Lady Gaga serenades Bill Clinton with ‘Bad Romance’ (Video) - The Washington Post
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Lady Gaga serenades Bill Clinton with ‘Bad Romance’ (Video)

Lady Gaga, getting caught up in a “Bill Romance.” (Handout/GETTY IMAGES FOR CONTROL ROOM)

Gaga — who also crooned a Marilyn Monroe-esque version of "Happy Birthday" to the former president, who celebrated his 65th in August — suggested that the audience should get "caught up in a little Bill romance." She then launched into her 2009 hit as she slipped off a skirt that covered the lower half of her nude-colored bodysuit, wiggling her booty as she did so. As the video below reveals, Bill and Hillary Clinton both had a good laugh, while daughter Chelsea covered her face with her hands. (Watch closely and you can also see former DNC chairman Terry McAuliffe doing his own wiggling behind the Clintons.)

Later in the number, she danced over to the Clintons and was greeted with a reverent bow from Chelsea. Gesturing toward her high heels, she asked the former President and current Secretary of State, “It’s a good thing I used to dance in bars, right?”

She closed the set by donning a jacket with bare breasts sketched on it and singing a Clinton-fied version of "You and I." Watch the clip of "Bad/Bill Romance" below, then hit the jump to see her entire performance. For added enjoyment, count the number of times you flashback to Mr. Clinton's past scandals while shifting uncomfortably in your seat.

The full Gaga set; the “You and I” portion begins at the 23-minute mark.