Florence to Venice from $5 (€4) - Omio

How to travel from Florence to Venice

Fri, Jun 07
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Travel Information to Venice from Florence

distanceDistance126 miles (204 km)
modeAvailable travel modesBus or train
priceTicket price range$5 - $24
cheapestCheapest modeBus • $5 (€4) • 3 h 25 min
fastestFastest modeTrain • $24 (€21) • 2 h 3 min
carriersPopular travel companiesItabus or Frecciarossa

Travel 126 miles (204 km) by bus or train between Florence and Venice. The most popular travel companies which serve this trip are Itabus or Frecciarossa among others. Travelers can even take a direct bus or train from Florence to Venice.

Travel options
from Florence to Venice

How to get from Florence to Venice by train, bus or flight.

Our recommendation

The best way to travel from Florence to Venice is by taking a bus because it’s the best combination of price and speed.

Scandicci, Villa Costanza (Florence)
0 transfers
Scandicci, Villa Costanza (Florence)
0 transfers
Florence Santa Maria Novella
08:40PMVenice Mestre
0 transfers
Other options
Florence Santa Maria Novella
12:26PMVenice Santa Lucia
2 transfers
Florence Santa Maria Novella
12:26PMVenice Santa Lucia
1 transfer
Florence Rifredi
03:07PMVenice Mestre
2 transfers
Scandicci, Villa Costanza (Florence)
0 transfers
Scandicci, Villa Costanza (Florence)
0 transfers
Scandicci, Villa Costanza (Florence)
0 transfers

Find all the dates and times for this journey by train, bus, flight, and ferry .

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Jun 07
Jun 08
Jun 09
Jun 10
Jun 11
Jun 12
Jun 13
Jun 14
Jun 15
Jun 16
Jun 17
Jun 18
Jun 19
Jun 20
Jun 21
Jun 22
Jun 23
Jun 24
Jun 25
Jun 26
Jun 27

How to Travel from Florence to Venice

The journey from Florence to Venice is popular with travelers in Italy for both business and leisure. Buses, trains, and flights travel regularly from Florence to Venice every day of the week. High-speed trains are generally the fastest mode of transport for this route. Services are available from the early morning until late at night. Key departure points include Florence's Piazzale Montelungo bus station, S.M. Novella and Campo di Marte train stations, and Florence airport.

Trains from Florence to Venice | Buses from Florence to Venice | Flights from Florence to Venice

Florence to Venice Travel Comparison

Average Price

Travel Time

Cheapest Time to Book



3:45 h

1 Month Ahead



1:50 h

2-3 Months Ahead



5:00 h

1 Week Ahead

What is the best way to travel from Florence to Venice?

Cheapest way to travel from Florence to Venice


Taking the bus is the cheapest way to travel from Florence to Venice. Bus companies that travel from Florence to Venice include Flixbus and Baltour. Traveling from Florence to Venice by bus takes approximately 3:45 h. One bus departs in the morning at 5:25 a.m., while the other departs in the evening at 5:25 p.m. Buses usually depart from Florence's Piazzale Montelungo and arrive at Venice's Tronchetto people mover.

Fastest way to travel from Florence to Venice


Taking the train is the fastest way to travel from Florence to Venice. Both Trenitalia and Italo both operate direct trains between Florence and Venice. Traveling from Florence to Venice by train takes as little as 1:50 h. Trains usually run from Florence to Venice every hour between 8:30 a.m. and 9:45 p.m., departing from either Florence's S.M. Novella or Campo di Marte train stations and arriving at Venice's S. Lucia train station. Overnight train journeys are also available.

Most popular way to travel from Florence to Venice


Taking the train is the most popular way to travel from Florence to Venice. Taking the train is almost 2 hours faster than traveling from Florence to Venice by bus, while only being €10 more expensive on average. Both taking the train and bus are significantly more efficient in terms of both travel time and money when compared to flying between these two Italian cities.

How to get from Florence to Venice

The Best Way According to our Users

Whether it is for business or leisure, in order to travel from Florence to Venice, 98,59% of our customers choose the train as their preferred mode of transportation. By traveling by train on this route, you can enjoy the comfort of spacious seats, spectacular views—and in some cases free Wi-Fi—in both second and first class. Our customers have decided that the train is the best way to get from Florence to Venice and have chosen to enjoy this fast, safe and efficient way to arrive at their destination. Taking the train also avoids long lines or potential expenses for transfers to/from the station—especially since most main railway stations are located in the city center. Train companies in Europe vary from country to country, but most of them offer high-speed train routes, therefore when you add up at the end-to-end journey time, the train is often also the fastest way to get to your destination.

Search on Omio to find cheap tickets from Florence to Venice. It’s easy to find the most attractive prices and choose your preferred route for your journey. Book on web or app, and travel with your mobile ticket —without the stress of printing your ticket.

Attractions in Venice

Routinely regarded as one of the world's most beautiful cities, Venice receives over 3 million international visitors per year. Some of Venice's attractions include the Grand Canal, St Mark's Basilica and Piazza San Marco. The Venice Film Festival and Carnival also draw visitors from all over the world every year.

More than 1,000 travel companies trust us to sell their tickets all in one place.

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All travel companies: Train and Bus from Florence to Venice

Find the best route between Florence and Venice with Omio's travel partners Frecciarossa, Italo and BlaBlaCar Bus! You'll find the best deals, schedules and tickets when comparing and booking the most affordable route for you.

Italo is a brand of high-speed travel from the Italian train company Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori (NTV) offering regular services to popular cities around Italy, such as Rome, Naples, Florence and Milan. Among its fleet of travel are the Italo AGV 575, the premier high-speed service reaching speeds up to 186 mph (300 km/h), and the Italo EVO, an eco-friendly travel that can reach speeds up to 150 mph (250 km/h). You can choose from the following Italo ticket types when purchasing tickets between Florence and Venice: Low Cost, Economy, and Flex. Italo offers four different class options: Smart, Comfort, Prima and Club Executive. Standard services in all Italo travel include bathrooms, free WiFi, power outlets, reclining leather seats, footrests, snack machines and Italo Live (free onboard entertainment featuring a selection of films, music and games). While some amenities may differ based on the class option booked, each travel car is modernly equipped with a high level of comfort.

    BlaBlaCar Bus (formerly known as Ouibus or iDBUS) is a popular French travel company from France operating long-distance services in 10 countries in Europe and connecting over 300 destinations. It is a subsidiary of the French carpooling service, BlaBlaCar. Standard amenities on BlaBlaCar Bus include toilets, air conditioning, USB and power outlets for charging phones, tablets and laptops during long travel journeys, extra legroom and adjustable seats. There is also free Wi-Fi available on select routes. The only ticket type from BlaBlaCar Bus is the Standard ticket, which allows each traveler to bring one carry-on bag and up to two checked bags.

      FAQs: Travel from Florence to Venice

      FAQs: Travel to Venice easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Florence to Venice.

      You can get from Florence to Venice 2 different ways: bus or train.

      The cheapest way to go to Venice from Florence is by taking a bus, which costs on average $5 (€4).

      This is compared to other ways of getting from Florence to Venice:

      A bus is $20 (€17) less than a train for this route with tickets for a train from Florence to Venice costing on average $24 (€21).

      The fastest way from Florence to Venice is by train with an average journey time of 2 h 3 min.

      There are alternative travel options to Venice that take longer:

      Taking a bus requires on average 3 h 25 min of travel time.

      The Florence to Venice distance is around 126 miles (204 km).

      The average frequency per day from Florence to Venice is:

      • 1 bus per day.
      • 25 trains per day.

      However, we recommend checking specific travel dates for your trip from Florence to Venice as scheduled services by bus or train can vary by season or day of the week.

      These are the most popular departure and arrival points when traveling from Florence to Venice:

      • Most travelers take a bus from Florence, Guidoni Tram T2 to Venice, Sant'Angelo Village, Cavallino Treporti.
      • Most travelers board their train from Florence Santa Maria Novella and arrive in Venice Santa Lucia.

      Omio works with many trusted partners that can help you travel the best way from Florence to Venice:

      • You can take a bus from Florence to Venice with Itabus, FlixBus, El Pilar, BlaBlaCar, BlaBlaCar Bus or Movelia. Cheap tickets can be found for $5 (€4) with Itabus from Florence to Venice.
      • You can travel from Florence to Venice by train with Frecciarossa, Italo, Regionale, Intercity, Intercity Notte or Frecciargento. You can find cheap tickets on Omio for $24 (€21) with Intercity from Florence to Venice.

      Yes, there are direct routes from Florence to Venice with the following travel companies:

      • You can check for a direct bus to Venice with Itabus or FlixBus with 1 direct bus per day.
      • You'll find 22 direct trains a day to Venice with Frecciarossa, Italo or Intercity.

      Direct services to Venice tend to save you time and add more convenience as you won't need to transfer at another stop in between, so it's worth paying attention to before booking tickets for your route.

      Many of our customers traveling from Florence to Venice don't make Venice their final stop. Some of the destinations worth visiting after Venice are Rome, Milan, Paris or Verona, either of which you could add to your trip itinerary. Check Omio for the best and cheapest ways to travel from Venice to any of these top destinations today!

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