The 35+ Best Documentaries About Oil, Ranked

Ranker Film
Updated May 15, 2024 36 items

The best documentaries tackle the controversies and importance of oil, including how it affects different countries and regions, how it impacts the climate and environment, its complicated politics, and how much oil we must have to sustain our everyday lives. What are the best documentaries about oil? The oil industry affects the deepest parts of the environment and just about every nation in the world. Massive oil spills and related pollution have dominated news outlets for decades. Who doesn’t remember seeing image after image of animals covered from an oil spill?

This list discusses the best documentary films discussing the oil industry, including: Collapse, Crude, The End of Suburbia, Fuel, PetroApocalypse Now?, FrackNation, Pipe Dreams, and Gasline. Vote up the most educational and entertaining, and add any that are missing from the list.

  • The Story of Petroleum

    The Story of Petroleum

    5 votes

    Delving into the fascinating world of oil production and its impact on modern society, The Story of Petroleum offers an enthralling journey through the geological formation process, extraction methods, and various uses of petroleum in everyday life. Directed by William Castle, this documentary expertly showcases the significance of oil in fueling global economic growth while raising concerns about environmental sustainability and resource depletion.

  • This eye-opening documentary exposes the harsh reality of the world's dependence on oil and explores the potentially catastrophic consequences that may befall humanity once this finite resource is depleted. Featuring interviews with industry experts, scientists, and activists, A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash serves as a stark warning about our unsustainable consumption patterns while simultaneously offering potential solutions to mitigate this impending crisis.

  • Crude
    Pablo Fajardo, Kent Robertson, Amy Goodman
    8 votes

    A compelling exposé on environmental injustice perpetrated by Big Oil companies operating in Ecuador’s Amazon region, Crude unveils the devastating health consequences suffered by indigenous people due to widespread pollution resulting from reckless drilling practices. Through heartbreaking testimonials and captivating visuals, this documentary imparts a powerful message about corporate greed and social responsibility.

  • Collapse
    Michael Ruppert
    11 votes

    Featuring a chilling interview with Michael Ruppert – author, investigative journalist, and former LAPD officer – Collapse delves into his predictions for an imminent global economic collapse fueled by dwindling oil reserves. With thought-provoking analysis backed by credible data sources, this sobering documentary urges viewers to critically assess their reliance on finite resources while exploring potential solutions to avert disaster.

  • The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil

    The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil

    8 votes

    Highlighting Cuba's remarkable resilience in facing an energy crisis following the Soviet Union's collapse, The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil illustrates how grassroots community-building efforts can lead to innovative solutions for sustainable living. This inspiring film demonstrates how necessity breeds invention and provides valuable insights for communities grappling with similar challenges around the globe.

  • Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet
    David Attenborough, Johan Rockström
    10 votes

    Centered on the groundbreaking work of environmental scientist Johan Rockström, Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet unveils how human activity, including the oil industry, is dangerously pushing Earth's boundaries beyond its limits. Through captivating graphics and clear explanations, this documentary lays out nine essential planetary boundaries that must be respected to ensure humanity's survival and offers a call-to-action for immediate change.

  • Gasland
    Dick Cheney, Josh Fox
    7 votes

    Gasland exposes the controversial practice of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) used to extract natural gas from shale rock formations. Directed by Josh Fox, this award-winning documentary reveals the devastating impact of fracking on communities across America while highlighting the powerful influence wielded by energy companies in shaping political discourse and policy-making.

  • PetroApocalypse Now?

    PetroApocalypse Now?

    5 votes

    In PetroApocalypse Now?, director Basil Gelpke investigates the global implications of peak oil – the point at which petroleum extraction reaches its maximum rate before inevitably declining. Featuring interviews with experts in geology, economics, and geopolitics, this thought-provoking film encourages viewers to consider their consumption habits and explore renewable alternatives for a more sustainable future.

  • Escape from Suburbia

    Escape from Suburbia

    5 votes

    A follow-up to The End of Suburbia, Escape from Suburbia chronicles ordinary citizens as they confront life after peak oil and grapple with challenges such as food scarcity, unemployment, and social unrest due to resource depletion. This enlightening documentary underscores the importance of preparing for an uncertain future marked by dwindling fossil fuels while showcasing grassroots efforts aimed at fostering resilience and self-sufficiency.

  • Crude – the Incredible Journey of Oil

    Crude – the Incredible Journey of Oil

    5 votes

    Crude – The Incredible Journey of Oil follows petroleum's fascinating geological journey over millions of years as it becomes intertwined with modern society's very fabric due to expanding industrial demands. From deep-sea drilling platforms to sophisticated refineries, this visually stunning documentary reveals the immense scale and complexity of the oil industry while hinting at its ultimate unsustainability.

  • The End of Suburbia

    The End of Suburbia

    6 votes

    The End of Suburbia delves into the American dream's vulnerability as it faces the reality of dwindling oil reserves and their potential impact on suburban living. This eye-opening documentary explores the historical origins of suburban sprawl, its dependence on cheap energy, and the pressing need for sustainable alternatives in a rapidly changing world.

  • Collapsus


    3 votes

    Collapsus presents an immersive multimedia experience that combines animation, live-action footage, and interactive gaming to explore a hypothetical scenario in which the world grapples with peak oil alongside other global crises such as climate change and economic instability. By inviting viewers to engage directly with the narrative, this groundbreaking documentary pushes boundaries while raising vital questions about humanity's future.

  • Louisana Story

    Louisana Story

    3 votes

    Directed by Robert J. Flaherty, Louisiana Story tells a poetic tale of a young Cajun boy named Alexander Napoleon Ulysses Latour who witnesses firsthand the encroachment of oil drilling operations into his rural bayou community. Through stunning visuals and evocative storytelling, this film gracefully depicts life's delicate balance amid environmental upheaval and industrial progress.

  • Fuel
    Bernard Shakey, Sheryl Crow, Richard Branson
    5 votes

    Winner of the Sundance Film Festival Audience Award for Best Documentary, Fuel presents an inspiring investigation into America's addiction to fossil fuels by examining alternative energy sources like biofuels and solar power. Directed by Josh Tickell, this uplifting film demonstrates how innovative green technologies can help break free from oil dependency while safeguarding our planet for future generations.

  • Black Wave: The Legacy of the Exxon Valdez

    Black Wave: The Legacy of the Exxon Valdez

    3 votes

    Chronicling the aftermath of one of history's worst ecological disasters, Black Wave: The Legacy of the Exxon Valdez documents how Alaska's Prince William Sound community still suffers from long-term environmental damage caused by 11 million gallons of crude oil spilled in 1989. This moving film serves as a poignant reminder that corporate negligence has far-reaching consequences on both human life and the environment.

  • What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire
    Jerry Mander, Thomas Berry, Derrick Jensen
    2 votes

    Combining personal narrative and insightful analysis, What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire presents an unflinching examination of humanity's impact on Earth's ecosystems, including overconsumption of fossil fuels like oil. Through interviews with experts and thoughtful reflections, this documentary offers a compelling call for significant cultural change in response to mounting global crises.

  • Fight for Oil

    Fight for Oil

    2 votes

    Fight for Oil delves into the geopolitical dimensions of petroleum resource control throughout history, shedding light on conflicts driven by the insatiable quest for energy dominance. Featuring archival footage and expert commentary, this engrossing documentary explores how warfare tactics have evolved alongside technological advances in oil extraction and transportation.

  • UNEARTHED: the Fracking Facade

    UNEARTHED: the Fracking Facade

    2 votes

    UNEARTHED: The Fracking Facade is an investigative documentary that exposes the dark side of hydraulic fracturing (fracking), a controversial method employed by the natural gas industry to extract resources deep underground. Through powerful interviews with activists, scientists, and affected communities, this film unveils the adverse health consequences, environmental degradation, and socioeconomic issues linked to fracking practices.

  • Baked Alaska

    Baked Alaska

    2 votes

    Baked Alaska highlights how climate change – fueled in part by greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels – is dramatically affecting Alaska's unique ecosystems and indigenous populations. This captivating documentary showcases first-hand accounts from local residents who experience unprecedented shifts in weather patterns while exploring potential strategies for mitigating further environmental devastation.

  • Future Fuels

    Future Fuels

    2 votes

    Future Fuels provides an engaging exploration of alternative energy sources that could replace dwindling oil reserves as society grapples with increasing energy demands amidst growing concerns about climate change. From solar power to algae-based biofuels, this innovative film examines cutting-edge technologies that hold promise in transforming our reliance on fossil fuels into sustainable solutions.

  • Pipe Dreams
    Gladys Knight, Sally Kirkland, Bruce French
    2 votes

    Pipe Dreams is a compelling documentary that investigates the Keystone XL pipeline's political, environmental, and economic ramifications. By delving into opposing viewpoints surrounding this controversial project, the film raises crucial questions about America's energy policies while providing a platform for informed debate on the future of oil dependency.

  • Black Tide

    Black Tide

    2 votes

    Chronicles the devastating environmental impact of various oil spills across history, including the infamous Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010. Through heart-wrenching accounts from affected communities and exhaustive research efforts, Black Tide illustrates how corporate malfeasance and inadequate regulatory oversight can lead to tragic consequences for both humans and entire ecosystems.

  • Sweet Crude

    Sweet Crude

    2 votes

    Sweet Crude follows the tumultuous story of Nigeria’s Niger Delta region as its residents struggle against systemic corruption, poverty, and environmental degradation resulting from decades of reckless oil extraction by multinational corporations. Directed by Sandy Cioffi, this gripping documentary exposes the hidden costs behind one of Africa’s most valuable resources while giving voice to those most affected by its exploitation.

  • Dear Governor Cuomo

    Dear Governor Cuomo

    2 votes

    Dear Governor Cuomo offers an eye-opening look into New York State's heated debate over hydraulic fracturing (fracking) for natural gas production during Governor Andrew Cuomo's tenure. This insightful documentary juxtaposes powerful testimonials from concerned citizens with expert opinions on fracking's potential risks to public health and water quality, ultimately urging policymakers to prioritize environmental protection over short-term profits.

  • FrackNation


    2 votes

    FrackNation presents a contrarian perspective on hydraulic fracturing (fracking), aiming to debunk various myths associated with this controversial practice commonly propagated by anti-fracking activists. Directed by Phelim McAleer, Ann McElhinney, and Magdalena Segieda, this provocative documentary challenges mainstream narratives surrounding fracking while highlighting its potential benefits in terms of economic growth and energy independence.

  • Blood and Oil: The Middle East in World War I

    Blood and Oil: The Middle East in World War I

    2 votes

    Blood and Oil: The Middle East in World War I delves into the complex geopolitical factors that influenced the battle for oil resources during one of history's most transformative conflicts. This insightful documentary expertly weaves together historical accounts, archival footage, and expert commentary to illustrate how the fight for strategic energy dominance shaped global politics throughout the twentieth century.

  • Blind Spot
    Michael Caine, John Le Mesurier, Gordon Jackson
    2 votes

    Blind Spot examines humanity's profound dependence on fossil fuels like oil while exploring potential consequences – including economic collapse and environmental catastrophe – of our current consumption patterns remaining unchecked. Through thought-provoking interviews with scientists, activists, and cultural critics, this sobering film urges viewers to confront their own "blind spots" regarding sustainability and resource scarcity.

  • There Will Be Blood
    Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Kevin J. O'Connor
    3 votes

    Not a traditional documentary, but rather a fictionalized account based on Upton Sinclair's novel Oil!, There Will Be Blood chronicles the ruthless ambition of an early 20th-century California oil prospector played by Daniel Day-Lewis. Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, this critically acclaimed film provides an unflinching portrayal of greed and obsession in America's nascent petroleum industry.

  • Oil on Ice

    Oil on Ice

    3 votes

    Oil on Ice is a compelling documentary that brings attention to the urgent need for protecting Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from potential oil drilling operations. Through stunning visuals and poignant storytelling, this film highlights both the region’s ecological significance as well as its cultural importance to indigenous Gwich’in people.

  • The Harriman Alaska Expedition Retraced

    The Harriman Alaska Expedition Retraced

    1 votes

    Retracing explorer Edward Harriman's historic expedition along Alaska's coastline in 1899, The Harriman Alaska Expedition Retraced revisits sites impacted by climate change and oil development over a century later. This engaging documentary follows modern-day explorers as they document their journey while shedding light on mounting environmental challenges facing Alaska today.

  • Crude Impact
    Richard Heinberg
    1 votes

    Crude Impact presents a comprehensive analysis of society's reliance on fossil fuels like oil through the lens of ecological devastation, corporate greed, and geopolitical conflict. Directed by James Jandak Wood, this thought-provoking documentary encourages viewers to reevaluate their own consumption habits while contemplating the urgent need for sustainable alternatives.

  • The Cost of Oil: Voices from the Arctic

    The Cost of Oil: Voices from the Arctic

    1 votes

    The Cost of Oil: Voices from the Arctic gives voice to indigenous communities residing in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge who face potential harm from proposed oil drilling operations. Through powerful testimonials and captivating visuals, this poignant documentary sheds light on the delicate balance between economic development and environmental preservation in one of Earth's most fragile ecosystems.

  • FUEL: Uncovering America’s Dirty Little Secret

    FUEL: Uncovering America’s Dirty Little Secret

    1 votes

    FUEL: Uncovering America’s Dirty Little Secret exposes alarming truths behind the United States' addiction to fossil fuels while delving into potential solutions that could pave the way toward a more sustainable future. This hard-hitting documentary presents an extensive investigation into alternative energy sources and technologies while urging policymakers and citizens alike to take action against climate change.

  • When Is Enough, Enough?

    When Is Enough, Enough?

    1 votes

    When Is Enough, Enough? poses a crucial question about humanity's consumption habits as it pertains to dwindling natural resources like oil. This insightful documentary challenges viewers to consider their own ecological footprint while exploring innovative strategies for fostering global sustainability amidst growing concerns about climate change and resource scarcity.

  • Lucia


    1 votes

    Set against the backdrop of Argentina's petroleum industry, Lucia tells an intimate story of love and longing within a contemporary context shaped by societal changes wrought by industrial progress. This evocative film skillfully weaves together themes of personal desire with broader questions surrounding humanity's relationship with nature.

  • Split Estate

    Split Estate

    Ali MacGraw
    1 votes

    Split Estate delves into the controversial practice of "split estate" property rights – wherein landowners possess surface rights but are powerless against mineral extraction activities on their land – focusing on how hydraulic fracturing (fracking) wreaks havoc on American communities forced to contend with toxic chemicals, air pollution, and declining property values. This eye-opening documentary reveals the human toll behind our insatiable appetite for fossil fuels.