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'back-to-back' tiene referencia cruzada con 'back to back'. Se encuentra en una o más de las líneas abajo.'back-to-back' is cross-referenced with 'back to back'. It is in one or more of the lines below.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Principal Translations
back-to-back adj UK (houses: terraced)con terraza loc adj
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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Principal Translations
back to back adv (with backs together)espalda contra espalda loc adv
 Stand back to back so I can see who is taller.
 Párense espalda contra espalda para ver quién es más alto.
back to back,
figurative (consecutive)seguido/a adj
  consecutivo/a adj
  sucesivo/a adj
Note: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.
 The team was able to win back-to-back games for the first time in a month.
 El equipo pudo ganar partidos seguidos por primera vez en meses.
  Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Locuciones verbales
date back to [sth] vi phrasal + prep (exist since)datar de, existir desde vi + prep
  remontarse a v prnl +prep
 The fossils dated back to the Precambrian eon.
 Los fósiles datan de la Era Precambriana.
 Los fósiles se remontan a la Era Precambriana.
echo back to [sth] vi phrasal + prep (computing: relay or send to)reenviar vtr
echo back to [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (recall, bring to mind) (coloquial, figurado)sonar a algo expr
 The band's latest album echoes back to the cheerful uptempo music of their first album twenty years ago.
get back to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (resume) (retomar)volver a vi + prep
 I'd love to talk more but I have to get back to my work now.
 Me encantaría charlar más, pero ahora tengo que volver a trabajar.
get back to [sth] vtr phrasal insep (return) (regresar)volver a vi + prep
 It would be nice to get back to my hometown one day.
 Hay veces que siento ganas de volver al pueblo donde nací.
hark back to [sth] vi phrasal + prep (recall the past)remontarse a v prnl + prep
 James is always harking back to what he calls "the good old days".
 Es una tradición que se remonta a los primeros días del asentamiento.
hark back to [sth] vi phrasal + prep (be like [sth] from the past)recordar a vtr + prep
 The story harks back to the ancient epics.
hearken back to [sth],
harken back to [sth]
vi phrasal + prep
literary (recall) (formal)rememorar vtr
  recordar vtr
report back to [sb] vi phrasal + prep (give an account of [sth])informarle a alguien loc verb
 Go see what's happening over there, and report back to me.
 Vaya a ver qué está ocurriendo allí y regrese para informarme.
roll back to [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (revert)restaurar vtr
 I rolled back to the previous version of the software and it worked fine.
 Restauré la versión anterior del software y funcionó bien.
  Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Compound Forms:
back to front adv (clothing: wrong way around)al revés loc adv
back to front adv figurative (completely, thoroughly)de principio a fin loc prep
  (coloquial, figurado)de pé a pá expr
 I've read this book so many times that I know it back to front.
back to normal adv (reverting to usual state)de vuelta a la normalidad loc adv
 In television, at the end of an episode usually everything goes back to normal.
 En televisión, al final de un episodio generalmente todo está de vuelta a la normalidad.
back to school expr (return to school after vacation)regreso a clases expr
  de vuelta al colegio expr
 The sign above the supermarket shelf laden with books and stationery read "Back to school".
 El letrero sobre la góndola de supermercado lleno de libros y artículos de librería decía "regreso a clases".
back-to-school adj (relating to return to school) (coloquial)de vuelta al cole expr
  de vuelta a clases expr
Note: Hyphens are used when the term is an adjective.
 We like to buy our children's clothes at back-to-school sales, when the prices are low.
 Nos gusta comprar la ropa de nuestros hijos en las ofertas de vuelta al cole, cuando los precios son más bajos.
back to the drawing board adv figurative, informal (starting over)empezar de cero loc verb
bring [sb] back to life v expr (resuscitate)revivir vtr + prep
bring [sth] back to life v expr figurative (reintroduce) (figurado)resucitar vtr
  retomar vtr
 The idea, once rejected, has been brought back to life by proponents.
 La idea, alguna vez rechazada, fue resucitada por los defensores.
come back to bite you v expr figurative, informal (cause problems later)pasar factura expr
come back to bite you in the ass (US),
come back to bite you in the arse (UK)
v expr
vulgar, figurative, slang (cause problems later) (figurado)salir el tiro por la culata expr
  volverse en tu contra expr
come back to haunt you v expr figurative, informal (cause regret later)volverse algo en contra expr
  pagar algo caro expr
echo back [sth] to [sb],
echo [sth] back to [sb]
v expr
figurative (repeat [sb]'s opinion words back to) (AR, coloquial, ofensivo)repetir algo como un loro loc verb
 You will not receive a good grade if you simply echo back the author's words to the teacher.
be fed up to the back teeth of doing [sth],
be sick to the back teeth of doing [sth]
v expr
figurative, informal (be exasperated by [sth] repeated)estar hasta acá de loc verb
  (ES)estar hasta la coronilla de loc verb
  (AR)estar hinchado los huevos de loc verb
Note: also "with doing sth"
 She said angrily that she was fed up to the back teeth of hearing us bicker.
 Dijo muy enojada que estaba hasta acá de escucharnos discutir.
go back to bed v expr (return to bed)volver a la cama loc verb
 When I saw it was raining outside I decided to go back to bed.
 Cuando vi que afuera llovía, decidí volver a la cama.
go back to school v expr (return to school)volver a clases loc verb
  regresar a clases loc verb
 The children go back to school on 6th September this year.
go back to the drawing board v expr (start planning again)empezar de cero loc verb
  comenzar desde cero loc verb
go to hell and back v expr informal, figurative (experience great difficulties, worry)pasar por el infierno loc verb
  vivir un infierno loc verb
have your back to the wall v expr figurative (be in a difficult situation)estar entre la espada y la pared loc verb
  estar arrinconado loc verb
it's back to the drawing board,
it's back to the drawing board for [sb]
figurative, informal (need to start over)empezar de cero, empezar otra vez desde cero, volver al punto de partida, hacerlo de nuevo, volver a loc verb
 Well, my boss vetoed my proposal - I guess it's back to the drawing board.
 Bueno, mi jefe vetó mi propuesta, así que que supongo que habrá que empezar de cero.
stretch back to [sth] v expr (time: go back as far as)remontarse a v prnl + prep
 Los problemas económicos actuales se remontan a muchos siglos antes de nuestra era.
  Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.

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