'It all happened in an instant': Miles Ocampo discloses undergoing thyroid surgery
Filipina actresses

‘It all happened in an instant’: Miles Ocampo discloses undergoing thyroid surgery


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‘It all happened in an instant’: Miles Ocampo discloses undergoing thyroid surgery

Miles Ocampo's Instagram

Miles also reminds the public: 'With or without any health conditions, no to body shaming'

MANILA, Philippines — Miles Ocampo disclosed that she had undergone surgery in March after being diagnosed with papillary thyroid carcinoma. 

In a social media post on Friday, April 14, the actress opened up about her health condition, showing photos of her confined in a hospital. 

Miles shared that she used to be scared of hospitals but she hasn’t felt her “normal self” since “late last year,” detailing that she wakes up in the middle of night having a hard time breathing, getting tired easily, and gaining weight. 

“For someone who’s afraid of needles, I feel like it was an endless blood test, ultrasound to biopsy, then the decision to remove it ASAP,” she said. “I had to undergo thyroidectomy surgery to remove my thyroid glands. It all happened in an instant.” 

According to EndocrineWeb, papillary thyroid carcinoma is the most common type of thyroid cancer. “It typically arises as a solid, irregular, or cystic mass that comes from otherwise normal thyroid tissue,” it added. 

Miles then expressed her gratitude to her doctors, family, management, and boyfriend Elijah Canlas for being part of her health journey.

“A month after my operation, here I am embracing my journey and sharing it to all of you,” she wrote. The actress also left a message to those who are in the same situation as hers: “You are not alone. Sending my love to everyone. Love and prioritize yourself.”

She also reminded the public to refrain from making hurtful comments and be mindful of making remarks on other people’s situations. “With or without any health conditions, no to body shaming. Be kind, always. Please.” 

Fellow celebrities such as Kris Aquino, Maja Salvador, Bela Padilla, Maine Mendoza, and Michelle Vito wished for Miles’ speedy recovery. 

Miles entered showbiz through the children’s gag show Goin’ Bulilit. She also starred in projects Home Sweetie Home, Write About Love, and FPJ’s Batang Quiapo. – Rappler.com

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