Harbin Icy Pure | Harbin Brewery Group | BeerAdvocate

Harbin Icy Pure
Harbin Brewery Group

Harbin Icy PureHarbin Icy Pure
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Harbin Brewery Group
American Adjunct Lager
Ranked #195
Ranked #27,501
2.62 | pDev: 14.5%
Aug 06, 2022
Aug 25, 2013
No description / notes.
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Rated: 2.47 by Kiro from Russian Federation

Aug 06, 2022
Rated: 2.95 by Eman17 from Illinois

Sep 01, 2019
Rated: 3 by DaPan from Canada (ON)

Aug 02, 2018
Rated: 2.47 by pottertaker from Mexico

Jul 16, 2016
Rated: 2.75 by bird_soul from Netherlands

Jun 28, 2016
Rated: 1.94 by 54V4G3 from Belgium

May 11, 2016
Photo of OompaMentor
Reviewed by OompaMentor from Georgia

2.83/5  rDev +8%
look: 3 | smell: 3 | taste: 2.75 | feel: 2.75 | overall: 2.75
This beer is an Anheuser-Busch InBev product brewed in China. It is considered a Pale Lager with a 4.8 ABV and is the earliest beer brewed in China dating back to 1900. This was my third beer while in China for business in April 2015 and my research before leaving the states indicated this beer was considered #6 of the Top 10 China beers. The graphics on the can have changed from the depicted picture; it now depicts the NBA logo at the bottom. Purchased from a 7-11; took it to the hotel room and poured from the the 330ml can into a glass.

A - golden yellow, with moderate carbonation and reasonable head
S - Malty and sweet; I had high hopes being this was an AB/InBev product
T - Light, with slight hop - it left me wanting!
F - light, somewhat bland

Another China beer. I have come to realize these session beers are beginning to taste the same! Disappointing for AB/ImBev in my book.
Dec 29, 2015
Photo of Mdog
Reviewed by Mdog from Minnesota

2.35/5  rDev -10.3%
look: 3.5 | smell: 2.25 | taste: 2 | feel: 3 | overall: 2.5
Appearance: Clear yellow, good head.

Smell: Light, bit of corn sweetness.

Taste: Really light taste, just a touch of grain and that's it.

Overall: Beer #1 from the "Family Mart" convenience store near the hotel in Shanghai. Not much selection here. 500mL can. Harbin Icy Pure is not bad, I would consider it a light beer instead of the "full strength" lager. It was really light on flavor and feel, but since it is usually over 100F in Shanghai in July, that's not bad.
Aug 02, 2015
Rated: 3 by vincentheo from Florida

May 19, 2014
Photo of samparkique4
Reviewed by samparkique4 from England

3.13/5  rDev +19.5%
look: 2.5 | smell: 3.25 | taste: 3.25 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
sincerely chinese beer
from 7-11 local store
crispy lagery and citrusy sweet
malty and sweet
fruity of sweet cataloupe
sweet fruity hop ... touch of lager hop but quite bland and easy drinking.
medium yellow orange color with a large, frothy,
May 03, 2014
Rated: 2 by BigCheese from Massachusetts

Jan 13, 2014
Rated: 2.5 by Booner818 from California

Nov 17, 2013
Rated: 2.25 by dcmchew from Romania

Nov 04, 2013
Photo of woodychandler
Reviewed by woodychandler from Pennsylvania

3.02/5  rDev +15.3%
look: 5 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 2.75
This beer came to me courtesy of einweizenbitte from one of his overseas junkets. I put it in the reefer meaning to add it, but since adding requires a review, I did not want to Crack it open without a viable picture. It then fell to me to get a good camera and once I did, other beers somehow took precedence until today. My humble apologies.

From the CAN: "Harbin Beer Since 1900"; "Harbin Beer, the earliest Chinese beer brewed in 1900, is the origin of the beer brewing industry in China. With hundred years infusion of China's traditional culture, Harbin Beer brings a pure, good taste that you never resist."

The Crack in this case was actually a Pop! as in a pop-top and I got that spritz that used to be the trademark of such openings. It was nostalgic in its own way. The inverted Glug produced a finger of fizzing, foamy, bone-white head that quickly dissipated to wisps. Color was a really, extremely pale yellow with button-brightness. SRM = maybe 2. It was that pale and light. Nose smelled like silage, so I knew what I was getting into. Mouthfeel was light and airy, almost ethereal. The taste was not as heavily overdone with adjuncts as some of its AmeriCAN counterparts, but it was till not going to supplant anything already on the cooler list. Finish was semi-dry and mildly refreshing, but it all added up to not my cuppa tea.
Aug 25, 2013