‘Judge Judy’ Sheindlin Sues Famous Magazines For Lying

“Judge Judy” Sheindlin - YouTube

Recently, Judge Judy Sheindlin took action against two famous magazines. Undoubtedly, being in the business of justice, she isn’t happy to see false statements in print about her. Now, they are in her crosshairs and she isn’t letting up.

Judge Judy Sheindlin Is Ready To Defend Her Name

While the famous Judge Judy star, Judy Sheindlin, is known for not backing down, a couple of news publications are about to see her hard side up close and personal. Undeniably, she isn’t about to take crap from anyone. With her new series releasing on Amazon Freevee, Judge Sheindlin is ready to fight for her name. Unmistakably, when false information was printed in April 2024, the judge was eager to defend her reputation.

“Judge Judy” Sheindlin - Judy Justice - Freevee
“Judge Judy” Sheindlin – Judy Justice – Freevee

Judge Judy Goes After Two Publications For Lying

Reportedly, according to an open lawsuit in Collier County, Florida, InTouch Weekly ran a speculative publication that Judy claims is a lie. On April 10 with the headline “Inside Judge Judy’s Quest to Save the Menendez Brothers Nearly 35 Years After Their Parents’ Murder,” allegedly, InTouch Weekly was incorrect in their article. Then, a sister publication, National Enquirer, also owned by Accelerate360 Media later published the information as well. Within the statements, they covered the 1989 Menendez murders in Beverly Hills, California which is a well-known case.

“Judge Judy” Sheindlin is working to clear her name. - NBC News - YouTube
“Judge Judy” Sheindlin is working to clear her name. – NBC News – YouTube

After the news broke, Judge Judy Sheindlin said she had no comments about the case. But her lawsuit theorizes the news outlets used statements from Fox docuseries incorrectly. Likewise, the series was about Judi Ramos. Specifically, Ramos was an alternate juror in the first Menendez trial. The publications used Judi Ramos’ statements to slant speculation toward the TV personality instead.

She mistaken for Alternate First Juror. - NBC News - YouTube
“Judge Judy” Sheindlin was mistaken for an Alternate First Juror. – NBC News – YouTube

She Will Make Them Pay

Although the wrath of Judge Judy is not clear, she is expecting the publications to pay for what they have done. “When you fabricate stories about me in order to make money for yourselves with no regard for the truth or the reputation I’ve spent a lifetime cultivating, it’s going to cost you,” she bluntly states. Knowingly dragging her name through the mud has just activated her drive to fight. She says, “When you’ve done it multiple times, it’s unconscionable and will be expensive. It has to be expensive so that you will stop.” Notably, this isn’t the first offense from the Enquirer. For instance, in 2017, the outlet printed a retraction and gave an apology for falsely claiming she had Alzheimer’s disease and depression. Additionally, they also alleged she cheated on her husband.

What do you think about Judge Judy Sheindlin’s new lawsuit against InTouch Weekly and the National Enquirer? Are you tuning in for the new series, Judy Justice? Do you enjoy all the reruns of her CBS series? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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