Prepare for your Online Assessment | Aon

Prepare for your Online Assessment

Prepare for your Online Assessment

How to Ace Online Assessments

Have you been invited to complete an assessment? Are you curious about taking a test? If so, then this is the right page for you!

We know that taking assessments can feel daunting, especially when it’s your first time. To help you prepare, we put together some introductory videos that explain what Online Assessment is and how you can prepare.

At the end of this page you will also find seven sets of practice tasks for the different types of test.

What is an Online Assessment?

Online talent assessments measure the abilities, behaviors or characteristics required for work. Typically, an assessment process combines several tests and questionnaires which are completed online during recruitment. They are designed to help the hiring company understand how good a fit you are for the job you are applying for.

  • What you need to know about an online assessment
    How is an online assessment developed?

    Online assessments consist of several tests or questionnaires to be completed by the candidate. Depending on the position you have applied for, various abilities and characteristics are evaluated. For example, an online assessment could consist of memory and concentration tests, as well as language skill tests. They could also include a personality questionnaire. Often you can choose the order in which you do the tests. It is usually not necessary to complete all the tests in one sitting, but rather you can take breaks between the tests.

    How are the individual tests structured?

    The tests developed by Aon are always structured in the same way. To begin, you will see a short introduction with descriptions of the test exercises. This is followed by an interactive sequence in which the test is explained in greater detail and the required actions are demonstrated. Usually, specific actions need to be performed in order to move on to the next part of the instructions. To ensure that you have understood the exercise properly, you are required to complete a few example exercises.

    There is no time limit for these initial explanatory stages of the tests, which means you can take your time working through the example exercises and look over your work when you have finished.

    After the examples, a final page appears, in which the most important points regarding the test are summarized. When you begin the actual test, you often have a set time limit. Once the time is up, the test automatically ends. As a rule, personality questionnaires are not subject to a time limit.

    What types of tests are there?

    There are several different types of tests. Performance tests (also called ability tests or aptitude tests) measure abilities, such as concentration, logical conclusions or text comprehension. Personality questionnaires evaluate qualities, such as willingness to cooperate, ambition or sensitivity. Specific professional knowledge is determined with the help of knowledge tests (also called skills tests).

    What is not tested?

    It is difficult to determine e.g. how willing you are to help, or how friendly you are in an online assessment. These requirements are, therefore, mostly determined in interviews, role-playing exercises or group discussions.

    Why is online assessment being used more and more frequently, what are the advantages?

    Online assessments have some very clear advantages compared to traditional pen-and-paper assessments. Not only are they easy for you, as a candidate to access and complete, they are also scored instantly and accurately, enabling the hiring company to access the results quickly. Assessments are a source of extra information to what you have already provided to the hiring company.

    Additional practical advantages

    • An applicant can complete an online assessment at any time, from anywhere, e.g. from their home. This saves travelling costs and allows the test to be completed in the applicant’s own familiar, stress-free environment.
    • The automated evaluation of results saves time and money.
    • From a company’s point of view, the relatively limited amount of time required is one of the main benefits, as it enables the inclusion of a large number of candidates in the pre-selection process.


How to Prepare for an Online Assessment

What kind of device do I need, how do I tackle nerves, and how do I best prepare for an online assessment? We cover these areas and more in this section and in the shorter videos below.
  • How do I best prepare for an online assessment
    What type of computer do I need?
    Almost all our tests are suitable for smartphones and tablets. However, we highly recommend taking the assessment on a PC, laptop or notebook. Please always ensure you are using the latest browser version, as older versions may no longer be supported and that you have a stable internet connection.
    Do I need any additional materials?

    Basically, you don’t need anything except a computer with a browser and internet access. Other materials are generally not required. However, for some tests it is useful to have a calculator or a pen and paper. For example, some of the exercises are made up of various steps and you might find it beneficial to jot down your thoughts. If any kind of aid is required or could be helpful, you will be informed during the test's introduction.

    Is specific prior knowledge required?

    You don’t need any special prior knowledge. However, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with online tests before tackling the online assessment.

    How can I practice and where?

    You can practice by watching the screencast videos below and understanding how the each test works. This way you will familiarize with the functions and the design.

    What can I do to manage nervousness?

    First, remind yourself that nervousness is absolutely normal. A certain amount of pre-test nervousness can have a very positive effect: it channels your attention and mobilizes your energy. You will probably feel better once you know what to expect. Watch the screencast videos below to get used to the tests and questionnaires.

    I require an adjustment to perform at my best. What should I do?

    It may be more challenging for some individuals to participate in an online assessment process, for a variety of reasons. To ensure fair treatment of all candidates, adjustments can be made to the assessment process. In some cases, challenges can be overcome with technical aids or the right settings. For example, people with visual impairments can use a screen magnifier, or individuals with dyslexia can be given extra time. As each individual has their own unique needs, the adjustments provided should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

    If you a require an adjustment, we strongly recommend that you contact the company or test provider. Being open about your needs can give you the opportunity to better show your skills and perform at your best.

Best Practices for Taking Online Assessments

Is there a best time to do an online assessment, how long will it take, what do I do if I am interrupted? These questions and others are answered below and in the short video.
  • Questions and answers about taking online assessments
    When should I take the test?
    A great benefit of online assessments is that you can do them whenever you want to. If you’re a night person, there is no reason why you shouldn’t do the test at night. It’s just important that you feel well and alert – don’t take the test, for example, when you come home from work or school and feel tired or after participating in a strenuous sport.
    What else should I keep in mind?

    Ensure there are no interruptions or distractions while you are working on the tests. Once you start the actual test, you can’t interrupt it and continue later. For this reason, it is important to ensure you have a quiet atmosphere and sufficient time to work through the test from beginning to end. Be sure to turn off your phone, and inform your family or roommates that you can't be disturbed until you finish the test.

    How long does the online assessment take?

    There is no standard answer to this question because it depends on the requirements of the company and the position you applied for. In most cases, there will be no more than five tests to complete. The invitation to participate in the online assessment usually includes information regarding the amount of time you'll need to complete it.

    Can I take breaks?

    Once you start a test, you cannot interrupt it. In most cases, the individual tests last less than fifteen minutes. Please ensure that you are not disturbed during this time.

    For many positions, multiple tests are required. However, you don’t have to take all of the tests in one go. You usually have several days to complete all the necessary tests. The amount of time you need to complete all the tests is not monitored and has no effect on the results. However, it is important to check the deadline given in your invitation email or letter.

    What do I do if a test is suddenly blocked?

    In rare cases, technical problems can lead to the test suddenly being blocked, for example, if the browser crashes while you are working on the test. This is not a catastrophe. Simply contact the company who invited you to do the online assessment so that they can unblock the test for you.

    How can you tell if I really did the online assessment myself?

    First, you should be aware that companies will not tolerate that somebody else completes the assessments for you. If this should come to light, you will be immediately excluded from the selection process.

    Often, retests are performed. This means that if you are invited to an interview after the online assessment, you will be expected to complete a repeat module from the online assessment. If you cheated in the online assessment, it will come to light during the retest, at the very latest. To summarize: it isn’t worth cheating!

    How much time do I have for an online assessment?

    Generally, you have several days to complete all the tests, and you can do the tests on different days. However, it is important that you check the deadline given in your invitation email or letter.

    Individual tests are generally subject to a time limit. The exception is personality questionnaires that, as a rule, don’t have a time limit. This is not done to give us an indication of how you deal with stress situations, but rather for methodical reasons. If there was no time limit, all applicants would get all answers right and, therefore, all results would be the same, making the test a waste of time. It is normal for candidates to be unable to answer all the questions in the allotted time.

    How fast do I have to work to pass the online assessment?

    Try to answer the questions quickly but carefully. However, to avoid mistakes, you shouldn't try to work faster than you did at school or during your studies, as incorrect answers generally have a negative effect on the final results.

What Happens After the Online Assessment?

Well done, you have completed all the tasks. But what happens next, how are the results evaluated and what happens to your data? These and more issues are covered in this section or the video below.
  • Questions and answers after the online assessment
    What happens after the online assessment?

    Once you have completed all the tests, all you can do is wait. The company you have applied to will be in touch soon to give you feedback regarding the tests and to inform you about next steps. If you want to know how the results are evaluated and what happens to your data you can also watch the video at the end of this section.

    How is the online assessment evaluated?

    In the case of performance tests, points are usually added for each correct answer and deducted for every incorrect answer. At the end of the test, the points are calculated to give the final result.

    In the case of personality questionnaires, there are no right or wrong answers. Your own descriptions of yourself, with regard to specific dimensions of your personality, are captured. It’s more a matter of determining whether your personality is suited to the position and the company as a whole.

    Do I get feedback?

    Each of the tests has a feedback report that gives an explanation of the results. Ideally, the company you have applied to will make this report available to you.

    What happens to my data?

    Most important: your data remains your data. Any company you apply to is not allowed – without your explicit agreement – to use your data for any other reason other than the application procedure.

    Different companies handle data differently. You should get information about how your data will be handled when you receive the invitation to the online assessment. Alternatively, you can ask the company about their data policy and what will happen to your data.

    Normally the test results, as well as some personal data, such as name and email address, will be saved in a database for at least the duration of the application process. This database is usually on secured servers and access is limited to a few people within the company. Some companies delete the data directly after the application process is completed; some keep it for a specified time. Aon's Assessment Solutions (formerly cut-e) recommends companies retain the test results and personal data for a time but then to delete them. As a rule, data in our systems is deleted after 12 months. In addition, we work with an external professional data protection expert who is continuously checking and monitoring our databases and servers for data protection issues.

    You can, of course, at any time, ask the company in question to delete your data.


Best Practice for an Online Interview

  • Questions and answers about online interviews
    How is an online interview developed?

    A number of assessment processes include asynchronous video interviews which you can complete at your own convenience.

    You will be guided through text- or media-based questions which you can respond to by recording yourself with a camera and microphone or simply your smartphone. The interviewer will watch your responses once they have been uploaded. However, the asynchronous video interview does not usually replace the in-person interview at a later recruitment stage. This is because it allows more room to get to know each other and establish a personal connection.

    What type of computer do I need?

    Similar to other online assessments, asynchronous video interviews can be completed on any desktop and mobile device with a camera, microphone and stable internet connection.

    How can I prepare for an asynchronous video interview?

    Make sure that the device you are using to take the assessment has a camera and microphone and you are using the latest version of a common browser. If you are using an apple mobile device, you will be asked to download an app. Be aware that this is an opportunity for you to make a good first impression to the employer. The recruiter will see and hear you and your environment. Therefore, it is advisable to make sure you wear appropriate clothes and tape your recordings in a calm and appropriate environment.

    As with other assessments, make sure you are not interrupted. You will receive detailed instructions at the beginning of the interview and will be allowed to practice and familiarize yourself with the system.

    How can I make the best impression?

    A number of the questions will aim to get information about why you applied for the position or how you handled challenging situations in the past. You will be given enough time to prepare. In addition, most interview set-ups allow several attempts at making a recording.

    Use the STAR technique: start by describing the Situation or event in which you found yourself. Explain what your particular Task was. What was the Action you took in order to complete the task or overcome the challenging situation? Close your response with the Result of that action. Also include how others perceived the result.

    You may be asked to analyze information, such as texts, charts, emails and/or present your solutions to specific challenges certain issues. Take your time to analyze the information thoroughly. As soon as you proceed to the next page, you cannot go back, although you are allowed to make notes.


Aptitude & Skills Tests

  • Aptitude & Skills Tests
    Language Skills (scales lt)

    What to Expect

    • 10 minutes to complete
    • Three task types to work through: fill in the blank sections, select words based on definitions and correct spelling errors

    Video details

    Mechanical Reasoning (scales mtu)

    What to Expect

    • 15 minutes to complete 24 tasks
    • Measures mechanical and technical understanding using mechanical graphics. Select the correct answer

    Video details

    Numerical Reasoning (scales numerical)

    What to Expect

    • 12 minutes
    • 37 tasks, finish as many as you can
    • Determine the truth and accuracy of a statement based on the numercial data provided

    Video details

    Understanding of Basic Instructions (scales verbal instruct)

    What to Expect

    • 8 minutes to complete 24 tasks
    • Determine the truth and accuracy of a statement based on the written instructions provided
    • Can be taken on any computer and mobile device, such as tablets and mobile phones

    Video details

    Verbal Reasoning (scales verbal)

    What to Expect

    • 12 minutes to complete
    • 49 tasks, finish as many as you can
    • Determine the truth and accuracy of a statement based on the verbal information provided

    Video details

    Gamified Situational Judgment Test (chatAssess)

    What to Expect

    • 20 minutes to complete
    • Measures your judgment regarding work-related scenarios
    • Reply to messages that are send to you

    Video details

    Basic Numerical Comprehension (scales eql)

    What to Expect

    • 5 minutes to complete
    • Finish as many tasks as you can
    • Measures your ability to solve basic arithmetic functions using mental calculation

    Video details

    Working Memory (gridChallenge)

    What to Expect

    • 9 minutes to complete
    • Complete nine tasks of varying difficulty
    • Measures your ability to keep something in mind while simultaneously trying to process other information

    Video details

    Complex Planning Capability (motionChallenge)

    What to Expect

    • 6 minutes to complete
    • Finish as many tasks as you can
    • Measures your ability to plan ahead and to overcome barriers between a given and a desired state to solve as many puzzles as possible

    Video details

    Ability to Concentrate (scales e3+)

    What to Expect

    • 2 minutes to complete
    • Measures your aptitude to concentrate over time and act quickly when faced with certain signals

    Video details

    Numeracy (digitChallenge)

    What to Expect

    • 6 minutes to complete
    • Finish as many tasks as you can
    • Measures your ability to solve basic arithmetic functions using mental calculation

    Video details

  • Logic Tests
    Inductive-logical Thinking (scales cls)

    What to Expect

    • 12 minutes to complete
    • 12 tasks, finish as many as you can
    • Understand the common rules in the patterns given and then assign new images to the relevant patterns

    Video details

    Inductive Reasoning (scales ix)

    What to Expect

    • 5 minutes to complete
    • 20 tasks, finish as many as you can
    • Understand the common rules in the pattern given and then select the item in a series of 9 that does not fit the common pattern

    Video details

    Deductive-logical Thinking (scales lst)

    What to Expect

    • 6 minutes
    • Understand the pattern in the graphic provided, use logic to fill the empty cell to complete the pattern

    Video details

    Deductive Reasoning (switchChallenge)

    What to Expect

    • 6 minutes to complete
    • Finish as many tasks as you can
    • Identify the right 4-digit number sequences for receiving the right result

    Video details

    Inductive Reasoning (scales clx)

    What to Expect

    • 6 minutes to complete
    • Finish as many tasks as you can
    • Measures your ability to look at a group of items, observe common patterns and interrelationships in order to draw logical conclusions

    Video details

  • Personality Tests
    ADEPT-15® Work-Related Behaviour

    What to Expect

    • Approximately 30 minutes to read and rate 100 statements about your workstyle preferences
    • Select the statement that you agree with more

    Video details

    Determining Job Fit

    Understand what makes you tick and how you are likely to behave at work. The ADEPT-15 ®personality questionnaire delivers insights into the type of work for which you are a good fit and potential development areas for you

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