Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government by Glenn Beck | Goodreads
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Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government

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FUNNY. FRIGHTENING. TRUE. It happens to all of You're minding your own business, when some idiot informs you that guns are evil, the Prius will save the planet, or the rich have to finally start paying their fair share of taxes. Just go away! you think to yourself -- but they only become more obnoxious. Your heart rate quickens. You start to sweat. You can't get away. Your only hope is... ...this book. Glenn Beck, author of the #1 New York Times bestsellers An Inconvenient Book and Glenn Beck's Common Sense , has stumbled upon the secret formula to winning arguments against people with big mouths but small knowing the facts. And this book is full of them. The next time your Idiot Friends tell you how gun control prevents gun violence, you'll tell them all about England's handgun ban (see page 53). When they tell you that we should copy the UK's health-care system, you'll recount the horrifying facts you read on page 244. And the next time an idiot tells you that vegetable prices will skyrocket without illegal workers, you'll stop saying "no, they won't" and you'll start saying, "actually, eliminating all illegal labor will cause us to spend just $8 a year more on produce." (See page 139.) Idiots can't be identified through voting records, they can be found only by looking for people who hide behind stereotypes, embrace partisanship, and believe that bumper sticker slogans are a substitute for common sense. If you know someone who fits the bill, then Arguing with Idiots will help you silence them once and for all with the ultimate the truth.

325 pages, Hardcover

First published August 31, 2009

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About the author

Glenn Beck

60 books1,010 followers
Glenn Edward Lee Beck is one of America's leading radio and television personalities. His quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made The Glenn Beck Program the third highest rated radio program in America and Glenn Beck, one of the most successful new shows on the Fox News Channel. His unique blend of modern-day storytelling and insightful views on current events allowed him to achieve the extraordinary feat of having #1 New York Times bestsellers in both fiction and non-fiction. Beck also stars in a live stage show and is the publisher of Fusion magazine.

Online, he is the editor of and the publisher of

Beck is the author of six consecutive #1 New York Times Bestsellers including his latest book, the thriller The Overton Window. When The Christmas Sweater, his first novel, debuted at #1 on the fiction list, Beck became one of a handful of authors to write books that reached #1 on both the fiction and non-fiction NYT lists.

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Profile Image for Hillary.
48 reviews4 followers
February 1, 2011
I’ll avoid beginning this review with a silly pun like “the only real idiot is Beck” or something like that because he clearly is not an idiot, but I will begin with a joke I heard in one of my Finance classes back in college.

The premise of Beck’s book is how to argue with idiots. His answer to this is -use the facts, here is the problem with that.

A man is interviewing some people for a job and asking a basic question, “what is 2 + 2” the Statistician interviewing for the job says “Well, 2 + 2 could be anywhere from 3.75 to 4.25 with a standard deviation of .25” The financier interviewing for the job says, “Well, it depends on inflation, and what you are rounding closest to, but you could round to the nearest 5, so I’d say $5.00”. The accountant who is interviewing walks in and says, “What is 2+2, well, what do you want it to be?”

My point is that facts, even the most basic, can mean ANYTHING! It’s people’s interpretations of said facts that matter. And no one skews the facts better than Glenn Beck.

For example, in chapter 2 he rales against Congress women Carolyn McCarthy for not knowing what a “barrel shroud” on a gun was but fails to mention anywhere in the book that what she really targets is what is called the “gun show loophole” a gap in the law that allows vendors at gun shows to sell assault weapons and explosives without background checks, and to people on the federal watch list! So currently people who are deemed unsafe to fly on our planes can now walk into a gun show and purchase an assault weapon, thank you Glenn Beck, thank you NRA. Your gun fetishism mystifies me.

Another one-sided “fact” he gives is in Chapter 1 on Capitalism. He ever so loosely gives an explanation of “trickle-down” economics in a metaphor of snow at the top of a mountain and I think I am supposed to be the poor villager lucky enough to “bathe in the fresh water” from wealthy, so give all the tax breaks to the rich I think was his point, I’m not quite sure? But, no explanation of trickle-up economics. But, that’s o.k., I took a year of Econ in college, enough to know that his version of trickle-down is WAY OFF.

But aside from the content of Becks book the bigger problem I have with him is his tone. He is hostile, condescending, divisive, and snarky. I enjoy a good conservative commentator as much an the next guy, I like George F Will and several writers for TIME Magazine, but Beck is just way over the line of civility. By the way, I’ll probably have to erase this post because I fully expect to get hate responses because of it. He has a cult like following.
Profile Image for Book Concierge.
2,928 reviews365 followers
October 29, 2020
Book on CD read by the author, Steve (Stu) Bergiere, and Pat Gray

I’d never heard of Glenn Beck, but apparently, he has a popular radio show. Now that I’ve heard of him, I’ll be sure to never listen to his show.

My major problem with this was that, while Beck may have some coherent and well-researched responses to many issues, he chose to over-exaggerate the opposing viewpoint – i.e. calling anyone who voices an opposing viewpoint an idiot. In some cases he didn’t even argue the point. Painting the opposition with such a wide brush just reduces the effectiveness of his arguments rather than strengthen them.

Beck voices the audio along with two talented performers. However, I was really irritated with the “voice” of the “idiots” and wished I could speed up the delivery. I wound up reading the last two chapters in text format. I’d give the audio ZERO stars.
Profile Image for Dan.
78 reviews35 followers
October 9, 2009
This book is a fairly difficult one for me to review. On the one hand, I am not of the same political philosophy as Beck, and indeed the reason that I picked the book up in the first place was because I had been hearing so much about Beck and seeing how his name is being touted around as the new intellectual of the conservative movement. So I wanted to hear what he had to say.

There is no doubt that Beck is a talented debater and he is also a gifted entertainer. Despite the fact that I sometimes disagreed entirely with Beck's stance on this or that topic, I did have a couple laugh-out-loud moments and more than a few chuckles at the jokes that Beck scattered in amongst the text. I can only imagine that if I agreed more with his philosophy, I would have found Arguing With Idiots to be riotously hilarious. Furthermore, Beck is good at making his points in a straight-forward manner and he is extremely convincing - insofar as he pursues an argument.

So, in this regard, the book is a smashing success. However, my main beef with this book is that it is being marketed as a real discussion of today's political issues. It becomes quickly evident in many ways that Beck is more concerned with being an entertainer than in holding any sort of intellectual dialog. The frequent rants and side comments are amusing, but not exactly enlightening. Furthermore, the book could be used as a textbook case for the "straw man" style of misleading argumentation. Beck literally sets up the entire book as a "conversation" that he is having with one (very idiotic) liberally-minded person. Its pretty easy to 'win' a debate if you get to make the script for the opponent. I'm sure that you could go to a PETA rally or something and look for the individual who is the most screaming, foaming-at-the-mouth liberal there and maybe if you hit them over the head with a rock a few times they would debate like the fictitious antagonist in this book, but it is a tad misleading to put all the words into your opponent's mouth and then pretend that they speak for the greater whole. An analogy: I don't think that if Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins go out and find the most crazy-looking, uber Jesus freak screaming Bible verses at passerby on some street corner and then successfully debate him into a theological corner that Maher/Dawkins has proved the non-existance of God.

This book is more aptly compared to something like Al Franken's book Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. Its a funny look at politics, is extremely skewed towards one political party, and has a few decent points scattered here and there in the text (many other points appear convincing until a little bit of digging reveals that the situation is a little more complicated than a two sentence statistic). But in the same way that I can't take anyone seriously who says that their only news source is The Daily Show or that they get their politics through select episodes of South Park, I get a little nervous when I see people holding up this book as a solid discussion at the politics of today. Beck does entertainment, and he does it very well. When I went to look up his other works the fact that he has written several books in just this year that are on the NYT Best Seller List are a good testament to this. But the flip side to this little statistic is that Beck has written SEVERAL books this year (5 to be exact). You just can't really pop out inspirational works of deep and detailed meaning like factory line Model Ts.
Profile Image for Stephen.
1,516 reviews11.7k followers
September 19, 2010
2.0 stars. Okay...not terrible but also nothing that caused me to feel anything close to enthusiasm for the material. I was hoping to enjoy it more than I did. After having just finished Hamilton's Curse: How Jefferson's Arch Enemy Betrayed the American Revolution--and What It Means for Americans Today with its excellent discussion about America's transformation from Jeffersonian federalism to a big, bloated centralized government, this book suffered significantly by comparison and came across as simplistic and very "of the surface" with little, if any, depth to the analysis.
Profile Image for Mike (the Paladin).
3,147 reviews1,939 followers
October 11, 2010
Any of you who have read reviews by me of other political type or current events books will not be surprised at my rating of this book. The answers given are to actual questions and objections to (here's that evil word) "Conservative" ideas and stances that I've heard given.

Yes, this is Glenn Beck....yes some of it is played for laughs....yes when you write a book containing a fictional dialogue or debate you get to put the words in your opponents mouth. All true. Still, it's a good book and the questions are legit.

I will not go into them here as it will undoubtedly start a fire storm in the comments section (as I've seen before) if anyone who disagrees with me actually bothers to comment...check out the topics in the book.

Now, I know many will get angry at first, you'll want to shout back at the book feeling that the question was phrased in a "stacked deck" way and that you have an objection to the answer/answers given that the writer has overlooked. But if you're willing to give the book the chance, keep reading. In each topic he/they tries to answer an initial question and then deal with any overlooked objections.

By the way, while the audio will be good for more will also probably infuriate you more if you're starting out feeling that you're going to disagree with anything said anyway... so just a heads up.

I enjoyed it....found it informative, at times depressing and also at other times humorous. I'll go 5 on this one...

By the way, no matter how you feel about the book, if you plan to talk about it or judge it please find out more than the TV news person who reported that Glenn Beck is on the front of the book in a "Nazi-like uniform". Beck is dressed as a Soviet Commissar. Just so every one knows.
Profile Image for Donald.
Author 4 books12 followers
August 30, 2009
I wasn’t sure what to expect, picking up a book by Glenn Beck. I don’t watch much television so I haven’t been exposed to the likes of him through that venue. But how can one deny the title? As it turns out, we are kindred spirits when it comes to interpreting the Constitution (there really isn’t an interpretation required as it seems pretty cut and dried). We are also in agreement on every issue facing Americans today, and for the same reasons.

Unions once had a reason to exist in our country, but that day has long passed. Their legacy costs to GM, Ford, and Chrysler have been the death knell for those companies. Instead of letting them perish so that new vibrant companies can rise from the ashes of ineptitude, we have allowed our country to bail them out (well, not Ford yet). That costs us money up front, and we pay over time as well. We pay through federal deficits and we pay through inferior products produced by companies that cannot afford to make an adequate product because they have to pay for all the retiree’s pensions and health care the unions bargained for years ago. Today’s companies have learned that they no longer have to run a tight ship because Uncle Sam will bail them out. That’s just wrong. That is not how capitalism works. That is how socialism works. Do we really want to emulate Cuba? Do we really want to follow in France’s footsteps?

Illegal Immigration is another hot topic we need to address. Illegal Immigrants work for a pittance because they get free health care and a boatload of other Government handouts and it all needs to stop. We work hard for our money. We should not be required to hand it out to every immigrant who decides to cross the border illegally. And for those who say they do the jobs that Americans don’t want to do I ask this: Who wants to work for less than the minimum wage? They’ll work under the table and not even pay into the system they draw money from.

Health care is another arena where we are being tested. As bad as our Government runs programs like the USPS, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Social Security, and all the various welfare programs; do you really want them making decisions regarding your health? I don’t.

Glenn Beck addresses all these issues and more in Arguing With Idiots. He does so with facts and figures that are backed up with documentation. There are a couple of dozen pages at the back of the book in, like, three point type (beware the small print?) in which he documents his sources. I’ve checked into a few of them because I wanted to see for myself. I’m like that sometimes. I found nothing with which to disagree in Glenn’s book. His ideas are well represented.

I can only hope we survive Obamanomics, or is it Baraconomics? As it stands now, our children will be paying for his decisions; and he’s been in office for less than a year. He is single handedly destroying the economy of these United States by spending tomorrow’s dollars today. If we do not reign in spending soon, who will bail us out?
Profile Image for Jeff Stockett.
349 reviews16 followers
January 13, 2010
I thought this book was excellent. The title is a little put-offish so I wouldn't have read it except that I saw it in a bookstore and thumbed through it out of curiosity. When I saw the various charts and figures as well as the various humorous cartoons I decided to give it a try.

In case you're worried that the book is just about bashing democrats it really isn't. In his introduction he explains that there are idiots on both sides of the aisle and that for the purposes of this book, idiots are simply those who don't think regardless of party affiliation. The book is written as sort of a dialogue with one such idiot.

I've read some other reviews that say that Beck is just building up a straw man to tear down. While it is true that no one person makes all of the idiotic arguments that he refutes, they are all arguments that are out there. I have heard many of the arguments while arguing with actual idiots. So I would disagree that it is a straw man. If you disagree with some of his points and are offended that your particular argument wasn't covered, remember the book isn't called "Arguing with people who use facts and sound logic." Although that would be an excellent sequel. :) Even as someone who agrees with him on 95% of his points, I will admit that during my reading there were a few times that I thought he left out an argument. But that didn't bother me, because the power in this book is not that he "won" the debate with his fictional idiot. The power is that he uses sound logic that is backed by facts. His list of sources is exhaustive and would provide a massive amount of reading to anyone who doubts what he says.

In short, I would recommend this book to anyone who would like to understand today's issues better while simultaneously getting a few laughs.
Profile Image for Jacob.
442 reviews7 followers
July 31, 2010
Read the first five chapters and the last one (the reason a friend gave me the book in the first place). I believe there are some good philosophical points here, however most are carried to a ridiculous extreme (e.g., I own guns and believe in the right to bear arms, but find it ludicrous that anyone can support the ownership of assault weapons with high capacity magazines, Beck's supercilious arguments about automatic vs. semi-automatic aside). The logic is often poor, and to a truly open mind, easily identified as not proving anything, although it can be amusing at times. Despite all this, I could identify and even agree with some of the points in his work but as another reviewer commented, he is first and foremost an entertainer. Unfortunately, his extremist and showman-like posturing made this a divisive work, rather than a constructive addition to improving our culture and nation. If you have time to put on a filter and are interested in some scattered thoughts on some of the basics that made our nation what it is, then go ahead and read this. If your time is limited in looking for intelligent and valuable discussion on our current political situation then probably forego this one and its bizarre cover.
Profile Image for Jeanne.
776 reviews
March 9, 2021
When Beck's recent book, "Arguing With Socialists," wasn't available at my library, checked this one out instead. Lots of fun facts, too many to absorb in one reading. I've always enjoyed Beck's sharp wit, now if only I can remember his intelligent rebuttals when confronted by idiots. lol
Some great quotes. "Control the language and you control the argument."
Profile Image for Marcella Johnson.
62 reviews4 followers
January 25, 2010
Enjoying it so far. It's interesting, and occasionally makes me chuckle. I don't agree with everything that he claims, but his points and data have made me think (especially in the areas of education).

***I probably did the equivalent of skimming the book. After the husband pointed out that Glenn Beck is crazy, I started paying more attention to how far fetched his information ties were. But really, I think I just lost interest in the politics of the book. The subject has never really been an interest of mine, but I was committed to finishing the book.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
89 reviews
November 2, 2009
All textbooks should be written like this and then more people would read them. It was so well written and funny. I especially lobbed the final chapter on our constitution and the bill of rights. I learned more than I ever did in school. That is a sad commentary on our educational system. If you love our country the way our founders intended it, then read this book.
Author 1 book
November 12, 2009
Very insightful. I liked in particular how he picks apart all the arguments for universal health care. I agreed with him more than I do with the average book like this that I read.
171 reviews11 followers
December 11, 2009
I actually didn't read much of this book. Was much like many of his others. Couldn't get past the pic on the front.
88 reviews50 followers
February 9, 2021
Mind boggling, indeed! Extremely well researched. Thought provoking. And, even better argued! Glenn establishes why sensible capitalism is essential (read, vital), even if somewhat broken (always, repairable and improvable), for survival of either socialism or democracy or even a welfare state. After reading this book, one should have no doubt left regarding this. Unfortunately, neither politicians (all of them) nor society, in general (large part of it), seem to understand it. And those, who do, do not seem to communicate it to others. Glenn has filled this gap. He has also brought out (subtly) why the current system of election is defective in pushing and prodding the politicians towards correct behavior (not just for the vote banks' good; but for the entire society's good). Why the politicians and bureaucrats, focused on self serving short term goals, ignore what is the truth and damage the socio-political structure even more. And, why the larger chunk of population, happy to live on dole and free bees, persuades and even aggravates such political behavior (and, why, headed towards a disaster, it shall ultimately collapse, if corrective actions are not taken).
I hope this book brings sense to more and more people over time to protect our societal structure.
Profile Image for Jeffrey.
24 reviews34 followers
August 30, 2010
Beck presents the case for individual liberty and limited government in a clear and entertaining way. Chalked full of facts about issues such as the true sources of the housing bust and subsequent economic collapse (hint: it WASN'T too much capitalism) and why government health care is a bad idea, it will give you reasoned arguments and evidence to use when debating liberals. The book is also full of interesting historical tidbits about America's founders and the roots of progressivism, along with some libertarian philosophy about the nature of government, creeping socialism and the nanny state.

One thing I found confusing in the Audiobook version was that Glenn read the "idiot" parts and Stu and Pat read the other parts. I think there were even a few self-referential passages where Pat is reading something written in the first person and it's supposed to be Glenn, then Glenn comes in with his idiot voice. I think Glenn just hates playing the straight man. I got the print version as well for easy reference.
Profile Image for Aroura.
149 reviews9 followers
April 17, 2010
An incredibly interesting book. I've never watched his show (the clips I've seen of him, something about his delivery rubs me the wrong way and I can't get past it), but I really like that everything he says is backed up and thoroughly researched, even if I don't agree with his conclusion. There are some doozies in here about actual historical facts that are never brought up because they would hurt the cause of liberals that I found very eye opening. I do agree that the federal government is a behemoth monstrosity. Even if it would be best for federal government in theory to oversee as much as it does, I believe they have proven themselves over and over... and OVER to be completely corrupt(able) and incapable of acheiving success with their programs (that really just create a whole new set of problems). Beck is also amazingly good at calling Republicans on crap, so it's pretty bipartisan government bashing:)
Profile Image for Celestia.
124 reviews5 followers
December 11, 2009
this book is amazing. I was put off by the title and didn't want to read it, until I heard Julie Earley recommend it. I thought Glenn Beck was just bombastic. I actually learned a lot from this book. I learned a lot more from this book about government and politics than I did from my AP government class. Glenn is probably the only American bold enough to say that the progressivism and everything we inherited from Woodrow Wilson and FDR is not good, because it all is based in socialism. All the pictures and graphics and cartoons make this the book I have laughed out loud the most while reading in a loooooong time. I especially loved the second amendment chapter, and I am not even a card-carrying NRA member, but it made me want to be one. I even had the chance to go rifle shooting with relatives while reading this book.
Profile Image for Scott.
241 reviews
December 14, 2011
I listened to this on audiobook, and had to stop after a few chapters. Some of the things Glenn says sound plausible, but when he touches on an area that I know about (professionally), and he gets it wrong, or glosses over details, or simplifies it in a way that favors an interpretation that ignores important facts, then I start to lose interest, because I wonder how much he is doing that in areas that I don't know as much about.

I think Glenn does a lot of good, and I'm glad he's out there. But I don't see why he feels a need to write books about things that he doesn't know well. I found myself wondering if he has a quota he has to fill for his income (or a publishing contract), and his committee pitched this idea to him, and he just went along with it.

Note to Glenn: It wasn't a good idea.
Profile Image for Terry Cornell.
453 reviews47 followers
October 12, 2015
Overall an interesting book, with Beck's views on several political topics broken into chapters. Subjects include, capitalism, the second amendment, immigration, health care, unions, economics, and government over-regulation. I liked some of the presentation, in particular his graphics. The cover is annoying, and if you turn it over you still have to look at Beck's face! Another annoying thing is Beck interrupts his own writing with his 'ADD Moments'--which I assume are more amusing to him than his readers. My other criticism is that he tries to put to much humor into his material. I know that the material can be on the dry side, but it shouldn't be a version of MAD Magazine either. I might have given it three stars, but for the annoyances.
Profile Image for Jeff.
46 reviews3 followers
October 3, 2009
The most important aspect of this book is the sources cited and references cited in the back. It is detailed and thorough, enabling the reader to verify all the hard facts Beck consistently cites throughout his book. This isn't just an opinionated rant from a so-called conspiracy theorist, but rather an intuitive, intellectually engaging and emotionally rousing work of political science that steers a course as dictated by the facts, not just the opinions or whims of the author. Beck lets his evidence do the convincing, and there's plenty of it in this book to bolster his arguments that too many idiots out there either ignore, write off, or blatantly deny.
Profile Image for Keeline.
22 reviews3 followers
November 9, 2009
I Loooove this book and all of it's facts. It gives you the references and then I was able to go from there to research the subject. Sadly, if someone asks where you got this reference, you have to say anywhere besides giving Glenn Back recognition. He doesn't mind you "throwing him under the bus" (I know he's crazy!) if you need to. I just wish he had a non descript pocket sized version of facts and figures to put in my pocket that my "DORY" brain could use. Hmmmm, maybe I will send that idea his way :)!
Profile Image for John.
1,458 reviews36 followers
December 6, 2012
Deep political insights presented in the most decidedly low-brow way imaginable. Here, Beck manages to strike a good balance between stark pessimism and light-hearted silliness. ARGUING WITH IDIOTS tackles a lot of tough issues with remarkable candor and wit (I could, however, have done without all the ungentlemanly jokes about celebrities' personal appearances...although, in the case of Michael Moore, I really didn't mind so much.) This is a fun, enlightening book--albeit one that might get you a lot of dirty looks from self-styled intellectuals and elitists.
Profile Image for Felipe Goleta III.
1 review2 followers
December 30, 2020
One of the worst books I have ever read. Beck cherrypicked arguments that will only make his POV shine and left out good criticisms unanswered. Also, he painted the opposition as idiots and hence this book spent more time attacking the opposition rather than arguing, which will make the reader too confident of their previously-held beliefs or they will not entirely accept any new view points. Mr. Beck please learn Socratic Dialogue before arguing ever again.
Profile Image for Jen.
152 reviews
January 18, 2017
I have to say this was my favorite Glenn Beck book. I am a fan of Glenn Beck and I tend to agree with him politically, so I appreciated his insight and the arguments he makes. He's blunt, which is something I also appreciate. The book is quite funny, for those who can handle Ben Gleck's humor :-)
Profile Image for Ger.
94 reviews4 followers
November 3, 2009
Great book from Glenn Beck! He outlines, in an entertaing way, the arguments for and against liberty and the free market. His book is packed with actual facts which knock down the assertions of those who are in favor of more government solutions.

It should be a must read for college and high school students.
19 reviews
December 2, 2009
Glenn Beck is probably the only person I know of who writes the remarks of his critics on the back of his book. And HIS critics are critical of him.

Anyway, he takes a surprisingly level-headed approach to arguing against the platform of socialism, by giving a multitude of examples as to why each part of the agenda does not work.
12 reviews
March 23, 2016
This book is very funny and is also very factual. Toward the end of the book it kind of starts to drag on. There are two chapters he contradicts himself the whole time. In all, it is a good read. I give it 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Alicia.
82 reviews
November 23, 2009
listened to the audio
I wish I had better retention and memory and so I could actually argue with idiots without looking like one in the process :)
Profile Image for Brian.
336 reviews21 followers
October 29, 2009
Don't be a partisan nimrod, just get it, read it, and be for America, or lose it. The Parties don't care about us they care about themselves and their power.
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