Electromagnetic field theory calculation | True Geometry’s Blog

Electromagnetic field theory calculation

01 May 2024

Tags: Electromagnetic field theory Electromagnetism Electromagnetic field theory calculation Calculation of electromagnetic fields

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Poynting Vector Calculator

This calculator provides the calculation of the Poynting vector in electromagnetic field theory.


Calculation Example: The Poynting vector is a mathematical tool used to describe the flow of electromagnetic energy in space. It is defined as the cross product of the electric field vector and the magnetic field vector. The magnitude of the Poynting vector represents the power density, which is the amount of power flowing per unit area.

Q: What is the significance of the Poynting vector in electromagnetism?

A: The Poynting vector is significant in electromagnetism as it provides a means of visualizing and quantifying the flow of electromagnetic energy. It is useful in understanding the behavior of electromagnetic waves and in designing antennas and other electromagnetic devices.

Q: How is the Poynting vector related to the electromagnetic fields?

A: The Poynting vector is directly related to the electric and magnetic fields. It is defined as the cross product of the electric field vector and the magnetic field vector. This relationship highlights the interconnectedness of the electric and magnetic fields and their role in the propagation of electromagnetic energy.


Symbol Name Unit
E Electric Field Strength V/m
B Magnetic Flux Density T
c Speed of Light m/s

Calculation Expression

Poynting Vector: The Poynting vector is given by Poynting = E x B.

E * B

Calculated values

Considering these as variable values: B=0.1, c=2.99792458E8, E=100.0, the calculated value(s) are given in table below

Derived Variable Value
Poynting Vector 0.271828

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