Christophe Lemoine (Creator) - TV Tropes

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Creator / Christophe Lemoine

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Christophe Lemoine (born December 11, 1978 in Sucy-en-Brie) is a French actor, voice actor and musician.

He made his voice acting debut in 1992, in the Danish animated film War of the Birds.

To describe his performance, think of him as the French voice for Jack Black, being his most recurring dubbing actor. He is this as well for Josh Gad, Sean Astin, and Paul Walter Hauser.

He is well known in his country for his raspy falsetto voice as Eric Cartman from South Park and for dubbing Sam Gamgee (Sean Astin) in The Lord of the Rings. He is also the voice of Handsome Jack from Borderlands in the video game department, and Sid Phillips in Toy Story, among many other Disney characters. He's also the main French voice of Barry Allen a.k.a. The Flash in various DC Comics animated adaptations ever since the 2004 series The Batman.

He and his friend, Adrien Antoine, have performed together as the musical duo "Christophe et Adrien".

His dubbing roles include:


Films - Animation

Films - Live Action

Video Games

Western Animation

His non-dubbing roles include:

Tropes associated with this actor:
