growing difficulty, so much so that kyiv has issued a law which allows the recruitment in prisons of common law prisoners, including criminals, ready to go to the front in exchange for freedom. 

George Clooney's foundation 'tracks' Russian journalists

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the organization co-founded by famous Hollywood actor George Clooney had declared that the hunt for Russian journalists was on.

Woman runs for president in Iran

A woman, Zohre Elahian, a doctor by profession, became this Saturday, June 1, the first Iranian woman to register as a presidential candidate in Iran, announced the spokesperson for the electoral committee.

Lies and manipulation

“You are being filmed”: A documentary critique of surveillance

In the computer age, our private messages are tracked, our publications constantly analyzed, our bodies scrutinized by video surveillance devices scattered throughout our streets.

Measures against the adverse effects of mRNA vaccines? Sick leave <8 days will no longer be compensated! 1 year reduction for long illnesses

The institution proposed a battery of measures to achieve between “500 million and one billion euros” in savings on the Social Security budget. the equivalent of the cost of legal aid for illegal immigrants


Interview with Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine, Prime Minister of Niger

RT France. On May 31, during the African Development Bank meetings in Nairobi, Kenya, Samantha Ramsamy granted an interview to Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine, head of government of Niger.

To cover up its war crimes, Israel now claims to have “lost control” of its soldiers

by Robert Inlakesh. It is no coincidence that extremist ideologues are promoted within the IDF & that “undisciplined” soldiers are given carte blanche to commit crimes against Palestinians.

China's central bank vows to accelerate yuan internationalization, high-level financial opening-up

The People's Bank of China (PBC), the central bank, has pledged to further strengthen coordination between the yuan and foreign currencies in a bid to accelerate the internationalization of the yuan.


The conflict in Ukraine demystified the superiority of American weapons

by Andrew Cockburn. Russian troops are inexorably advancing in the Kharkiv region, and it is becoming increasingly clear that the conflict in Ukraine has become a disaster for the American war machine.

Nasrallah: Israel has no place in the region's future; we must uproot this cancerous tumor

PressTV. The Hezbollah leader called for global efforts to eradicate the Zionist regime, saying the entity is nothing more than a "cancerous tumor" destined for destruction.  

Ideas & Society

“I saved the French economy”: Bruno Le Maire dares everything, that’s how we recognize him

by Yoann. In a very tense economic context, marked by the recent downgrading of France's rating by the S&P agency, Minister Bruno Le Maire was keen to defend his record, in terms that were, to say the least, daring.

The Rise of TechnoGod: The Black Swan of Artificial Intelligence and the AI ​​Threat No One Is Talking About

AI is a catchphrase that everyone rushes to grasp, but half (or more!) of the people in the conversation are baby boomers who pretend to understand what's going on.

The moment of the Palestinian flag

by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Sébastien Delogu, rebellious deputy from Marseille, is standing, his large figure deployed, he holds the Palestinian flag. It's a symbolic gesture, of course.

Stop the zoophobic insults!

by Rorik. What would the pig community tell us, if it could express itself distinctly, about its indignation knowing that it is assimilated to Mr. Habib, an uninhibited negationist of the Palestinian genocide?

The mystery of the Palestinian people: they exist and at the same time, they do not exist

by Jorge Majfud. The Palestinians have never existed as a people when demanding their human rights. They existed as the Amalek people three thousand years ago, when they came to be slaughtered.

A Beninese soldier testifies to the presence of French troops in the Kandi region who participate in operations with the Armed Forces of Benin

While Patrice Talon denies all accusations from the Nigerien authorities and sends letters of appeasement to General Tchiani, new evidence appears every day that French soldiers are indeed operating in Benin.

Best Debrief of Benyamin Netanyahu's speech on LCI with Farah RK

Farah RK is a unique political columnist who today tackles Benyamin Netanyahu's speech on LCI. His analysis is powerful and full of truth!

Netanyahu addresses the French

By half-heartedly threatening France with new terrorist attacks if it were to recognize the State of Palestine, he will at least have made it possible to expose the allegiance of our media elite to the genocidal Likud mafia.

Russia to create transport and logistics centers in Africa to redirect exports away from natural resources

Africa Media. The updated version of the project aims to redirect exports of non-energy and non-resource products to markets in friendly countries and provide access to new states.

Ukrainian corruption: Putin’s 5th column?

by André Bélobor. “In the Kharkiv region, the Ukrainian armed forces are suffering monstrous losses due to widespread theft and corruption in the construction of defense works.”


1st in France: A mayor gets involved with the new Order of Physicians, who take the oath of Asclepius

The Oath of Asclepius aims to raise awareness of the importance of ethics in the field of health, and to encourage patients to be informed and involved actors in their care.

Pandemic treaty: failure (but not mate…)

The WHO, forced, seems to backtrack on its pandemic treaty. But perverts are never short of tricks up their sleeves... Especially since they can always rely on unwavering journalistic prostitution.

Vaccines: How the truth is suppressed

We must also force manufacturers to put aluminum-free vaccines back on the market which have long been safe to vaccinate – such as DTP; to work on new non-toxic adjuvants.

Science & Technology

Robot Soldiers: This is chilling. The terminators are already here

by Charles Sannat. The progress in robotics coupled with AI is impressive. What was science fiction in my youth, I am thinking of “Terminator” for example, has simply become reality.

China's new island-building technology will shake up the balance of power in the South China Sea

by Gabriel Honrada. A new excavation method makes it possible to build on soft coral sand, helping to speed up Chinese construction in contested maritime regions.


Aymeric Lompret explains in his column the “Nazi without foreskin” joke to the management of Radio France

On this same channel, another comedian finds that the inquisition is a little too visible. This is Aymeric Lompret who decided to put his position on the line by justifying the joke about the Nazi without a foreskin.

He was on board an escort helicopter, the director of the presidential office reveals the conditions of the presidential helicopter crash

“The journey was made from the bottom of the dam towards Tabriz. The weather was clear and clear. We had no forecast for a special climatic phenomenon,” he assured.

Zemmour in flagrante delicto of crass stupidity, incapable of reading simple statistics

How is it possible to throw out such ridiculous figures without blushing with shame and without anyone, on TV sets, severely criticizing it apart from Aymeric Caron?

RI Zap of 28.05: Towards Mussolini fascism in another packaging

“One day, the law, the constitution, all that will no longer be of any use. What will govern your life will be the general conditions of a company which can cut off your access to the bank, to the telephone, to social networks even if you are legal.”