Chasing Life Season 1 Episode 15 - TV Fanatic
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Beth warns Natalie and Dom off each other.

April and Beth come home early from the club as April is tired. When Beth goes home, Natalie talks her into going out. April sees pictures online and gets jealous. This gets worse when Beth lies to her about going out. April asks Beth if they can go to the pub the next day and tries to be upbeat.

At the pub, Natalie joins in and they all decide to have a house warming. April's idea is quickly shot down for the theme.

At the party, April gets really drunk and sings on the karaoke and makes a fool of herself.

She and Beth have a massive argument and they fall out.

The next morning they make up.

Brenna has a rough time in school when someone makes a meme about her. She joins forces with Ford to take the person down who done it. She and Ford make friends again.

Brenna is annoyed when Greer doesn't stick up for her. Greer tries to make it up to her, but Brenna shoots her down and goes to class.

Sara and Leo finally meet and find common ground. Leo gets a job and has trouble seeing. He throws a sandwich down.

Chasing Life
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Chasing Life Season 1 Episode 15 Quotes

Sara: No one listens to me.
Brenna: What'd you say?

Beth: I've hardly seen you tonight.
April: Well, maybe if you weren't up Natalie's butt we could have hung out more.