To locate a person buried in one of Council's cemeteries, use our online cemeteries search:

  • easy to use, easy to navigate modern interface
  • mobile friendly
  • search all Cairns Regional Council cemeteries in one place
  • clear aerial imagery shows locations and plot numbers

Search tips

  • use the simple search bar in the upper left of the map screen to search by first name/s, surname, cemetery or plot information
  • use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to search for part of a known name eg Smit*
  • search by all, or part of, the surname
  • minimum of three characters required. For 2-letter surnames, type a known Christian name as well
  • try different spellings eg "Petersen" instead of "Peterson", or "O Sullivan" instead of "O'Sullivan"

The information contained in this search tool has been generated from Cairns Regional Council records. Some of these were paper-based and transcribed from old burial books where the handwriting can be illegible or hard to read. Transcription errors may exist. For any corrections, please let us know by emailing

Browser compatibility note: This new search is not compatible with Internet Explorer. To get the best experience, we recommend you use one of the latest versions of the following web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari.

Search cemetery records

Last Updated: 7 March 2023

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