FM WhatsApp Download (Official) Latest Version - June 2024
FM WhatsApp

FM WhatsApp Download (Official) Latest Version – June 2024

App NameFM WhatsApp
Updated On8 Hours Ago
FMWhatsApp Official

Are you tired of the limited features on WhatsApp? Do you want more functionality and a richer experience? If yes, then you are in the right place. In today’s article, we will deep delve into the world of FM WhatsApp APK, providing information, tips, and a complete guide on how to download and use this WhatsApp alternative on your device. We will also share the FM WhatsApp Downloading guide and step-by-step installation process, So for all that you should read this article till the end and don’t skip any part of it.

FM WhatsApp

FMWhatsApp APK

FM WhatsApp APK is a modified version of the WhatsApp APK, It offers users a bunch of additional features and customization options. It’s an unofficial WhatsApp version that is modified to add more features and options. This app has many amazing built-in features, That are not available in the original app. It’s one of the top reasons behind the growth of users in FMWhatsApp.

FM WhatsApp APK

FM WhatsApp APK is an effective modified version of WhatsApp, offering users advanced features such as enhanced privacy settings, customization options, and improved messaging functionalities. This apk is made by third-party developers and has added many unique and versatile features to it. FM WhatsApp comes with a Theme center, Apk lock, Chat lock, Message scheduling, Auto replies, and many more. FM WhatsApp also focuses on the privacy and security of its users, It has many important features which help to keep you up to date.

FM WhatsApp Download APK

Official FMWhatsApp APK

Using FM WhatsApp APK is relatively very easy. First of all, download the FM WhatsApp APk from the download button below and wait while downloading is going on. After that, Install FM WhatsApp on your device you can also take reference from the installation guide shared below in the article. Then you can use the same process for sign in and if you have any backups, you can restore them, while doing sign-in. Once you are done with these processes, You are good to start enjoying using FM WhatsApp APk.

Is It Safe to Use FM WhatsApp APK?

The answer to this question is very simple, And it depends. If you are downloading FM WhatsApp From its official website FMWA.Dev then you are safe to use the app. But if you used any third-party website, It could be unsafe for you. Many websites on the internet have FM WhatsApp fake apk. This app can be dangerous and could contain viruses and malware. So please download it from the official website and be safe to use the FM WhatsApp APk. Below I have shared the download link with you in this article.

Download FM WhatsApp APK Latest Version For Free

FMWhatsApp Download APK
App NameFM WhatsApp
Updated On8 Hours Ago

Are you searching for an FM WhatsApp APk? Then your search is over, In this article, we have shared the latest version of FM WhatsApp Apk. It’s from the official website FMWA.Dev, You can trust this website for the latest and official version of FM WhatsApp. There are many fake websites in the market, So please beware of the fake apps and download FM WhatsApp from the official website. You can also read the installation guide shared below in the article.

Fabulous Features in FM WhatsApp APK

FM WhatsApp APK boasts a wide range of features and customization options designed to enhance the user experience. From advanced privacy settings to customizable themes, here are some of the standout features offered by FM WhatsApp APK. Below we have shared all the amazing features in FM WhatsApp so please make sure to read all the features carefully.

List of All Available Features in FM WhatsApp on Phones

  • More Customization Settings
  • In-Build Theme Store
  • Advance Privacy Settings
  • In-build app lock
  • Use Custom Call Blockers
  • Blue Ticks settings
  • Custom privacy options
  • Universal Settings Options
  • Use Multiple Accounts
  • Freeze Online Status
  • Disable “Forwarded Tag”
  • Auto Reply Settings
  • Chat Screen Customizations
  • Bulk Messages Sender
  • Message any number
  • Airplane (DND) Mode
  • More Media Sharing
  • Chat Hide Options

More Customization Settings

FM WhatsApp offers an extraordinary collection of customization options more than what’s available in the official WhatsApp app. Users can customize everything from chat backgrounds to notification sounds, allowing for a truly personalized messaging experience. With options to adjust font styles, bubble colors, and chat themes, users can customize the FM WhatsApp appearance to their preferences.

More Customization Settings

In-Built Theme Store

In Built Theme Store

FM WhatsApp has an in-built theme store where users can browse and download a wide range of themes to customize their app interface. From vibrant and colorful designs to minimalist and smooth layouts, the theme store offers something for every taste and preference. Users can easily preview and apply themes directly from the store, making it easy to refresh the look and feel.

Advance Privacy Settings

FM WhatsApp provides advanced privacy settings that empower users to take control of their messaging privacy. It also gives options to hide online status, blue ticks, and typing indicators, so users can maintain their privacy while staying connected with friends and family. Moreover, FM WhatsApp offers many features as hiding blue ticks, enabling two-step verification, and blocking unwanted contacts, to ensure a secure and private messaging experience.

Advance Privacy Settings

In-Build app lock

In-Build app lock

FM WhatsApp includes a robust app lock and features that add an extra layer of security to the app. Users can choose from various locking preferences such as PIN, pattern, fingerprint, or facial recognition to safeguard their chats and media files. With options to set timers for automatic app lock and customize lock screen notifications, users can ensure that their private conversations remain protected from unauthorized access.

Use Custom Call Blockers

FM WhatsApp allows users to utilize custom call blockers to filter and block unwanted calls. With options to create call blocklists based on specific numbers or contacts, users can effectively manage incoming calls. There is also a feature to add a message for the caller to hide that you have blocked them on FM WhatsApp Calls.

Use Custom Call Blockers

Blue Ticks Settings

Blue Ticks Settings

FM WhatsApp offers customizable blue tick settings, giving users control over when their read receipts are displayed. Users can choose to hide blue ticks for specific contacts or disable them altogether, providing greater flexibility in managing message-read notifications. This feature is especially useful for users who prefer to maintain their privacy or manage their availability on the platform.

Custom Privacy Options

FM WhatsApp provides users with custom privacy options to customize their privacy settings according to their preferences. Users can configure privacy settings for individual contacts or groups, controlling who can see their profile picture, status updates, and online status. Additionally, FM WhatsApp offers features like hiding typing indicators, disabling screenshot notifications and restricting message forwarding tags, All this ensures a secure and personalized messaging experience for users.


Universal Settings Options

Universal Settings Options

FM WhatsApp offers universal settings options that allow users to apply consistent settings across the app. With options to choose settings across multiple devices and platforms, users can ensure a seamless experience regardless of the device they are using. Moreover, FM WhatsApp offers features like automatic message backup, chat history backup, and account transfer, making it easy for users to switch between devices without losing their data or settings. You can also take reference of my backup and restore guide for FM WhatsApp for more information on FMWA.Dev

Freeze Online Status

FM WhatsApp offers a unique feature that allows users to freeze their online status, preventing others from seeing when they were last active on the platform. This feature is particularly useful for users who want to maintain their privacy or avoid appearing online while using the app. By freezing their online status, users can privately use the app without pulling the attention of others.

Use Multiple Accounts

use multiple account

FM WhatsApp allows users to use multiple accounts on the same device, providing flexibility for users with multiple phone numbers or identities. We have shared new features which can be used to add additional accounts and switch between them easily. It will be the same as Facebook and Instagram and you can switch your accounts like profiles. There is no limit on adding a WhatsApp account on FM WhatsApp Apk. Download and start using the app now.

Disable “Forwarded Tag”

FM WhatsApp allows users to disable the “forwarded” tag that appears on forwarded messages, giving them more control over message privacy and authenticity. By removing the forwarded tag, users can prevent receivers from knowing whether a message was originally sent by them or forwarded from another source. This feature is especially useful for users who frequently share content and want to maintain the integrity of their messages. While it removes the tag, It’s also important to note that you shouldn’t spam and misuse these features. Excessive use can harm your account.

Disable “Forwarded Tag”

Chat Screen Customizations

Chat Screen Customizations

FM WhatsApp enables users to customize the chat screen with a variety of options and settings. From adjusting text size and font style to changing chat bubble colors and background images, users can personalize their chat interface according to their preferences. Moreover, FM WhatsApp offers features like chat bubble animations, message toasts, and conversation search, enhancing the overall usability of the FM WhatsApp Apk.

Auto Reply Settings

FM WhatsApp offers auto-reply settings that allow users to automate responses to incoming messages. Users can create custom reply messages and set messages, keywords, or specific criteria, ensuring that important messages are addressed and replied to even when they are unavailable. Moreover, there are features of message scheduling and message broadcasting which can also be very helpful making it easy to communicate on WhatsApp.

Auto Reply Settings

Message a Number

Message a Number

FM WhatsApp offers a unique feature that allows users to send messages to any phone number, even if they are not saved in their contacts. Users can simply enter the receiver’s phone number and write their message, enabling quick and direct communication without the need for contact saving in the phone. Additionally, FM WhatsApp offers features like message forwarding and message translation, making it easy for users to connect with others without minding the contact list.

Bulk Messages Sender

FM WhatsApp introduces a bulk messages sender feature that allows users to send multiple messages at once to multiple recipients. With options to create message lists, schedule delivery times, and message delivery status, users can simplify communication and reach a wider audience efficiently. Additionally, FM WhatsApp offers features like message templates and group broadcasting, which are also one of the favorite features among users.

Bulk Messages Sender

Airplane (DND) Mode

Airplane (DND) Mode

FM WhatsApp includes an airplane mode feature that allows users to temporarily disable network connectivity and stop message delivery. With options to activate airplane mode directly from the app interface, users can enter a “Do Not Disturb” state and focus on other tasks without interruptions. Additionally, FM WhatsApp offers features like message scheduling and auto-reply settings, ensuring that users can manage their communication effectively even when offline. These features are only available on the latest version of FM Whatsapp apk, So please download and install the app now.

Chat Hide Options

Chat Hide Options

FM WhatsApp introduces chat hide options that allow users to hide individual chats from the main chat list. Users can simply archive or hide specific conversations, making them invisible from the main interface while still accessible through the archive folder. Additionally, FM WhatsApp offers features like password protection for hidden chats and automatic chat hiding based on user-defined standards, So users can go to hidden chats and enter the authentication password and access the chats.

More Media Sharing

FM WhatsApp improves media sharing limits by allowing users to send a wide range of file types, including images, videos, documents, and audio files. With options to share files of larger sizes compared to the official WhatsApp app, users can send multimedia content seamlessly with their friends and family. Additionally, FM WhatsApp offers features like media compression and file encryption, ensuring fast and secure file-sharing experiences for users.

More Media Sharing

Top Pros & Cons of Using FM WhatsApp APK

As with any other apk, FM WhatsApp also has some Pros and cons. Below we have shared some of the main pros and cons about FM WhatsApp apk. So please read all of them and use them for your needs.

Pros of Using FM WhatsApp APK

  • Enhanced Privacy Settings: FM WhatsApp APK offers advanced privacy features such as the ability to hide your online status, blue ticks, and many more privacy indicators.
  • Customization Options: Unlike the official WhatsApp application, FM WhatsApp APK allows users to customize various aspects of the app, including themes, fonts, and chat backgrounds, Making it a fully customized application.
  • Increased File Sharing Limit: FM WhatsApp APK allows its users can send larger files, videos, and documents compared to the official WhatsApp application.
  • Message Scheduling: FM WhatsApp provides you with a feature to schedule messages, You can schedule any date and time, So after the time is triggered your message will be sent automatically.

Cons of Using FM WhatsApp APK

  • Security Risks: Since FM WhatsApp APK is a third-party application, it may pose security risks if you have downloaded it from any third-party website than FMWA.Dev.
  • Compatibility Issues: FM WhatsApp APK may not be compatible with all devices or operating systems as it was developed by third-party vendors.
  • Lack of Official Support: You will not get support from the official WhatsApp team, But FMWA.Dev will always help you with any problem.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide for Android Phones

Are you worried about how to install FM WhatsApp APk on your device, Then worry not we are here. Below we have shared a complete guide on how to install and set up FM WhatsApp from the official website FMWA.Dev. So please make sure to read the article till the end.

  • Download FM WhatsApp APK: Visit the official FM WhatsApp website FMWA.Dev and download the FM WhatsApp APk.
  • Enable Unknown Sources: Before installing FM WhatsApp APK, Make sure that your device allows installations from unknown sources by navigating to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources and turning the switch to enable it.
  • Install FM WhatsApp APK: Go to the downloaded APK file on your device and tap on FM WhatsApp to start the installation process.
  • Finish Installation: After that click on the install button and wait while the process is going on. Once it’s done you can click on the open button.
  • Verify Your Phone Number: After installing FM WhatsApp APK, open the app and verify your phone number by entering the OTP (One-Time Password) sent to your registered mobile number.
  • Start Messaging: You are now ready to start using FM WhatsApp APK and enjoy its features.

FM WhatsApp Installation Guide for iPhone

Yes, you heard it right, You can now install the FM WhatsApp Apk on my Phone, So for that just follow the below given step-by-step guide and install FM WhatsApp on my phone.

  • Enable Installation Permissions: To install FM WhatsApp on an iPhone, you will need to enable third-party installation on your device.
  • Download FM WhatsApp: After this, you will need to download the FM WhatsApp iOS version from the official website FMWA.Dev.
  • Install FM WhatsApp: Use a third-party application to install the FM WhatsApp file on your iPhone.
  • Check the installation: Once the installation is done, You can click on open and start the setup work.
  • Verify Your Phone Number: After installing FM WhatsApp, open the app verify your phone number, and sign in to your device.
  • Start Messaging: You are now ready to start using FM WhatsApp on your iPhone for free.

Useful Frequently Asked Questions

What is FM WhatsApp APK?

FM WhatsApp APK is a modified version of the original WhatsApp application, offering users additional features and customization options not available in the official release.

Is FM WhatsApp APK safe to download?

Yes, the apk is safe to use, But users should also be careful to download the FM WhatsApp APk from the official website FMWA.Dev only.

Can I download the FM WhatsApp APK on my iPhone?

Yes, You can download the latest available version of FM WhatsApp APk on your device and install it using the above installation guide. If the latest version is not available for iPhones you can use the Android apk and install it using other ways.

What is compatible with FM WhatsApp APK?

FM WhatsApp APK is compatible with most Android devices running Android OS version 4.0.3 and above. Also, you should have enough storage and RAM to run the application on your device.

Will I lose my chat history if I switch to FM WhatsApp APK?

No, You can simply back up your all data and restore it on the FM WhatsApp APk. You can also get the step-by-step guide on our website FMWA.Dev

Can I use the FM WhatsApp APK alongside the official WhatsApp app?

Yes, you can use FM WhatsApp APK alongside the official WhatsApp app on the same device. Please make sure that you will need separate numbers for both apps, You can’t use the same number on both apps.

What Extra Does FM WhatsApp Offers than the normal WhatsApp?

FM WhatsApp APK offers additional features and customization options further on the available features in the official WhatsApp app. These include enhanced privacy settings, customizable themes, increased file-sharing limits, and many more.

Is FM WhatsApp APK compatible with WhatsApp Web?

Yes, FM WhatsApp APK is compatible with WhatsApp Web, allowing users to access their chats and messages from a web browser on their computer. Simply scan the QR code on the WhatsApp Web interface using FM WhatsApp APK to sync your account, the same as we do with normal Whatsapp.

Final Conclusion

In conclusion, FM WhatsApp APK offers a bunch of advanced features and customization options designed to enhance the user experience further than what the official WhatsApp application provides. This article was all about the FM WhatsApp APk and information related to it. We have also shared information on the downloading and installation guide on FM WhatsApp APK.

We have discussed all the popular features of FM WhatsApp in this article, So please make sure to read it till the end. That’s it for today’s article, We hope you liked this article, If yes then make sure to share it with others and share this amazing apk with them. We will be back with another refreshing article, Till then stay tuned with FMWA.Dev.