1. Eginsoft's Avatar
    Dear Crackberry,

    I have an issue with wifi on my phone z10, in last two days I cant connect to my office wifi, other phone can connected but if I connect to other wifi or hotspot it connected. Im already check to the admin to reset the router but still failed..please help anyone who has knowledge about this..

    Thank you

    Wifi issue : hotspot login-img_20160420_111951.png
    Wifi issue : hotspot login-img_20160420_112004.png
    Wifi issue : hotspot login-img_20160420_112015.png

    Posted via CB10
    04-20-16 03:38 AM
  2. Bla1ze's Avatar
    Not sure what you can do. It really does appear to be on the router side. You can try deleting the profile and adding it again to see if that fixes it I suppose.
    04-21-16 06:46 AM
  3. Eginsoft's Avatar
    Not sure what you can do. It really does appear to be on the router side. You can try deleting the profile and adding it again to see if that fixes it I suppose.
    Ive done it but the result still same, I cant using wifi in my office until now btw thanks for reply

    Posted via CB10
    04-21-16 08:16 AM

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