Tuesday, June11th, Grass Valley Downtown Association Promotions Committee Meeting: 9:00 AM • GVDA Office • Conference Room • 128 East Main Street AGENDA

Wednesday, June12th, Grass Valley Downtown Association Merchant Information Meeting: 9:00 AM • City Hall • In City Council Chambers • 125 East Main Street AGENDA

Meeting Dates 2024 (Click to View)

Promotions Committee begins at 9:00 a.m. / Second Tuesday each month or on an agreed-upon alternate date – GVDA Office

Merchant Information Meeting begins at 9:00 a.m. / Second Wednesday each month or on an agreed-upon alternate date – Grass Valley City Hall in Council Chambers.

Design Committee begins 8:30 a.m. / Fourth Wednesday each month or on an agreed-upon alternate date – City Hall, Mayor’s Conference Room

Joint Regular Board Meeting begins at 8:00 am / Fourth Thursday each month or on an agreed-upon alternate date – City Hall, Hullender Room

Special Meetings begin at 9:15 am / as needed

Exceptions: November and December due to holiday

Committee Leadership:

GVDA Exec Committee: Joy Porter,

Economic Vitality: Co-Chairs Joy Porter and Nicole Arbaugh,

Promotions: Co-Chairs Lillie Robertson and Christine Larkin,

Design: Co-Chairs Craig Hamilton and the City of Grass Valley,

Learn about Transformational Strategies and the Four Point Main Street Approach HERE

Transformational Strategies include Promotions, Design, Economic Vitality, and Organization

2024 GVDA Meeting Dates

Questions? Email

Downtown Grass Valley Parking and Restroom Map

Click the Map to Open in a New Tab and Print


125 Neal Street at Elizabeth Daniels Park: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
125 East Main Street at City Hall: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday-Thursday

Stay in Touch

Visit our Facebook page Downtown Grass Valley

Sign up for our weekly newsletter, to volunteer, contact us:

Downtown businesses can call 530-272-8315

For a list of available vacancies, contact us.

Grass Valley, California

Nestled in the heart of the Sierra Nevada Foothills, Grass Valley, California is truly a postcard image. Bathed in a wondrous mix of cedar, pine, and an assortment of deciduous trees that burst forth a multitude of Fall colors as the cooler temperatures arrive, this circa 1800 Gold Rush era town offers a window into the past while providing the best the present has to offer.

Some things change…and some things remain the same!

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