Movie that was filmed in 2015 won’t be released until you’re dead

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Movie that was filmed in 2015 won’t be released until you’re dead

Movie that was filmed in 2015 won’t be released until you’re dead

You'll have to totally defeat science if you want to watch this

Look, we’re all used to waiting a while until we finally get to see a film we’ve been excited about.

Like when Challengers hit cinemas last month after its release being postponed from September or the feeling like we’ve waited years to see Wolverine in the Deadpool franchise.

But while we might be being dramatic when we say we’ve ‘waited forever’ for the latest release, there’s one film you really will be waiting ‘forever’ for.

Well, in fact, you’ll be dead when it eventually does come out – morbid, I know.

Filmed way back in 2015, the film genuinely isn’t set to be released until 2115.

Appropriately named, the movie is called 100 Years.

It’s not the newest concept, with Richard Linklater probably having the most mainstream example with Boyhood, filmed over the course of 12 years with an actor growing up.

The rabbit hole goes far deeper: there's Andy Warhol's eight-hour movie of the Empire State Building; a 720-hour-long shot of a beach... and in this case, a film which won't be witnessed by the general public until the 22nd century.

Dubbed 'The Movie You Will Never See' in the tagline, it stars John Malkovich and is directed by Spy Kids and From Dusk Till Dawn's Robert Rodriguez.

The short film will imagine Earth 100 years in the future, and won't be released until 2115. And why, exactly?

Because it's a promotion for Louis XIII Cognac - one for the Cocktail fans - which also takes 100 years to properly age before it's sold to consumers.

It imagines the Earth 100 years in the future. (Louis XIII)
It imagines the Earth 100 years in the future. (Louis XIII)

Ludovic du Plessis, Global Executive Director for Louis XIII Cognac, previously said to The Guardian Life: "Louis XIII is a true testament to the mastery of time, and we sought to create a proactive piece of art that explores the dynamic relationship of the past, the present, and the future.

"Four generations of cellar masters put a lifetime of passion into a bottle of Louis XIII, yet they will never taste the resulting masterpiece. We are thrilled that this talented actor and creative filmmaker were inspired to join us on this artistic endeavour."

There's been numerous teasers for the film, each showing a different vision of 2115. Malkovich explained: "There were several options when the project was first presented of what [the future] would be.

Well, hope the future enjoys it. (Louis XIII)
Well, hope the future enjoys it. (Louis XIII)

"An incredibly high tech, beyond computerised version of the world, a post-Chernoybl, back to nature, semi-collapsed civilisation and then there was a retro future which was how the future was imagined in science fiction of the 1940s or 50s."

Rodriguez was already making short films for the luxury alcohol brand when they explained the concept to him.

He told INTHEPANDA: "I was making several short films for them, and I finished that one first, we shot that one first, I thought that was gonna be a commercial or something.

"And then I showed them the movie and they said 'Yeah, that's great, that's great. That's the one we lock away.' And I said, 'What? That's the one you lock away? What about the other one with the future--' 'No, that's the commercial.'

"The one that I was most attached to was the one they locked away."

100 Years will be released 18 November, 2115, if you somehow evade death and manage to see it.

Featured Image Credit: Louis XIII

Topics: Film, Entertainment, TV and Film, Weird