20 Amazing Things About Having A LIttle Sister
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Communication, Relationships

20 Amazing Things Only People Who Have A Little Sister Would Understand

Written by Elizabeth Andal
Elizabeth is a passionate writer who shares about lifestyle tips and lessons learned in life on Lifehack.
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Siblings are a blessing, no matter how late in life that becomes evident. It can be agreed, however, that nothing quite surpasses the bond between sisters.

As an older sister, the joys and pains of having a little sister are experienced universally. Time passes and you can look back at all the times you were glad that you had that little bundle of sunshine to keep you on your toes for all the best years.

Whether you were the responsible older sibling shaking your head at your younger sibling, or they were the responsible younger sibling rolling their eyes at their irresponsible elder, you both have a pile of unforgettable memories as sisters.

Older sisters around the world can definitely agree that for better or for worse, the following are just some of the most amazing things about having a little sister.

1. They make you feel motherly.

As younger children, your little sister probably provided you with your first motherly experiences. Like making sure she gets out of bed on time and prepares for school without stealing the shower for too long.

When you go out, it usually happens that you get dumped with the responsibility of looking after her. No matter how much of a burden this happens to be sometimes, you realize eventually that you wish you’d actually enjoyed this sisterly bonding time.


2. Late night comfort.

Especially as younger children, it is not uncommon for sisters to share a bed or a room at least once in their lives. One you get over the complaints about lack of privacy and space, sharing the personal space with someone else has never been so natural.

Not everyone is brave enough to sleep alone, and even though the big sister is supposed to be the tough one, it is comforting to see your adorable little sister sleeping soundly nearby.

And let’s not forget the occurrences of late night banter. When just before going to sleep you whisper stupid things to each other across the room, conversations that stay between you two forever. Could it get any more nostalgic?

3. Sharing things.

As well as the sharing of personal space, you realize eventually that you and your little sister have barely gone a day without sharing something: sharing a bathroom, shampoo, hairbrushes, cosmetics and clothes. While you were little, it wasn’t unusual for your little sister to steal some clothes from you that she could barely even fit into. Never fear – once that little devil grows up, start stealing her belongings too. Call it an even match.

4. She makes you realize that you’ve grown up.

She is having a tantrum, calling everything unfair and is suffering from major little girl problems. She makes you wonder, “Oh my goodness, was I her once?” Of course siblings tend to be quite unique from each other, however it might occur to you that you were once much more alike than you could ever have imagined, and it is a quiet indication that you have now grown up.

And let’s not forget the late nights when your sister got sent to bed and you didn’t. Nothing spells growing up quite like an extended curfew.


5. She’s the first to hear your new-found wisdom.

With age comes wisdom and when your little sister is walking into a dangerous situation that you once walked into yourself, big-sister mode is automatically triggered. She might resent you for it now, but she’ll thank you for it later. Chances are, your little sister is the first person you’d be willing to protect in that way. Looking out for her isn’t easy, but it is something that you feel is extremely important.

6. Your friends love her.

She is your little sister, so your friends automatically love her too. While sometimes it is tempting to exclude her from your group of friends, you have to admit that having her around makes everything a lot more fun.

7. No one ever picks on my little sister…except me.

If someone decides to pick on your little sister on the playground, they have Hell to pay. However, if you decide to make a snide quip at her today, it can be pardoned, simply because you’re the big sister.

You love her, you protect her, and at the end of the day, you’re sure she knows that you were just playing around. However this doesn’t change the fact that you are picking on her, you mean thing.

8. Inside jokes.

Spending all that time with your younger sister has to result in something, and more often than not, it’s inside jokes. Because of the age difference, no matter how big or small it is, you are going to find something to laugh about.

It may even be an innuendo that she doesn’t understand and you have to end up explaining to her. Funny things happen when you’re left alone with your younger sister, and you will remember them forever.


9. She always surprises you.

When you’re having a bad day and just want to shut out the world, you are often surprised by your little sister’s capability to lift your spirits. You never doubt her, since you have no idea what she is capable of. Maybe you never realized she could sing that well, or cook that well.

If you treat her badly, she will still smile and hug you at the end of the day, which is just incredibly adorable. In the end, this little bundle of sunshine never fails to surprise you.

10. It is impossible to stay angry with her.

She could be bratty, difficult, spoiled and impossible. All siblings argue at some stage, but the best thing about getting into an argument with your little sister is that there is no way of staying angry with her for long. No matter what she’s done, her characteristically annoying disposition is enough to make you love her again.

No matter how old she gets, she is still your little sister, and she will always be cute.

 11. She knows you better than anyone else.

She’s heard the words you mumble at night in your sleep, she knows how loud you snore, and let’s not forget – she’s probably seen you naked throughout her entire life. She gets you the best birthday presents, simply because she knows you so well.

Little sisters also have the creepy ability to sense your feelings, so if you’re in a dangerous mood, you don’t have to tell her to stay away.

12. You are daringly goofy together.

The weirdest and most embarrassing moments can appear normal and funny when your little sister is involved. You belch louder, fart louder and laugh harder than you ever would around anyone else. You get to talk about strange and unspeakable things with the comfort of knowing that these moments stay between the two of you.


And besides, if either of you tell anyone, there are undoubtedly some embarrassing photos that can be used as blackmail and revenge.

13. You miss her when she’s gone.

Your little sister has gone on her first school camping trip, and you are excited about having the room to yourself for the first time. However when night comes, you look over to see an empty bed and immediately feel odd and lonely. Without a doubt, the larger-than-life presence of your little sister is extremely significant in your life.

After moving away from home for the first time, one of the first things you’ll probably miss is your sister’s presence bursting into your new-found freedom. You can’t help looking forward to seeing her again.

14. She becomes the excuse for your escapades.

Yes you can go out with your friends whenever you want…if you bring your younger sister along. With protective parents, it is often difficult to get your own way, especially when it comes to leaving the house.

This holds a lot of benefits. It is fun to hang out with your sister to begin with, but it is easy to underestimate the fun of going window shopping with your sister free of parental permission. In the end, you might not even need your friends around during these adventures. She’s really all you need.

15. She’s a style icon.

Assuming she didn’t grow up a tomboy (or maybe even then!), you can get a lot of style inspiration from your little sister. While she can see and imitate your wardrobe, she makes little tweaks to make it trendier.


You’re the older sister, and may not be as in touch with the times as she is, so take her advice! She was your Barbie doll when she was smaller, but the older she gets, the more you realize that you better start allowing her to make you her personal mannequin.

16. She never forgets about you.

No matter how many friends either of you makes in the future, she never forgets who her original best friend was and that’s you. Little sisters are undoubtedly loyal and they stick by your side for life and through all the good times and bad times. Best friends never come as good as this.

17. She stopped you from doing a lot of stupid things.

Little sisters are responsible for keeping you from doing a lot of regrettable things, simply by looking up to you. The responsibility of being a good role model constantly hangs over your head. You’re not even too concerned about the wrath you’re going to get from your parents. The most important thing is that you don’t want your little sister doing stupid things just because you were the one that made it ‘OK’.

Chances are, your little sister is the main factor in developing yourself into a responsible adult.

18. She listens to you.

In those difficult adolescent stages, if your parents aren’t getting through to her, chances are, you can. You are closer to her age and she knows that she can talk to you about absolutely anything.

You are her source of comfort and guidance, no matter how much she hates to admit it, and while she may not always want to listen to what you have to say, your words mean more to her than you think.

19. She makes you sentimental.

You’re not her mother, but you’ve kept all of the hand-made birthday cards she gave you, and every silly little plastic present she’s given you is safe in your possession after all these years. You keep all her baby photos in an album and for some reason, you use the phrase “when she was little…” way too much in conversation.


You are proud of all of her achievements and went crazy when she hit puberty. She is not your daughter, but she is still your baby, no matter how old she gets.

20. Watching her grow up is emotional.

Her first day of school was a big deal, and so was her transition into high school. During her graduation day, you wondered where all the time went. You were harsh on her first boyfriend because you wanted to make sure he was worthy, and when she got married, you couldn’t stop crying.

Even as grown women going out for coffee or dinner, you see your baby sister, not an adult. Watching her grow up is a bittersweet and wonderful experience that you are proud to have been a part of.

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