PNR Status with Waitlist Prediction

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Get PNR Status
Check PNR Status and get instant confirmation chances of your waitlist tickets in Indian Railways.
A PNR is a 10 digit unique number alloted to any ticket.
Please type your 10 digit PNR Number click on "Get PNR Status" button.

About PNR Status

PNR or Passenger Name Record is a 10 digit unique number alloted to a ticket issued by Indian Railways.
A PNR number contains variety of information related to passenger, train, boarding and destination station. For a confirmed booking, it also holds information of allotted seat and coach number. PNR information can be obtained online up to 5 days after the journey ends and is removed from the PRS system after 9 months.
To check PNR Status along with confirmation chances of your waitlist tickets, enter your 10 digit unique number without any spaces or special characters in the above field and tap on "Get PNR Status".
You can also find PNR information in the following ways,
1. THROUGH SMS: SMS "PNR <10-digit PNR number>" to 139.
2. THROUGH CALL: You can also call 139 to get your PNR Status.
Please note, carrier charges may be applicable while calling or sending text message to 139.
Abbrevations in PNR Status: Few abbrevations related to booking such as, WL, PQWL, RSWL, etc. are used in PNR status. To know more about such abbrevations, tap on Booking Quota and Waitlist Status.
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