French-English dictionary - translation - lcp


Type in the word you would like to translate from French to English in the search field above. You can also look up a French translation for an English word as both sides of the French-English dictionary are searched. If a search returns an extensive list of results you can narrow your parameters with the use of helpful filters. Should you want to search another of our online dictionaries simply use the drop-down menu to select one.

Search the French dictionary by letter

If your search was unsuccessful or perhaps you don't know the exact French spelling, you can find it here. Choose a letter and you will see a complete list of French words beginning with that letter. When you find the word, click it to reach the corresponding page in the French-English dictionary.

Below are the latest suggested translations which have been added to the French-English dictionary. These French words and phrases have been entered by other users. You can help us make the dictionary even better by verifying correct French-English translations. If you find a mistake, you can also suggest a correction to either the English or the French words.

By joining you can help us make the French-English dictionary even better and reach our goal of being the largest online dictionary in the world. Users just like you are the reason our dictionaries keep growing and stay up to date. New French words and ways of translating French to English are developing all the time. By adding these expressions or other colloquial and regional French terms you make the dictionary more useful for everyone. A French-English translation can be very different depending on what context the word is used in. This is why we include several different translations for the same French word in the dictionary. As users add words to the French-English dictionary other users need to verify a translation before it is permanently put in the dictionary. Until then it shows up in results, but is marked as unverified.
To take part in all the fun register with us today and start collecting points for the world ranking. For example you are awarded points when you add new French phrases or words to the French-English dictionary. Should you be unsure if a translation is correct, you can always ask other users for help. In the French-English forum users answer questions and discuss issues on French language, translation and grammar.