餐廳: Le 188° 餐廳及酒廊
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  • 會員每次可賺取「亞洲萬里通」里數之消費額上限為港幣10,000元。
  • 會員於國泰夥伴餐廳用膳,結賬時出示國泰會員二維碼,每消費港幣4元可賺取1里數。
  • 渣打國泰Mastercard®客戶憑卡消費可享每港幣4元賺取2里數,包括合作夥伴餐廳合資格消費之餐膳里賞(每港幣4元賺取1里數)及基本餐飲類別之合資格簽賬獎賞(每港幣4元賺取1里數)。
  • 賺取之「亞洲萬里通」里數將根據餐飲與膳食消費,包括服務費、稅項及小費的總和而計算。
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  • 賺取的「亞洲萬里通」里數將於認可餐膳消費交易後7個工作天內存入會員的賬戶。
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餐廳: Le 188° 餐廳及酒廊
優惠: 國泰會員於夥伴餐廳消費可賺高達HKD4 = 2里數。受有關條款約束。
  • 會員每次可賺取「亞洲萬里通」里數之消費額上限為港幣10,000元。
  • 會員於國泰夥伴餐廳用膳,結賬時出示國泰會員二維碼,每消費港幣4元可賺取1里數。
  • 渣打國泰Mastercard®客戶憑卡消費可享每港幣4元賺取2里數,包括合作夥伴餐廳合資格消費之餐膳里賞(每港幣4元賺取1里數)及基本餐飲類別之合資格簽賬獎賞(每港幣4元賺取1里數)。
  • 賺取之「亞洲萬里通」里數將根據餐飲與膳食消費,包括服務費、稅項及小費的總和而計算。
  • 惠顧特定推廣套餐或不可賺取「亞洲萬里通」里數。請預先向個別「賺里餐廳」查詢。
  • 賺取的「亞洲萬里通」里數將於認可餐膳消費交易後7個工作天內存入會員的賬戶。
食評 (274)
We going up to the top of Harbour Grand Hongkong, and with no doubt, we can see a definitely stunning wide angle harbour view haaa, seeing tst and wanchai side, this lovely harbour view is the major reason we go to Le 188, cause i know better i have no expectation for the food lollll, so i really didn’t get any disappointment with this limited food choices haaaa, surprising i love chocolate muffins here yayaHere mainly divided into two parts, western and chinese corner, i wanna say chinese food corner simply just a showroom i can’t find any food i wanna eat there lollllStarted with cold dishes, you can take vegetables salad, fruits including watermelon, sweet melons, pineapple and some small fruits like raspberry, blueberries and strawberries( which put on small hidden pot and i omitted at first), you can take smoked salmon slices, parma hams and cheese side, i like mixing salmon slices with sweet melons cause melon can neutralize the saltiness of salmon, id say the quality of smoked salmon not too high, salmon flavor not strong but salty and not too fresh, only good thing here is they filling up so quickly, though cold dishes not too fresh, also for all small fruits, the nestle yogurt is so fake i have a bit to try and done with this lolllThere are cheese corner including cheddar cheese and goose cheese, i love cheddar cheese with eggs haaLet’s move to the hot dishes, first take some scramnled eggs with ham, haaa, my favorite one here, good mixing with sliced salmon and sliced cheddar cheese haa, such a yummy combination, my all time favorite, sometimes you can also combine all ingredients insides croissant if you not afraid of those freaking fat lolll haa, super devil but super yummy too yaya haaa, screamed eggs are quite smoothxx, hash brown is normal, chicken sausage isn’t badWhat i wanna warn seriously is that their plastic bacon, simply way too dry, thick and fake loll, like thick paper card lolllll, horrible one, totally unacceptable, thai pork sausage tastes normal, and broccolis are soft which is good with good flavorings Last corner we get some sweet breads, including several choices such as croissants, berries bread, small chocolate cake muffins, and waffle, you can reheat it by the roasted yourself, i love small chocolate cakes, the taste is taste with rich chocolate flavor haa, some chocolate chips on top, croissant is also yummy good adding some salmon, cheese and eggs inside, making my own croissant yayayaThough, waffle is so dry and tasteless saddd, what i expected would be wrong but turned out with disappointment Surprised they offer grapefruit juice here, so healthy one, and i picked this as my breakfast drink not hot milk this time, but surely they adding sugar insides, insides:view(; The environment is stunning here, the main reason you should come up here to have a meal here haaa, yea absolutely for me, the food quality is okay, but with limited choice, but a bad choice if you wanna start your day with this wonderful harbour view haaa, good day(; 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
車媽媽其實真的很怕人多的日子!好像聖誕和元旦假期其實多數也會宅在家中,所以節日的聚餐通常也會預早慶祝,人不會太多之餘又比較抵食(小資師奶無誤)。早幾天前便相約好朋友去到港島海逸君綽酒店預早慶祝聖誕節,甫踏進酒店大堂便看見這顆超美的聖誕樹,燈光閃閃的非常吸睛跟超高樓底的大堂非常相襯。我們再次來到酒店頂層的Le 188° Restaurant & Lounge享用這頓預祝的聖誕晚餐。位於酒店頂層的Le 188°擁有三面落地玻璃,在這兒可以盡享維港兩岸迷人的景致,尤其是在放煙花的日子這兒真的一位難求。這樣好的氣氛下邊嘆杯雞尾酒邊享受靚景最舒心,這杯是以Rum酒做基底的白朱古力薄荷味雞尾酒,口感清爽的薄荷加上香甜白朱古力調出非常特別的味道。此時熱辣辣的麵包籃隨即送上!還伴隨香草蒜蓉醬、香滑牛油和濃郁橄欖油佐吃,每次來也抗拒不了這兒的美味麵包。Amuse Bouche我們得到日式鮑魚配牛油鮑魚肝醬,鮑魚煮得非常煙靭和彈牙,配襯的牛油鮑魚肝醬鮮味濃精緻又美味。套餐可以在兩款前菜中二選一!第一款是Crab and Balik Salmon on Shallot蟹肉及巴利克三文魚,用上乾蔥包裹著蟹肉和三文魚,伴以清新的蔬菜啫喱及芒果醬配襯矜貴的魚子醬,就算是前菜也盡顯精彩味力。另一客Spiced Caramelized Pineapple, Pistacchio and Bitto Cheese Fondue香辣焦糖鳳梨、開心果及比托芝士,味道帶上微辣的焦糖鳳梨最為吸引我,像蛋捲般的脆筒包裹著清甜的紅菜頭口感特別,另外大廚還將紅菜頭弄成雪葩帶出非一般的前菜滋味。餐湯是Healthy Winter Soup冬季養生雜豆湯,估不到一位意大利廚也會煮出養生的湯水!用上多種豆類來炮製的西湯沒加上忌廉來烹調,但非常濃郁香甜很有家的味道,喝時跟芝士脆條一起品嚐挺有化學作用。四款主菜也各有特色我們決定點來一起分享!打頭陣有U.S. Black Cod Fillet香煎美國銀鱈魚配蔬菜及法式奶油汁,銀鱈魚的魚皮煎得非常香脆魚肉雪白嫩滑,配上香滑濃郁的奶油汁就更加可口。喜歡吃牛肉的朋友選了這客Grilled U.S. SRF Wagyu Beef 烤美國SRF和牛牛板腱,大家也喜歡這牛肉的質感和肉香,配菜有香口的小胡蘿蔔及菠菜而我就特別欣賞那香滑薯蓉。教我最期待的是這份Roasted French Quail烤法國鵪鶉,肉香骨酥的鵪鶉內釀入了黑松露慕絲香氣非凡,尤其喜歡菜式中加入了大量蔬菜吃得非常舒適。最後一份主菜有令人滿足的Mushroom Tortelloni蘑菇意大利雲吞,咬口十足的雲吞包裹著菌香滿盈的餡料吃下帶上奶味滿滿的芝士香氣,大廚更聰明地加了酸甜西梅來解油膩添香氣味道超讚。來到甜品我們這夜得到賣相蕩漾的Coffee Italian Tiramisu意大利冧酒芝士蛋糕!手指餅吸滿咖啡和酒香加上香滑不膩的Mascarpone Cheese,吃下甜而不膩的味道令我非常滿足。Set Dinner Menu收費為$698/位,於酒店官網訂座可享高達買一送一優惠。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
今日難得可以早少少收工,約咗屋企人過嚟炮台山食過豐富晚餐,le188 餐廳喺酒店41樓,上到上面,有個無敵大海景,全部座位都係望海,感覺真係好舒服,見到個tasting menu 好抵食,上佢公司網頁仲要做緊7折優惠,梗係試吓呢個先,食物種類都好豐富,有法國油鴨髀配鴨肝。三文魚mouse puff,煎大蝦配西柚汁魚子醬,又有美國鴨胸,鮮嫩多汁好味,美國西冷,焦糖千層蛋糕,食完真係好滿足。感覺好豐富,呢度服務也好好! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
第一次黎到位於北角Harbour Grand 41/F Le 188 餐廳,馬上被佢個全維港海景view 吸引,可以邊食邊嘆住香港景色 今次在酒店eshop 預訂左tea set , 食物擺設吸引,用上特別的玻璃長碟,與一般的下午茶三層架不同。有我至愛魚子醬,伴海膽同餅乾一齊食味道很夾。甜點方面黑松露芝士蛋糕食落有驚喜,鴨肝朱古力撻不錯。一邊和朋友享受食物和寧靜環境。服務員態度細心有禮,  食物質素好,下次定會推介朋友再來。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-05-08
0 瀏覽
早幾日訂左41/F 下午茶set一黎到環境先加分,第一次黎,雖然係落雨天,但真的很安靜,用餐環境好舒服 。接待人員非常友善,熱情好客,畀到我一個唔錯嘅印象 。🙂‍↕️而且食物質素可以,presentation好靚,飲品不單止包括咖啡或茶,更有汽酒供應 。😍一路飲住杯Speaking wine,一路享受個靚景,人生一大樂事也 。🤭我哋已經迫不及待地plan 定下一次再黎,發誓要係好天氣嘅時候再黎感受一次,欣賞埋個靚靚日落。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)