All Online Degree Programs at University of Arkansas Grantham
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ABET-accredited, technology-based degrees and certificates
University of Arkansas Grantham offers a wide range of degree programs in computer science, electronic engineering, and information technology. Whether you want to enhance your IT credentials or enhance your electronic engineering technology knowledge, University of Arkansas Grantham provides the online program you need to maximize your future.
IACBE-accredited degrees + specialized certificates
Grantham offers award-winning business degrees, including our MBA, that will give you the edge in enhancing or building your business skills. With one of the lowest tuitions1 in the country and the flexibility to learn when and where you’re able, Grantham’s online business degree programs allow you to expect more and achieve more from your college education.
ACEN- and CCNE-accredited nursing and healthcare programs
Grantham is one of the few nursing programs in the nation to boast dual accreditation from both ACEN and CCNE. With one of the lowest tuition rates1 of any nursing program in the country and online flexibility, Grantham will help you enhance your healthcare knowledge and skills
Broad-based programs applicable in the real world
Explore University of Arkansas Grantham’s online degree programs in criminal justice, leadership, paralegal studies, and more

Make the Switch to Virtual Education

Some may find the decision to go back to college difficult due to personal obligations like family or work. The truth is that more and more adults are enrolling in online programs because it allows enhancing your education while keeping to family, work, and community commitments. If you are a part of this large group of college prospects, Grantham can help you transition back into your education and find the degree you need to thrive.
For working adults who want and need the tools to get ahead, but don’t have the time or money for traditional continuing education can benefit from Grantham’s online degree programs. These programs provide the tools to succeed and create more opportunities, along with the flexibility and affordability to fit their educational goals.
Our transfer credit policy ensures students get the maximum credits possible from previous learning, military experience, as well as training and experience. Students receive a world-class education and top-notch, individualized support from our faculty and dedicated team of advisors.
More Admission Opportunities

In general, online higher education gives prospective students more opportunities to complete courses and earn their degrees. Traditionally, students begin an on-campus program at the beginning of a semester (which happens just twice a year). And, they need to meet application deadlines months prior to the start date of the program. But with online education, students are able to begin their program at nearly any time of the year (at Grantham, classes begin monthly). Many online courses take an accelerated path and can be completed in just eight weeks, which creates more academic terms and more opportunities for students to enroll.

Faster Completion Time

Students enrolled in an asynchronous program have the ability to pursue their degree at any pace. This is especially beneficial for those working as a full-time professional and dealing with other life obligations while going to school. Many colleges require students to complete their program in a specific time frame. At Grantham, students have the ability to reduce or increase their course load as needed.

Because Grantham students are able to customize their course load, many programs can be completed in less time than the typical two- or four-year timeframe. Students can easily continue classes during the summer months, and the unique eight-week structure helps them move through the program quickly.

Technological Advantages

Compared to a traditional, on-campus education setting, an online format gives students several technological advantages. Courses are offered through a fully integrated learning management system, and assignments and quizzes are completed within these platforms. Many online programs are identical to their on-campus counterparts—the only difference is that lectures are available on demand and material is viewed whenever the student chooses to access it.

Online programs are especially beneficial to students looking for a new job or promotion. In these programs, students are responsible for learning several programs and applications needed to be successful in online environment. These days, most jobs require some degree of virtual literacy and familiarity with programs like Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Better Experience with Faculty

Most traditional institutions facilitate one-on-one communication with instructors during specific office hours throughout the week. For students enrolled part-time or who have other life obligations that keep them away from campus, utilizing these office hours may be difficult. In an online learning format, however, instructors often offer virtual office hours via Zoom, Skype or the school’s learning management system. Because the student can participate in virtual office hours from anywhere with an internet connection, they can more easily access their instructor and get the help they need.

Other communication vehicles such as email and instant messaging allow online students to quickly and conveniently reach out to their instructors when necessary.