Driving Distance from Winnipeg, Canada to Toronto, Canada

The driving distance from Winnipeg, Manitoba to Toronto, Ontario is:

1,387 miles / 2 232 km

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Driving distance from Winnipeg, Canada to Toronto, Canada

The total driving distance from Winnipeg, Canada to Toronto, Canada is 1,387 miles or 2 232 kilometers.

Your trip begins in Winnipeg, Canada. It ends in Toronto, Canada.

If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Winnipeg, Canada to Toronto, Canada so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.

You can also calculate the cost of driving from Winnipeg, Canada to Toronto, Canada based on current local fuel prices and an estimate of your car's best gas mileage.

Since this is a long drive, you might want to stop halfway and stay overnight in a hotel. You can find the city that is halfway between Winnipeg, Canada and Toronto, Canada.

Planning to fly a plane instead? You might be more interested in calculating the straight line distance to fly from Winnipeg, Canada to Toronto, Canada.

Though long, driving from Winnipeg to Toronto will allow you to see so much more and give you the freedom to stop and visit places of interest. You have the options of driving on just the Canadian side or making it an 'international' trip and drive through the United States before arriving in Toronto.

If you are looking for a halfway point to stop for the night or stay a few days we suggest Madison WI. Madison is a four seasons destination with plenty of outdoor activities, cultural events, award-winning restaurants (try Madison fish fry), and museums.

The city has 13 beaches and over 200 parks. The Henry Villas Zoo is admission-free and open year round. The UW Geology Museum is admission-free. It has an extensive display of geological and mineralogical samples from Wisconsin. Or visit Wisconsin State Capitol, with the only granite domed building in the United States.

You need a valid passport for each passenger and proper car registration if you are driving through the US side.

Winnipeg, Manitoba

City: Winnipeg
Province: Manitoba
Country: Canada
Category: cities

Toronto, Ontario

City: Toronto
Province: Ontario
Country: Canada
Category: cities

Driving distance calculator

Travelmath helps you find driving distances based on actual directions for your road trip. You can get the distance between cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes to figure out the best route to travel to your destination. Combine this information with the fuel cost tool to find out how much it will cost you to drive the distance, or compare the results to the straight line distance to determine whether it's better to drive or fly. You can print out pages with a travel map.

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