Grace & Truth with Owen Strachan | Salem Podcast Network

Grace & Truth with Owen Strachan

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Grace and Truth exists to equip listeners to engage their world in faith, hope, and love. This program engages theology, culture, politics, and the arts from a distinctly biblical perspective, ultimately offering hearers the gospel of Jesus Christ. Grace and Truth is aimed at worldview formation, revelational confidence, and an unleashed church that shows the grace and truth of our Savior and Lord (John 1:17)

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Patriarchy vs. Complementarity (with Grant Castleberry)

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Senior Pastor of Capital Community Church in Raleigh, N.C., Grant Castleberry joins Dr. Owen Strachan and they discuss the patriarchy, complementarity, and biblical manhood and womanhood. They address the controversies and challenges surrounding these issues, including the rise of soft complementarity and the dangers of extreme patriarchy. They emphasize the importance of being grounded in Scripture and seeking to understand and apply God's design for male leadership and female submission. They also caution against overcorrection and encourage men to lead with love, compassion, and humility, following the example of Christ.

Why "Caveman" Fathers Protect Their Daughters

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Dr. Owen Strachan discusses the importance of men being protectors in today's society. He addresses the common critique of masculinity and the concept of toxic masculinity, highlighting a clip from Chris Cuomo where he argues against the instinct to protect women and children, labeling it as caveman-like. Owen emphasizes that it is a good and godly thing for men to be protectors and encourages men to reject the cultural narrative and fulfill their calling to protect. He also highlights the biblical foundation for manly protection and the example of Jesus as the ultimate protector.

Are Christian Nationalists Right About the Constitution?

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Dr. Owen Strachan addresses the idea that the Constitution of America is a dead letter. He argues against the perspective that the Constitution no longer governs anyone and that conservatives and Christians should stop acting as if it still matters. Strachan emphasizes the importance of continuing to teach American civics and to uphold the democratic principles of America. He also highlights the biblical call to submit to current government, drawing on passages from 1 Peter and Romans. Strachan cautions against the idea of abandoning citizenship and instead encourages perseverance and prayer in difficult times.

The Sovereignty of God Is a Soft Pillow

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Dr. Owen Strachan dives into how the sovereignty of God is a tremendously comforting reality for Christians. It is a truth that competes with what unbelievers live by and vastly outweighs any principle or belief they seek to live by. The sovereignty of God is not a passive or wishy-washy truth, but a powerful and active reality. It is a pillow of truth that provides rest and comfort, but also serves as a launching pad for Christians to do all sorts of things for God. Christians should not be scared to rest in the sovereignty of God, as it is the softest pillow upon which they can lay their heads.

Are You Justified By Your Quiet Time?

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Dr. Owen Strachan discusses the balance between structure and freedom in the Christian life and how legalism can be avoided. He emphasizes that while God provides structure, He also gives genuine freedom through Jesus. Strachan explores various areas where Christians have freedom to make decisions, such as parenting, family worship, and church practices. He cautions against turning good practices into legalistic rules and highlights the importance of resting in Christ and His finished work.

Four Types Of Legalism

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Dr. Owen Strachan defines legalism and identifies four major forms of legalism: salvific legalism, sanctificatory legalism, ecclesial legalism, and public legalism. He emphasizes the importance of the authority of Scripture and warns against adding to what the Bible teaches. Strachan highlights the need for wisdom in navigating the gray areas of the Christian life and the danger of becoming legalistic in our pursuit of obedience. He also discusses the regulative principle of worship and the freedom we have in corporate worship, while cautioning against legalistic standards. Finally, he reminds listeners that we are under a new covenant in Christ and are called to follow God's Word as our ultimate authority.

The God Who Loves to Love (Part 2)

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Dr. Owen Strachan explores the theme of the love of God as a central theme in the Bible and in the lives of believers. The host emphasizes the importance of not pitting the attributes of God against each other, but rather understanding that all of God's attributes are equally present in Him. He addresses the fear that some evangelicals have of talking about the love of God, and the danger of reducing the love of God to a squishy form that neglects holiness.

The God Who Loves to Love (Part 1)

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

In this conversation, Dr. Owen Strachan explores the fundamental theme of the Bible: the love of God. While the holiness of God is important, the Owen argues that the Bible is ultimately about God's love for His people. Owen stresses that the love of God is demonstrated through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the offer of salvation to all who believe. This love is the greatest reality in all of religion and brings security, identity, and joy to everyday living.

Godly Men Don’t Dominate Women

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Dr. Owen Strachan critiques the idea that men should dominate their wives and children. He argues that this concept is not biblical and is influenced by secular movements like red pill manhood. Strachan emphasizes that biblical manhood is characterized by Christ-like leadership, which involves serving and cherishing one's wife. He also highlights the importance of clarity and teaching on biblical manhood in the church, as many young men are seeking guidance from outside sources. Strachan concludes by urging listeners to help and support young men in their journey towards biblical manhood.

Is Outbreeding Islam the Great Commission?

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Dr. Owen Strachan weighs in on the discussion surrounding whether or not Christians should try to "outbreed" other ideologies such as Islam or wokeness. Owen emphasizes that while children are a blessing from God, we should put our hope in the risen Christ.

Should Babies Cry In Church?

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Dr. Owen Strachan weighs in on the debate concerning babies making noise during church service. How much noise is too much noise? Are some Christians overreacting and is there a way to find balance between silence and a cacophony of crying? Dr. Strachan answers these questions and more.

Jeremy Vuolo on Gospel Freedom

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

 Dr. Owen Strachan is joined by Jeremy Vuolo, a Shepherd at Grace Community Church, and they discuss their approach to using their platform for ministry and preaching the gospel. They emphasize the importance of being faithful to their calling and reaching out to those who may not have access to the truth. They caution against adding man-made rules and restrictions to the Christian faith and encourage a focus on the sufficiency of Scripture. They also address the tendency to control and judge others, emphasizing the need to follow Christ and not be consumed by comparison or competition.

Defending Israel Against Wokeness (with Ryan Helfenbein)

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Dr. Owen Strachan is joined by Ryan Helfenbein, the VP for Communications at Liberty University and the Founding Executive Director of the Standing for Freedom Center, to discuss the anti-Israel protests that have swept over college campuses. What's behind these protests? Can Israel be criticized without being antisemitic? How does wokeness factor into what we're seeing? Dr. Strachan and Mr. Helfenbein answer these questions and a lot more!

Jinger Duggar Vuolo on Biblical Womanhood

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Dr. Strachan and Jinger Duggar Vuolo discuss the effects of legalism and the importance of finding freedom in Christian womanhood. They talk about the negative impact of legalistic teachings on individuals, particularly women, and how it can lead to fear, oppression, and a distorted view of God. They emphasize the need for individuals to reevaluate their beliefs and seek biblical counseling or discipleship to work through the pain and hurt caused by legalism. They also highlight the importance of finding a supportive church community and trusted individuals to share and grow with. 

Jinger Duggar Vuolo on Legalism and Grace

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Dr. Owen Strachan interviews Jinger Duggar Vuolo about her background in the Gothardist system and her journey to disentangle her faith from fear. They discuss the harmful teachings of Bill Gothard, the founder of the system, and how it promoted legalism, fear, and control. Jinger shares her experience of growing up in the public eye and the pressure to conform to the strict rules and expectations. She also talks about her journey to true Christian faith and the freedom she found in Christ.

Competing with Kobe, Walking with Jesus (with Mike Penberthy)

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Dr. Owen Strachan is joined by Mike Penberthy, a former NBA player and current scout for the Denver Nuggets. They discuss various topics including basketball, faith, and the pursuit of excellence. Mike shares his journey from playing basketball as a child to making it to the NBA. They also talk about the importance of balancing basketball and faith, and how to avoid idolizing the game. They touch on the mentality of players like Kobe Bryant and the intensity and focus required to succeed at the highest level. 

Overcoming Fear-Based Religion

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Dr. Owen Strachan talks about how fear-based religion operates on the premise of control. However, the gospel of Jesus Christ frees believers from fear-based systems. The fear of God is necessary for knowledge and wisdom, but it is not a terror of God's wrath. Christian fear is rooted in awe and reverence, not in slave-like terror.

Overcoming Your Temper (with Dale Thackrah)

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Dr. Owen Strachan and Dale Thackrah, Executive Pastor at Redeemer Bible Church in Arizona, discuss the issue of angry men and how to help them. They explore the factors that contribute to anger in men, such as fatherlessness, broken homes, and unmet desires. They emphasize the importance of understanding the gospel and finding freedom in Christ as a way to address anger issues. They also caution against the dangers of Christian nationalism and the pursuit of political power as a means to bring about change. Instead, they advocate for a focus on personal transformation and living out the gospel in love and forgiveness.

Rebuilding Men with the Gospel (with Dale Thackrah)

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Dr. Owen Strachan and Dale Thackrah, Executive Pastor at Redeemer Bible Church in Arizona, discuss the importance of men cultivating a good marriage and family life. They highlight the confusion and different voices that men often face in today's culture, leading to a lack of understanding of their role in the family. They emphasize the need for men to prioritize their families over worldly success and to pursue sacrificial leadership. The conversation also touches on the importance of emotional stability, humility, and following Christ as a model for leadership.

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Vote for the Best Possible Candidate

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Dr. Owen Strachan discusses how Christians should approach politics and voting. He emphasizes the privilege of political participation and the need for Christians to use their agency to choose the best possible candidate or policy. Strachan also highlights the gray areas and complexities of politics, urging Christians to seek wisdom from the Holy Spirit. He reminds listeners to remember their eschatology and the ultimate hope they have in Jesus, rather than falling into fear-based paradigms or naive idealism.

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