WEF Proposes Ban On Gardening? | Armstrong Economics Skip to content

WEF Proposes Ban on Gardening?

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The globalist overlords are attempting to block every option we have to remain independent from government tyranny. The story is that the World Economic Forum (WEF) has proposed a full ban on homegrown food, citing their favorite excuse—climate change. Here is the study Comparing the carbon footprints of urban and conventional agriculture, but they insist that it is NOT funded by the WEF. Mainstream media all claim this is misinformation and conspiracy theory because it was not funded by the WEF.

Home Garden Study

Nevertheless, plenty of people attack farmers and also believe that home gardening is destroying the planet. The one line from the syllabus has created this fury:

“Results reveal that the carbon footprint of food from UA is six times greater than conventional agriculture.”

The elites want complete control over our food supply. They have already implemented numerous regulations to prevent people from hunting and fishing. Biden tried to prevent schools from teaching students how to hunt or fish, which went to the Supreme Court. Now, these climate change zealots are demanding that we peasants cease gardening at home and use studies like this to support their agenda.

Victory Garden

Ironically, the US government and others were promoting at-home gardening, such as “Victory Gardens,” during the last World War when food supplies were diminished. The people will be easier to control when they are hungry and weak. The globalists feel the need to control us in every aspect of life. Any agency associated with the World Economic Forum is not to be trusted, and the governments who comply with their demands are traitors who want to watch society crumble.