General Enquiries

General Enquiries

Frequently asked questions related to your NJOI services.

What is NJOI Prepaid?

What is the difference between Astro and NJOI Prepaid?

How do I sign up for NJOI?

What is included in the NJOI Box set?

I'm moving, how much will it cost for relocation?

What are the payment methods available for NJOI customers?

As an Astro customer, am I able to enjoy the prepaid NJOI services?

Is the NJOI decoder HD-enabled?

Can NJOI Prepaid customers record programmes or watch on-demand content?

How much does it cost to get an NJOI Prepaid set?

When can I start enjoying my NJOI Prepaid services?

Where can I find my NJOI Prepaid account number and smartcard number?

I want to close my account. Will I need to return the NJOI Prepaid equipment?

How do I unsubscribe from NJOI SMS marketing?

What NJOI self-service transactions can be performed over the phone?

What is NJOI CH200?

What is the NJOI Prepaid WhatsApp number?

What can I do through NJOI Prepaid WhatsApp?

How do I access CH200?

What is the e-kasih program?

My smartcard has been stolen/broken. Can I get a replacement?