英文自我介紹全攻略|4 大重點、句型範例、表達技巧一次看! - 藍月學院 Blue Moon Institute


英文自我介紹全攻略|4 大重點、句型範例、表達技巧一次看!


英文面試已經成為許多國內外企業求職時的必備項目,若能以流暢的英文介紹自己,勢必會在面試中留下深刻的印象,也是證明自己英文實力的好方法。接下來先從 4 項需要特別留的重點,告訴大家英文自我介紹怎麼準備!

準備英文自我介紹的 4 項重點





英文面試自介就是面試官表達你的能力、經驗、個人特質,讓面試官了解你,並且認為你是最適合這份工作的應徵者。接下來就要教大家如何充實英文自我介紹的內容,以下將英文自我介紹劃分為 4 個步驟,提供開頭到結尾各種實用單字與句型,讓你的英文自我介紹更加專業!

英文自我介紹 4 大步驟


緊接著會切入個人背景介紹,包含姓名、、學歷(Education)、工作經歷(Work Experioence)等。此時須注意,雖然第一段會介紹個人背景,但家庭、父母、從小教育等和工作職缺無關的內容可以省略不提,避免重點模糊。

🔹 常見句型

  • Hello, I’m  (姓名) . I had a Bachelor’s degree in  (大學科系) , and  (工作年資)  years of experience in  (工作/專長領域) , I have acquired  (專業能力/技能) .

🔹 藍月小教室:實用單字補充

  • Diploma 文憑
    【例句】I hold a diploma in Electrical Engineering from a top-tier university, with a focus on renewable energy systems.
  • Specializations 專業領域
    【例句】My specializations include data analysis, statistical modeling, and machine learning algorithms.
  • Accomplishment 成就
    【例句】My key accomplishment was leading a team that delivered a 50% increase in client satisfaction ratings.
    【翻譯】我主要的成就是帶領團隊提升 50% 的客戶滿意度。

進入到英文自我介紹中後段,要著重表達自己的求職動機,這些動機可以源自人生目標(Goals)、生活或職涯反思等,也可以分享自己被面試公司或職缺吸引的原因,同時強調個人特質(Personality)能符合公司文化(Corporate Culture)。

🔹 常見句型

  • Joining your company would provide  (公司能帶給你什麼) .
  • The career development and various benefits provided by your company are very attractive to me.

🔹 藍月小教室:實用單字補充

  • Vision 願景
    【例句】The company’s vision is to create a sustainable future through innovative technology and responsible practices.
  • Values 價值觀
    【例句】Our team shares a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion as fundamental values in our workplace culture.
  • Adaptability 適應性
    【例句】In a fast-paced environment, adaptability is crucial. I have demonstrated my ability to adapt to new challenges and thrive in dynamic situations.

說明完動機後,接著要進一步補充個人能力,特別是與職缺相關的技能,加深自己與職缺的適配性。說明個人技能時,可以補充相關專案經驗(Project Experience)與可量化的成果數據,用來輔佐證明你的能力。

🔹 常見句型

  • I excel in  (擅長領域) .
  • My skills in  (專業技能)  enable me to deliver impactful results.

🔹 藍月小教室:實用單字補充

  • Relevant skills 相關技能
    【例句】My relevant skills include proficiency in programming languages such as Python, Java, and SQL.
    【翻譯】我精通的相關技能包含 Python、Java 和 SQL 等程式語言。
  • Proficiency 熟練程度
    【例句】I have a high level of proficiency in graphic design software such as Adobe Creative Suite.
    【翻譯】我非常熟悉 Adobe Creative Suite 等平面設計軟體。
  • Contribution 貢獻
    【例句】I believe my background in marketing will allow me to make a significant contribution to your brand’s visibility and market penetration.


🔹 常見句型

  • I hope to continue to improve  (專業能力/技能)  in your company.
  • With a strong passion for  (感興趣的領域/專業) , I’m eager to make a valuable contribution to your company’s growth and success.
  • Thanks for your listening.

🔹 藍月小教室:實用單字補充

  • Growth opportunities 成長機會
    【例句】I am seeking a position that offers ample growth opportunities, allowing me to further develop my skills and advance in my career.
  • Development prospects 發展前景
    【例句】The company’s expansion plans and commitment to promoting from within provide promising development prospects for employees at all levels.
  • Work-life balance 工作與生活平衡
    【例句】Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is important to me, and I appreciate companies that prioritize employee well-being.

一個優秀的英文自我介紹,除了扎實的內容之外,還能透過以下 4 個小技巧讓自我介紹更加分:

  1. 保持冷靜勿緊張
  1. 保持微笑、目光直視
  1. 留意語氣重點和抑揚頓挫
  1. 介紹時間勿過長

學習完如何準備英文自我介紹後,就可以將 4 個步驟串連起來,組成一篇完整的英文自我介紹!但還是不知道如何完整寫出英文自我介紹講稿嗎?別擔心!藍月學院幫大家準備了英文自介範例,包含職場面試時使用的英文自我介紹範例,分成一分鐘和三分鐘英文自我介紹 2 種版本。


在一分鐘的範例中,會建議著重於應徵動機與技能介紹,需要針對職缺相關內容描述,例如下面範例中,應徵的職缺是「數位行銷專員」,所以在應徵動機中有提到「欣賞貴公司的行銷手法與創意」,並提及自己過往的經驗是「舉辦社群活動,大幅提升 30% 的活動參與率」,來強調自己的專業能力與職位需求相符,藉此讓面試官留下印象。

Hello, I’m John Chen. With a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, and 5 years of experience in the advertising industry. I’ve developed expertise in digital marketing strategies.

I’m excited about the opportunity at XYZ Company because of its innovative approach to marketing. At ABC Marketing Agency, I managed social media campaigns and achieved a 30% increase in engagement. I’m confident that my skills in digital marketing and passion for creative campaigns align well with the needs of the Digital Marketing Specialist role.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your team.

大家好,我是 John Chen,擁有行銷學士學位和 5 年廣告業經驗,累積了豐富的數位行銷專業知識。

我對於 XYZ 公司提供的職缺與面試機會感到非常榮幸,因為貴公司是一間擅長運用創新行銷手法的公司。以前在 ABC 行銷代理商工作時,我負責管理各類社群媒體,舉辦多種活動並讓社群參與率提升 30%。相信我的數位行銷技能以及對行銷活動企劃的創意與熱情非常適合貴公司數位行銷專員的需求。




Good afternoon, everyone. My name is John Chen, and I am thrilled to be here today. Allow me to share a bit about myself and why I believe I am a strong fit for the Digital Marketing Specialist role at XYZ Company.

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from OOO University, where I developed a solid foundation in marketing principles, consumer behavior, and market analysis. Over the past five years, I’ve had the opportunity to put this knowledge into practice at ABC Marketing Agency, where I worked as a Digital Marketing Coordinator.

In my role at ABC Marketing Agency, I was responsible for developing and implementing digital marketing strategies across various platforms, including social media, email marketing, and PPC advertising. One project I’m particularly proud of is a social media campaign that I spearheaded, which resulted in a 30% increase in engagement and a significant boost in brand awareness for our client.

Beyond my technical skills, I am deeply passionate about the field of digital marketing and the ever-evolving landscape of online advertising. I am constantly seeking out opportunities to stay updated on the latest trends, tools, and techniques in the industry to ensure that my campaigns are innovative and effective.

Now, let’s talk about XYZ Company. From my research, I am impressed by the company’s commitment to innovation and its forward-thinking approach to marketing. I am particularly drawn to the Digital Marketing Specialist role because it offers the opportunity to work on a diverse range of projects and collaborate with a talented team of marketers.

In this role, I am excited about the possibility of leveraging my skills in digital marketing to drive results for XYZ Company. Whether it’s optimizing ad campaigns, analyzing data to identify new opportunities, or crafting compelling content that resonates with our target audience, I am confident that my experience and passion make me well-suited for this position.

In conclusion, I am incredibly enthusiastic about the opportunity to join the team at XYZ Company and contribute to its continued success in the digital marketing space. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the possibility of discussing how I can bring value to your team.

各位面試官下午好,我是 John Chen,很榮幸今天能收到面試邀請。接下來請允許我介紹我自己以及為何我非常適合 XYZ 公司的數位行銷專員一職。

我擁有 OOO 大學的行銷學士學位,在大學我學到了扎實的行銷原理、消費者行為和市場分析專業理論。在過去的 5 年的工作經驗中,我有幸在 ABC 行銷代理公司擔任數位行銷專員,將我大學所學的知識付諸實踐。

在 ABC 行銷代理公司任職期間,我負責在各種媒體平台上制定和實施數位行銷企劃,包括社群媒體、電子郵件行銷和點擊付費廣告。其中,最印象深刻的一個專案是由我負責的一個社群媒體活動企劃,相較於過往的社群媒體活動,提升了 30% 的參與率,也藉此提升品牌知名度。


對於 XYZ 公司,貴公司的創新與前瞻的行銷方式讓我留下了深刻印象,對貴公司的數位行銷專員特別感興趣,是因為這份職缺提供了各種專案以及和才華橫溢的行銷人員合作豐富機會。






Hello, I am John Chen. I held a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from OOO University.

In my college years, I took some classes about marketing principles, consumer behavior, and market analysis, which induced my passion to be one part of this field. So I applied for an internship at ABC Marketing Agency. During the internship, I assisted marketing specialists to manage 5 social platforms and increase 20% followers.

I am also keen on community activities and participated in the Student Council during college. Negotiated with local shops within one year as a Chief Director of Activities for the Student Council, successfully linked up with local shops to hold a charity sale. I have communication and negotiation, teamwork and time management skills, and I believe that I can also use my talents at work in the future.

Thanks for your listening.It’s my honor if I have a chance to join XYZ Company.

大家好,我是 John Chen,擁有 OOO 大學行銷學士學位。

在大學期間,我選修了一些有關行銷原理、消費者行為和市場分析的課程,這激發了我進入行銷領域的熱情。所以我申請了 ABC 行銷代理公司的實習機會。在實習期間,協助行銷專員管理 5 個不同的社群平台,並提升了 20% 的追蹤者。


謝謝您的聆聽,希望有幸能成為 XYZ 公司的一員。




🌟 加入藍月學院,你會獲得以下優勢:

  1. 全英語學習環境
  1. 專業外語師資
  1. 彈性課程安排
  1. 專屬職場英語課程
  1. 快速提升英語能力


多益考試懶人包|TOEIC 考試種類、流程、題型總整理!

多益考試是台灣常見的英文檢定,也是進入職場基礎的英文言能力標準,本文整理了多益測驗流程、考試題型,教你如何分析多益成績並提供英文能力對照表及 2024 上半年 TOEIC 考試時間,並推薦幫你提升多益分數的英文補習班。


還記得小時候在英文課堂上被老師點名唸課文時,是什麼感覺嗎? 同學、老師的目光集中在自己身上,接著開始


